
Chapter 1789 Killed twice!

The game lasted nearly 6 minutes.

The head count of the blue and purple legions on the field was tied at 1 to 1.

But even just such a start has already revealed an aura that makes people unable to help but feel terrified.

Wolf's Twilight Eye's single kill operation on the top lane was already breathtaking, realizing the terrifying personal strength of SSK's main top laner.

But the two mid-lane sieges by the blue side God's midfielder and jungler were not only frightening... but also felt the cruel and fierce atmosphere.

Many people haven't fully seen it yet, or haven't fully figured out the way.

But just the fact that Han Shihao's mid laner Ike was killed online was enough to shock them all.

It's not that the world's number one mid laner, leader of the Yonko, has never died.

But at least...

It is really rare to see someone being killed and taken away in this way.

So fierce.

It was also too powerful and powerful, almost making people feel breathless and oppressive at that moment.

The blue side, center and jungler both flashed together.

Syndra's RE second company directly blocked all Ekko's movements, and Olaf flashed and dealt full damage to his face.

There is only one piece of information revealed here——

You are dead.

Scenes like this may be seen in other professional arenas, but the problem is that this time the target is the world's number one mid laner of the SSK team, which is really rare to the extreme.

"You are so killed that you have no temper at all..."

Someone in the audience murmured like this.

On the Assassin Club side, a substitute player looked around and whispered:


"It feels really exciting, doesn't it?"

This statement immediately received unanimous nods of approval from many people.


Shock is one thing.

And seeing with one's own eyes that the high-ranking leader of the Four Emperors was killed in such a brutal and direct way, one really couldn't help but feel excited and excited from the bottom of his heart——

Your majestic F-Han Shihao, it turns out that you are not incapable of being beaten.

The next direction of the battle seems destined to satisfy the excitement-seeking mentality of these spectators.


Maybe more scares too.

7 minutes into the game.

Only about a minute had passed since the previous wave of kills in the middle.

On the top lane, Gnar of the blue side God team has been completely suppressed by the opponent's Eye of Twilight Shen. The personal operational strength of the top laners on both sides was that Wolf was far superior, and now he got the kill. Starting with the first blood equipment, Gnar was directly disabled, his health was reduced, and he was forced to retreat to the tower, and it was difficult to even gain all the experience of the army line.

On the bottom lane, the fight is still extremely fierce.

Before the junglers of both sides chose to roam the bottom lane for ganks, the bottom lane combinations of both sides fought more confidently and boldly. As the ice level gradually increased, they became more and more capable of trying to compete head-on. Taking the initiative, but the ADC Holy Lance Ranger under the control of Huangxue Yege still firmly controlled the rhythm in his own hands.

The confrontation between two top professional ADC players is still full of exciting* atmosphere.

Another wave of troops pressed under the defensive tower of the opponent's purple side army. You can see that Huangxue Yege's ADC Obama still pushed forward strongly and started to hit the tower to grind blood, while the auxiliary Thresh turned away. Near the mouth of the river, we should be preparing to make eyesight to give us a better view——

On the jungle side, Nightmare finally reached level 6.

After learning the ultimate move, Eternal Nightmare has truly gained its own gank killing ability, and especially under the control of one of the world's top wild kings like Mafa, the first wave of roaming ganks is also highly anticipated.

As for the jungler Olaf of the blue side God team, I have to say that the previous two waves of roaming have brought huge surprises to the players and players of various clubs on the field - I didn’t expect to face Mafa, this God team’s The main jungler can still perform so well.

At this moment, you can see that Olaf has been rushing towards the middle...

etc! ?

Suddenly, the spectators from various clubs outside the field came to their senses with a sudden start. Their eyes widened and they stared at the OB screen on the spectator screen, and their mouths began to open uncontrollably:


Another hit! ?

In fact, it wasn't even just jungler Olaf who came.

Because of the OB picture from God’s perspective, more players and team members soon made a commotion and exclaimed in the crowd of spectators in the training room:

"Hammer stone!"

"Damn it, the assistant is here too!?"


The blue side's assistant Soullock Warden, who seemed to have just walked to the river mouth in the bottom lane just a moment ago and was about to lay out his vision, unexpectedly arrived quietly and quickly just as his own ADC teammate Obama cleared the lane in the bottom lane. Come to the middle road!

Even faster than Olaf!

Thresh makes grass.

Ike quickly approaches the target!

Flash directly!

There was another flash that made the whole audience shake. The soul-locked warden's figure, accompanied by a burst of bright golden light, suddenly appeared not far in front of Ike. A W skill soul was thrown behind him. The lamp instantly pulled his jungler Olaf and his teammates to his side.

Thresh's E skill is released.

The "Pendulum of Doom" will hit the target Ike from behind!

Slow down and control it!

The Q skill's "Death Sentence" swings the sickle chain and shoots out with a roar. At such a close range and being slowed down, a summoner skill [Flash] still has a few progress bars left before it can be cooled down. Even if the time assassin had incredible operational and reaction speed, it would be impossible for him to dodge this hook to the face.


Accompanied by a "crunch" sound of metal friction making one's teeth hurt.

The chains tightened.

Drag the target's time assassin back step by step.

Olaf swung his double ax and threw out the Q skill, strode forward and used the W skill to directly level A and then E.

Syndra, the mid laner from behind, arrived.

QE took action for the second time, and a black light ball was suddenly pushed forward by "The Weak Man Retreats", knocking Ike back and dazed him without any suspense.

Olaf made another flat A and then picked up the ax Q.

Sindra Ping A.

The health bar on top of Ike's head quickly bottomed out until it was cleared to zero.

"You-have--an-enemy (you killed an enemy hero)."

The kill announcement from the system's female voice sounded again.

The head was given up by teammates to Dawnstar's mid laner Syndra.

At this point, the Dark Head's record data has reached 2/0/0.

However, what really made the whole audience shocked and speechless was the KDA situation of the purple side SSK team's mid laner Ekko——


More than 7 minutes into the game.


Killed twice in succession!

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 10 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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