
Chapter 1753 Please!

"Perhaps that idiot won't admit it to himself. Maybe he doesn't even realize it."


"He is indeed very concerned about this matter."

"In these simulated confrontation training tonight, even compared to everyone else, he is the most hard-working and serious one, isn't he?"

After being reminded by An Xin, Tang Bingyao quickly woke up.


In tonight's three simulated confrontations, someone not only played his best on the field and brought out his 100% state level, he was even the first to start resuming after each training confrontation. Game analysis, including the proposal to switch the tactical systems of both sides in the last game in order to test the system more comprehensively, was also proposed by him on his own initiative.

However, after she woke up, the girl couldn't help but be a little confused.



It is easier to understand the ideas of Nian Shisan, Tian Tian or Shi Hang. After all, they are likely to encounter the SSK team at any time in the current finals. Naturally, they hope to discover the world's number one team as soon as possible. Explore the team's flaws and find ways to defeat them.

It seems like someone——

The fastest and fastest, and we have to wait until next year's season to meet SSK.

So isn’t there still plenty of time?

Why are you so impatient?

An Xin’s words gave the answer:

"That guy... has always been such an impatient character."

"more importantly--"

"He sees the gap that now exists between himself and F, and it seems to be getting wider."

The girl who said this at that time paused again, looked at Tang Bingyao, and reminded with a smile: "Do you still remember the news that Senior No. 1 threw out before, Gopher Game Console, hand speed test, F record."

The girl woke up from a dream again.


That unbelievable and terrifying record of 10 minutes of one-handed nightmare difficulty, no matter who has heard it, it is impossible to forget it, including Tian Tian, ​​Shi Hang, Nian Shisan and other top-level professional players in the world are all listening. When I told the news, I was shocked beyond measure.

Among them, as F's only old enemy at that time, and someone who has always regarded defeating F as his biggest goal for so many years, naturally, he was definitely the most violently shocked by this news.

"That idiot... is actually working very hard."

"Otherwise, even if he had reached the peak back then, he would have regained his form from scratch after so many years. It would have been impossible for anyone else to reach the fourth level as quickly as he did. It’s in the imperial realm.”

The girl looking out the window has eyes as gentle as water:

"It's already an amazing speed."

"But that guy...isn't satisfied with himself at all."

"Compared with anyone else, his achievements are enough to be proud of, but the object of comparison he chose is the world's number one mid laner who is now standing at the top of the pyramid."

"The opponent's progress is even faster than him."

"So...that idiot got stressed."

"Starting to get impatient."

"Naturally, I cannot relax for a moment in improving my own strength, but at the same time, I also need to learn more about his old enemy's intelligence information. However, SSK has refused to give people a chance to catch a glimpse of the clues in the two days of training matches. After all, God will be able to play against SSK next year. Naturally, he will try his best to help God force out more of SSK's cards."

"Actually, it's just to better observe F's current state."

Tang Bingyao woke up:


The girl on the sofa smiled: "Yes, relying on that idiot alone is not enough for this kind of thing, so I also want to contribute."

"In such simulated confrontation training, as an experimenter of this new tactical system, you need to be strong enough in every position to simulate the level of the SSK team as much as possible, and to make this system more effective. The effect is as close to reality as possible.”

"As for the jungle position, the current Eleven has not yet returned to his peak level, so if I were to replace him... I would be able to make up for at least half of it."

The night is getting darker.

The evening breeze brought an increasingly chilly autumn chill.

Tang Bingyao's ears seemed to still be echoing with the last few words of the girl who was her best friend in the hotel room at that time.

"Let that idiot bear the pressure alone... I really can't do it."

"Originally, I should have been by his side all the time."

"But the current situation doesn't seem to allow it, so I can't expect more things in the future. I can only try my best now. At least, I can do more if I can help that guy."

"The price...is just taking more medicine."

“I have to eat it every day anyway, it doesn’t matter if I eat more or less.”

When the girl said these last words, she had a sweet smile on her face, and her expression was so relaxed that it made people feel a slight pain in their heart.

His thoughts slowly came back, and Tang Bingyao lowered her head in front of the hotel door, but her hands were slightly clenched.


Fengzi should not be allowed to bear the pressure and fight alone.

But it's also not right to let Baozi work so hard to help regardless of the cost even though he is still seriously ill.


She should do something too.

But what can she do.

It seems that with my current ability, even if I just want not to be held back, I have to work hard. As for help... where can I start talking about it?

The girl lowered her head in the evening breeze, and her hair was blown up, covering most of her face. Her expression could not be seen clearly, but you could see that the girl's lips were tightly pursed, as if she had made up her mind.

Under the cover of night, a slender figure wearing a black trench coat walked not far away.

When he came closer and looked at the appearance of his newly accepted disciple, Bullet frowned slightly and was about to ask.

But the girl suddenly raised her head and looked at the European legend of the previous generation in front of her:


"Is there any way... to make me faster and stronger?"

When she said this, the girl's face was filled with unwilling determination and a desire she had never felt before.

Bullet paused for a moment.


This top legend, who is almost on a par with Europe's Crow, South Korea's Lee Do-jae, and China's No. 1, moved his lips.

It curved slightly.

Until he revealed an almost extremely rare smile of satisfaction.

as well as--

One word answer:


He didn't even ask why the girl in front of him suddenly had such determination and desire. He just gave such a simple one-word response, but it was full of undoubted domineering.

Tang Bingyao bowed slightly with great solemnity:


The update is here, the third update is done, ah, watching the RNG game earlier, the last two games finally played as bloody as they should!

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