
Chapter 1747: Keep a trump card

Compared with the winning blue side, Huangxue Yege and Nian Shisan, who all looked exhausted and collapsed, on the contrary, although the five people from the purple side lost the match, each one of them But he still looked energetic.

Shadow Puppet and Shi Hang felt a little regretful that this match ended up in the hands of the blue team's lineup. However, thinking about it again, they were able to sustain this simulated training as the team's late-stage force. By the end of the thirty-five-six-minute period, the result was already quite satisfying.

While thinking this, the two core ace players of Team Hayami couldn't help but look at the girl in the jungle seat next to them.

Everyone has some sadness and indescribable complex emotions.

Be reasonable...

In this match, at least in the middle and late stages, their support and top order did not contribute much to the team.

And when it comes to really turning the tide and helping their purple side survive a disadvantageous situation until the late stage, the biggest contributor is undoubtedly the jungle widow controlled by the beautiful girl in front of them.

"This is not much worse than Mafa, right?"

The shadow puppet asked in a low voice to his fellow mid laner.

Shi Hang touched his chin: "I haven't played against Mafa either... who knows."

As he spoke, he paused and glanced sideways at Nian Shisan, who was sitting opposite:

“But look at Old Thirteen’s reaction——”

"I guess it's pretty much the same."

The shadow puppet nodded in agreement.


Although they themselves have never played against the world's number one SSK team on Team Hayami, and cannot clearly understand the specific strength of South Korea's top wild king Mafa, this does not prevent them from making comparisons through other logic. judgment.

Don’t they all say that Nian Shisan and Mafa are two top wild kings with comparable levels of strength?

In the past several battles between Assassin and SSK, in terms of jungle confrontations, the two world's top jungle kings were basically evenly matched.

Then look back and think about the situation in this simulated training match just now——

Early stage,

Both junglers have their own rhythms and gains.

As it slowly entered the mid-term, Nian Shisan's jungle excavator was forced to follow the rhythm of Anxin's jungle widow and constantly try to mark.

That alone is amazing.

Because you must know that in the past professional arena, Nian Shisan’s jungle rhythm has always been his own way. His personal style is extremely strong and distinct. Only the opponent’s jungler is led by his nose. There has never been a time when he had to chase after him. Following the footsteps of the opponent's jungler?

At this point, probably in the global e-sports circle, only Mafa can achieve a few points when fighting against him.

Not to mention, the later stages.

Two waves of battles between big dragons and ancient dragons.

Nian Shisan's jungle mantis, twice lost the punishment, and twice let the opponent, the widow Evelin, fight for the most critical buff resources to win.

This is the scariest thing.

In normal times, if he saw Nian Shisan's jungler Baron being robbed, Shi Hang would probably have laughed at him immediately due to his character and temper, but now even he couldn't explain the outcome. Words come.

For once, it can be said that I was lax and careless.


Twice in a row?

It really can't be explained by simple laziness or luck of the opponent, but there is really an element of strength that plays a role in it.

"Even Mafa seems to have never achieved the record of grabbing the Thirteenth Big Dragon and the Ancient Dragon twice in a row, right?" Shadow Puppet whispered.

Shi Hang nodded, looked at the beautiful girl sitting not far away, and then looked at someone in the middle seat:

"So... this guy Maple, the girls around him are just more perverted than the last."


Just the reaction speed and strength level shown by Tang Bingyao in the ADC position are enough to make people amazed and moved - it has only been a year since this girl really started to play the game of League of Legends. , not to mention that the formal training time is shorter, and he is actually able to face-to-face with the top professional AD of Huangxue Yege's level.

And now, another jungler like An Xin has emerged.

It can even make Nian Shisan suffer a big loss that he had never suffered before against Mafa.

It really makes people sigh and sigh. Maybe in two years, there will be a place for female professional players in the professional e-sports arena of League of Legends?

Lin Feng didn't have as many feelings as everyone else in the training room.

At this moment, the first simulated training confrontation was over. Someone was sitting in his seat, frowning as if he was thinking about something. After thinking for a long time, he turned around and exchanged a few words with the childhood sweetheart next to him.

Then he looked up at the Dawn Star sitting opposite:

"Ritz can do this."

"But if we have a fight with SSK tomorrow, it's best to save it and don't use it."

"After the finals start..."

The person who said this paused for a moment, then finished:

"It should be of greater use."

Hearing this, Huangxue Yege, Nian Shisan, Shi Hang Shadow Puppet and others couldn't help but be slightly stunned. Is Ryze keeping it for other uses?

A bigger use?

Dawn Morning Star's eyes brightened slightly and looked at Lin Feng:

"You think that's okay?"

Lin Feng looked at An Xin next to him, and then nodded: "With Ryze, if you use the tactical system you want to achieve online advantage in the early stage, this hero should be quite unsolvable in your hands in the middle and late stages. Yes, I can’t think of any good solution for the time being.”

An Xin also smiled and added:

"So don't waste it on a training match."

"Wait until a more critical and important game is played. Then even SSK will have a high probability of losing when encountering Ryze like this."

Huangxue Yege and others present also suddenly woke up.

Indeed it is!

The fact that their blue side army was able to finally win with this one move is of course closely related to the five-man lineup they chose, but equally, even in such a lineup, Dawn Star's mid-hand laner Ryze is still It is the most critical and important soul core.

It can be said that it was entirely because of Ryze that they connected their entire lineup like a bond.

If it weren't for Ryze's miraculous understanding and use of his ultimate move several times, even if their blue team had such a late-stage lineup, the outcome would still not be clear.


This really has to be Ryze from Dawnstar.

It really brings the role of the hero Rune Mage to its fullest.

"Damn...if we meet God again, I won't be able to let Ryze go to Ah Xing even if I kill him." Shi Hang murmured.

Tian Tian, ​​Shadow Puppet, and the dozen or so people next to him all nodded violently.

No matter who you are, as long as you have seen the performance of Dawnstar Ryze once...

There is no way he would be allowed to get this hero again.

Because once he gets it, there is almost no solution.

An Xin smiled and said: "So, haven't the other teams in the competition area haven't seen it yet? Then use it as a trump card to win at the bottom of the box."

The update is here. Congratulations to RNG for winning the first round. The next chapter will be after 11 o'clock. Go away and continue coding.

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