
Chapter 260 Tangtang, run!

Seeing the Shanghai Electric Power Association team changing positions on the opposite side, several members of the School of Finance team suddenly looked a little ugly.

In their view, the group of high school students opposite were simply provocative.

Is it a big deal to win just one round?

Also playing in a different position?

"Their mid laner switched to support, right..."

As the team's ADC, Qiu Le's eyes suddenly narrowed:

"Lao Xie, show some real skills and let him see that we are not just soft persimmons in the bottom lane."

Assistant Xie Qing also snorted coldly, his eyes flashing coldly:

"Don't worry, I'll teach that kid a lesson."

After the first game, several members of the Shanghai University of Finance team have admitted that Lin Feng's mid laner is indeed very strong, and they will not deny this.

But mid laner and support are completely different things.

Just because you can play the mid laner well doesn't mean that your support level is strong enough.

What's more, even if your support level is not bad, no matter how strong a support is, it is impossible to carry more than the mid laner.

"These arrogant brats must pay the price for their arrogance."

As the jungler of the team, Huang Yang sneered and turned his head to look at his captain Luo Yu:

"Captain Luo, there should be no pressure on you in the middle this round."

Indeed, not only did Lin Feng's mid laner switch to the auxiliary position on the opposite side, but An Xin, who was originally in the jungle position, also moved to the mid lane to play the mid lane position, directly facing off against Luo Yu.

Several members of the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics team did not think that the girl on the opposite side could compete with their captain in the mid lane.

Suppressed to the rhythm of death.

Listening to his jungler teammate's words, Luo Yu nodded slightly and said "hmm".

But looking at the little mage in the middle lane on the purple side opposite him, his brows frowned subconsciously.

Because I don’t know why…

He always felt that this game would not be as simple as they imagined.

(Is it possible?)

(That girl opposite is really strong even as a mid laner?)

The second game started quickly.

Several first-team members of the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics team also quickly and shockingly realized the error of their previous ideas.

It's just ridiculous.

Because after the opponent's lineup was changed on the spot, it was still as strong!



In the middle, just a few minutes of fighting directly caused Luo Yu's expression to change.

The captain of the school team of the School of Finance, who is ranked as the king of the national server electronics, actually had sweat oozing out from his forehead:

Why did he feel that the pressure put on him by the little mage on the opposite side was not even weaker than that of the boy's swordsman Yasuo in the previous game?

Perfect positioning and line control for last-hitting.

With the grasp and control of various distances between advance and retreat, several of the Clockwork Demon's flat-A operations were unexpectedly canceled by the system, and several skill consumptions were easily avoided by moving around.

The little mage who controls his mid laner continues to steadily develop his last hits online, but An Xin in front of the computer screen looks calm and calm.

Mid laner?

There was a faint smile on the corner of the girl's mouth:

She never said...

She only knows how to play jungle.

However, if you really want to talk about it, Qiu Le and Xie Qing, who are on the bottom lane, should be the most affected by the Shanghai University of Finance team.

They had already simmered up their anger, and in this round, they had to show off the bottom lane to the guy on the opposite side who didn't know how to deal with the situation and came to play support.

It didn't take long for them to discover

It was themselves who were being taught a lesson.

At the 4th minute of the game, the auxiliary Thresh controlled by Lin Feng flashed forward and then used the E skill "Pendulum of Doom" to slow down and control the opponent's auxiliary Feng Nu.

Tang Bingyao's ADC Obama immediately rushed in with his E skill to keep up with him. He raised his gun and fired two straight A bursts with "bang bang".

Q again, A again.

Feng Nu, who had already lost a lot of her health in front of her, immediately used [Flash] to escape, and at the same time twisted her body as hard as she could to avoid Thresh's hook.

But didn't hide.

The Soul Lock Warden under Lin Feng's control shot out a "Death Sentence" and hit the target accurately. The cold metal chain dragged Janna back, and then threw the W skill lantern at Obama. , and at the same time, the second stage Q rushes forward to keep up.


Go and cut the A.

Tang Bingyao's ADC Obama tied A with the last two hits, easily completing the kill and taking away Feng Nu's head.

First blood is guaranteed.

"Oh nice!"

Lin Feng smiled happily: "Hahaha, my Thresh is still very strong, and it's not bad against Tangtang~"

After being praised, Tang Bingyao nodded happily and said "Yeah".

Speaking of which, Tang Bingyao has partnered with many supports now, but whether it is Wei Dong, Zeng Rui or An Xin, compared with Lin Feng, she is still more accustomed to partnering with the latter in the bottom lane.

Putting aside some personal reasons, it is enough simply because Lin Feng's playing style is in perfect harmony with Tang Bingyao.

Two people……

They all fall into the category of being aggressive in the bottom lane and leaving no escape route for themselves.

To put it more simply

"Just do it hahahaha!"

Fortunately, Lin Feng's laughter was not heard by the two bottom laners of the opposite School of Finance team, otherwise Qiu Le and Xie Qing would probably have turned green.

In fact, Qiu Le and Xie Qing's expressions were not much better at this moment.

Basically they are as black as the bottom of a pot.

They were beaten to death, but they didn't expect that the guy on the opposite side who originally played the mid laner would switch to the support position and play Thresh, and he could actually be the kind of magic hook that hits hundreds of times.

It is truly "a hundred Qs and a hundred hits" in the literal sense.

Under the stage, the auxiliary players of the second team of the School of Finance in the front row of the auditorium were simply stunned:

"What the hell..."

"Is this Thresh a cheater!?"

At the 6th minute of the game, the blue side jungler Lee Sin wandered down the lane and hit the target Obama with a Q skill "Tian Yin Wave". Almost at the same time, Lin Feng's auxiliary Thresh had begun to retreat, and a W skill "Soul" "Yinzhi Lamp" was thrown towards Tang Bingyao.

Blind monk's second stage Q rushes forward.

Having calculated the time correctly, Tang Bingyao quickly lit the lantern and let her Holy Lance Ranger and the blind monk be pulled back by the lantern.

The pupils in Huang Yang's eyes suddenly shrank.

The sense of crisis suddenly came over him, but fortunately, he reacted very quickly and controlled the blind man to directly insert the eye protection into the eye position, and just avoided the danger of being carried by the opponent's lantern and flying under the opponent's tower.

But before Huang Yang could breathe a sigh of relief, a tooth-grinding sound of metal friction was heard.


At some point, a cold metal sickle chain shot towards him, wrapping around and tying the blind monk to death.

The next moment, Huang Yang was dumbfounded as he watched his opponent's auxiliary Thresh activate his second Q and rush towards him quickly.

(What, what’s going on?)

The thought just emerged in his mind, and then Huang Yang suddenly noticed with numbness that in the direction of the bottom river mouth, the opponent's jungle prince and mid laner mage from the purple side had also quickly arrived for support.

A counterattack!


Both heads fell into the hands of Tang Bingyao's ADC Obama.

The rhythm is getting faster and faster.

In just seven or eight minutes, the bottom lane combination of the School of Finance team was completely overwhelmed, and the outer tower of the bottom lane was directly destroyed.

"Tangtang keeps pushing, and the army line will press through!"

Lin Feng urged enthusiastically.

Tang Bingyao was not ambiguous at all. Obama, who was controlling himself, continued to push the line of troops strongly, pushing towards the second tower of the opponent's blue side legion along the way.

After suppressing the army line, go to the wild area and sweep two waves.

But at this time, several members of the Blue Team's School of Finance team couldn't bear it anymore. How could they allow their opponents to be so arrogant in the bottom lane? ?

As a result, it happened to be at this time that Lin Feng's auxiliary Thresh caught the opponent's auxiliary Feng Nu who also came to act as an ward in the jungle. He didn't even need to use the hook. He used the E skill to slow down and control the face, and the big move directly opened the "Netherworld Prison". Feng Nu is trapped in it.

Tang Bingyao, who had already made the Storm Sword, controlled Obama to come up and deal a set of damage. [Flash] caught up with him and hit A twice, directly getting the kill.

"Rampage (a hero has gone on a rampage)!"

Holy Lance Ranger Lucian, record data 4/0/0.

And also at the same time

On the blue side, Huang Yang gritted his teeth and controlled his jungle blind monk to kill!

Unable to bear it any longer, Shannar directly teleported over!

Luo Yu calmly controlled the Clockwork Demon Spirit from the middle to go into the jungle, outflanking Thresh and Obama's retreat!

Including Qiu Le's ADC Jinx who came from the bottom lane, this wave is a situation where the four blue team members will surround and kill!

Obama and Thresh are almost certain to die!


Lin Feng reacted and exclaimed:

"This wave seems to be a bit too big."

Then he shouted at the top of his voice without thinking:



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