
Chapter 1777 Let go and fight

A head suddenly popped up among the people of his own club team. The coaches, leaders and players of the God team were not too surprised. Instead, they were a little happy. Huangxue Yege said hello to someone:

"Here he comes, why are you moving so slowly? We are about to start a fight here."

Next to him, Dawn Morning Star looked at someone with a slight apology: "Sorry, I just had a meeting and I didn't think about it until I saw your message."

Lin Feng shrugged: "It's okay, Eleven and Fatty sent me messages to tell me, but I can guess that you are busy at the moment... Hey, how is it?"

I am still more concerned about the preparation progress and status of the God team here.

Dawn Morning Star nodded: "It's not bad, it's almost the same system we practiced last night."

On the side, Team Leader Zhang of the God Club couldn’t help but cast his gaze on Lin Feng: “Xiao Feng, you simulated this system last night. Give me the bottom line. From your point of view... how successful is it? ?”


Even now, as the club's chief manager, he is still a little worried.

Although he finally gritted his teeth and made a decision last night, he and the other coaches on the coaching staff have not really seen the specific demonstration of this new tactical system mentioned by Dawn Morning Star, especially when the opponent is SSK. The team makes people feel even more unsure.

Listening to Leader Zhang's worried inquiry, Lin Feng scratched his head:


"I told Ah Xing Laoye yesterday. Anyway, if I were on the opposite side of the road, it would still be very uncomfortable if I encountered this kind of routine system, especially when I was caught off guard. It is indeed difficult to solve - good operation If so, it’s a pretty good deal.”

These words were undoubtedly a reassurance for Team Leader Zhang and the coaches on the God coaching staff next to him. Team Leader Zhang breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest:

"With your words, I feel more at ease..."

It's not that he trusts Lin Feng as a sparring partner more than Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Yege, but because as one of the very few insiders who knows someone's identity, Team Leader Zhang knows very well that if he wants to find the most suitable person for this kind of routine, A simulated test subject, then only Lin Feng is really qualified.

If even this top legendary mid laner who was as equal as the leader of the Four Emperors back then gave such an evaluation,

Then maybe this tactical system can really be effective for the SSK team member.

"But there's still something wrong."

Huangxue Yege interjected: "We were just discussing at the end, today's game... what kind of lineup is more suitable."


Lin Feng raised his eyebrows when he heard this:


Dawn Morning Star nodded: "Well, the top, middle and jungle are actually fine, and can basically be finalized. The main issue is Aye's own ADC and partner support in the bottom lane, which has not yet been decided."

If it is a regular and formal match, then the two teams will naturally not be able to confirm a lineup before the game. They will definitely have to play against each other in the ban/pick session and make adjustments slowly. of.

But now because it is a training match, it is just a discussion and exchange. Especially today, the God team is determined to practice their tactical system, so they can slightly reduce other considerations and try to confirm the locking of five All heroes playing in each position, so as to maximize the effect of their tactical system first.

Listening to Dawnstar's explanation, there is no doubt that they will use a strong lane AP like Syndra Snake Girl or a hero like Ice Girl who can connect with the jungler to control the mid lane later. The jungle side chooses hard control like Excavator with flash W or hard damage like Olaf, and the top laner picks a functional hero to resist the pressure...

Basically it is relatively clear.

It’s just the bottom lane, where I’m still hesitant for now.

"It mainly depends on whether I am strong or insignificant in the early stage," Huangxue Yege frowned: "If I play stronger, Obama or the policewoman are both suitable, but once I am caught, there is basically no chance, but if I Choose EZ or Sivir, and in regular lanes you have to be beaten by SSK in the bottom lane. If you can't put pressure on them in the lane, I guess Mafa's jungler may not come to the bottom lane - then we can go to the top lane or the jungle. It’s going to be a disaster.”

Lin Feng nodded after hearing this.


This is the truth.

Because the core of the tactical system they practiced last night was to have the middle lane cooperate with the jungler to target the opponent's mid laner. The pressure from the opposite jungler is left to the bottom lane to handle. And if the opponent's jungler is Mafa, God's side In addition to the middle and lower lanes, the other two positions of top laner and jungler are really difficult to withstand the offensive rhythm of the top seven-king jungle king.

But having said that... if you choose Obama or the Policewoman, you can certainly have a strong effect online and attract the patronage of the opposite jungler, but whether it is the Paladin Ranger or the Piltover Policewoman, the early rhythm will be really bad once the gear is interrupted. The type that is difficult to turn over——

Therefore, selecting such a strong ADC in the lane requires a lot of risks.

"That's the way it is."

Huangxue Yege spread his hands to Lin Feng: "We were studying this before you came, and we haven't figured it out yet."

Lin Feng said "hmm", thought for a while, and looked at Huang Xue Ye Ge:

"Which one do you want to choose?"

Huangxue Yege frowned: "I told you... both have their advantages and disadvantages, and I myself -"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by someone shaking his head:

"I'm asking, regardless of the consequences, which one would you rather choose?"

Huangxue Yege was stunned for a moment, then fell silent for a moment and said:

"Of course it's stronger."

"When I faced that guy Ray, I always wanted to beat him head-on."

Lin Feng smiled:

"Then just make this choice and be done with it."

"Fight according to your own ideas."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Dawn Morning Star and Team Leader Zhang, as well as several other coaches from the God Club coaching staff:

"Maybe I'm not too mature in my thinking, but if you look at it according to my thoughts, this system is inherently risky and a gamble. So since you have already gambled... there is no need to look forward and backward too much. It is better to gamble. Bigger.”

"If you put all your chips on the table, you will have the courage to risk everything."

"If you worry about risks from the beginning and play with this mentality, I guess the effect of this system will not be as effective."

Someone who said this shrugged again and gave a general summary:

"To put it bluntly, this system is actually very simple -"

"It doesn't matter if the mid laner is F or not, we will target him to death."

"It doesn't matter if the bot lane jungler Mafa comes or not. If he doesn't come, he will kill your bot lane combination. If he comes, the three of them will do it together. If you can't do it in the bot lane, it's just to help the middle lane to buy time to continue to kill other mid laners. ”

"Anyway, it's just one word——"


Someone's words made Huangxue Yege's eyes suddenly light up:

"Damn, that's good!"

It was obvious that these words spoke directly to his heart. He was struggling with the perfect execution of this tactical system, but such entanglement went against the original intention when this system was formulated——

It means letting go of all the original playing styles that seek stability, and breaking the rules to launch a head-on challenge to an opponent who is so powerful that you need to look up to him.

Dawn Morning Star and Leader Zhang next to him looked at each other.

Then the former nodded slowly:


"That's it."

The update is coming. The next chapter will be around 10 o'clock. Today is still a busy day. .

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