
Chapter 1780 6 minutes

On the viewing screen, this training match has entered the game reading stage, and the lineups of the blue and purple legions are clearly visible to everyone.

On the blue team God team, the lineup selected did not seem too surprising.

"Top laner Gnar and mid laner Syndra are both strong online heroes in the current version."

In the training room, there were players from other division teams watching and commenting, and many other players nearby also subconsciously nodded in agreement.

The God team's top and mid laners have no problem with these two moves.

Not to mention that Gnar on the top lane has a strong position as OP in the current version. He has great room for performance in both laning and team battles. As for the dark leader Syndra in the middle lane, he can already attract everyone present. expectations.

Dawnstar's mid laner Syndra.

You must know that the hero Dark Head has always been extremely powerful in this version of the competition. For the top professional mid laners in various major regions, there is no one who will not use this hero. As the first mid laner in the LPL, Dawn Morning Star Of course there will be no exception.

But everyone knows how to use it, but they can still differentiate themselves.

In the hands of a top-level mid laner like Dawnstar, the hero Syndra will definitely be more powerful than other ordinary first-line professional players.

"Bottom lane... This Huangxue Yege seems to be looking for a fight with the opponent."

Some people also paid attention to the bottom lane.

Obama and Thresh are two rival heroes in the official League of Legends story. However, if they are used as a combination partner in the game, they also have extremely strong offensive capabilities. If Thresh hooks the Q accurately, he may even have a chance to cooperate with Obama. Completed the laning kill——

Looking at the summoner skill [Ignite] brought out by the auxiliary members of the God team, it is obvious that it is full of murderous intent.

But having said that, the purple side SSK team also did a good job in dealing with the bottom lane. Ashe’s point output ability is also not weak after she develops a certain level, and the auxiliary bull head can also provide ice shooters without displacement skills. Get good protection.

It can be said that the combination of the two sides in the bottom lane should be close to a 50-50 situation.

What exactly will it look like?

It still depends on the operations of both players.

But when it comes to this, God's team's lineup does not have the hero selection for every position as expected.

At least.

The position of jungler seems a bit unexpected.


In the corridor outside the training room, the camera crews of various e-sports media were also watching the match in real time on the partition wall around several electronic viewing screens. They looked at the jungler position in the blue team's lineup and were stunned. A host from a European e-sports media couldn't help but frowned in confusion:

"This move... doesn't look like God's style."

As a professional host of a senior e-sports media in Europe, he has even served as an analyst for a second-tier team in the European LCS. Coby, a senior e-sports man who is over 30 years old, has many opinions on the players of the teams in various major regions. It can be said that he is very familiar with the situation, so he can see the problem with Olaf at a glance:

"The God team's playing style has always been based on the two C positions in the middle and bottom lane as the core of the offense. Their top laner and jungler are weaker, so they are generally more conservative when choosing heroes."

“In this year’s LPL league, I remember that God’s junglers basically used heroes such as Excavator and Nightmare who tended to farm in the early stages. It was rare to see him using an offensive jungler. "

Listening to Coby's analysis, many other colleagues nearby also nodded. It is true. Based on their understanding of the God Team, this Olaf is really not what they are familiar with. Number of ways.

At the same time, Mo Sheng and Su Xue, who were close to the electronic viewing screen in the front row of the crowd, could not help but discuss:

"Hey, why did you choose Olaf?"

"Well, during the LPL, I basically didn't see God using this kind of early offensive jungler. Do you have any other ideas?"

"Is this...the jungler going to take the initiative to play the rhythm in the early stage?" Su Xue concluded with some uncertainty.

Mo Sheng nodded next to him and looked at the lineup of the purple SSK team on the electronic viewing screen, his eyes lit up slightly:


"There seems to be a chance."

Compared with the lineup hero selection of the blue side God team, this purple side SSK team seems to be more unexpected.

"Nightmare beware?"

In the first training room, the players and team members watching in the LPL division were also stunned. Then someone who reacted quickly, like the jungler C from the KG team, suddenly showed joy:

"Hey, this can be done in the early stage!"

"The opposing lineup... was caught by God!"


It seems that for this training match, the SSK team on the purple side has prepared a lineup system in advance, because as soon as the two points of the top laner's Eye of Twilight and the Jungle Nightmare are taken out, it can basically be done. It is confirmed that it is a routine that supports flow throughout the map.

Nightmare's level 6 ultimate move captures people across the screen.

At level 6, Shen can set up a big linkage for Nightmare to enter the field at any time.

Whether you are roaming in the middle or bottom lane, you can instantly form a 3-on-2 or 4-on-2 situation, relying on the number difference to gain a rhythm advantage.

But at the same time...such a lineup system also has corresponding disadvantages.

That is, since you can have this extremely functional ultimate move after reaching level 6, SSK's top laner and jungler heroes will also have to pay a corresponding price——

Top laner Twilight Eye is lacking in laning ability. Given Wolf's personal strength, if a stronger lane hero is chosen, God's solo top laner will probably have to endure a lot. Pressure, but now... Gnar is cautious, but the former should be more dominant in laning.

The same goes for jungle.

You are an eternal nightmare. After level 6, you learn the ultimate move. Of course, you can almost catch a target with accuracy, but before level 6, your roaming ganking ability is almost zero, not to mention that if you encounter Olaf in the jungle, you will be completely destroyed. of.

So seeing the lineup of the purple side SSK team, all the players and players in the LPL division couldn't help but be a little surprised——

According to this posture, just by banning, it feels like we have seen a lot of hope.

Nian Shisan, who was still staying at his club earlier, had slipped over to Lin Feng and the others at some point:

"Hey, this feels like something good!"

"This SSK ban selection is too much of a chance!"

There was a bit of unstoppable excitement in his tone.

Lin Feng looked at the lineup of the purple army on the field and nodded slowly:


"Just look at the first 6 minutes."

"If we can hit it in the first six minutes, it will be half stable."

At the same time, on the other side of the training room, the two Yonkos Autumn and Moon also came to the same conclusion as someone:

"Six minutes."

"If you can't do anything within six minutes, God is finished."

Here is an update, ah ah ah, I am still working and can’t watch IG’s games. I hope IG will work hard and beat G2!

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