
Chapter 1741 It hasn’t started yet

Originally, with the lineup of the Purple Army, it would be a bit troublesome to lead troops to the high ground on the line under normal circumstances.

After all, Obama has a shorter range, and Jess only uses poke for long-range skills. He also needs to be closer to the defense tower when it comes to hitting towers.

In addition, the blue side guarding the tower has good troop clearing capabilities and counterattack methods under the tower. Basically, when a normal wave of troops comes over, the purple side army can only barely touch the health of the defense tower a few times at most. Waiting for the line of soldiers to come one after another, no one could be taken down within a minute or two.

Even if time drags on for a long time, there will be flaws in his position, and he may be counterattacked by the blue army under the tower at any time.

But these problems basically disappear after getting the Baron buff.

The main reason is that with the minions blessed by the big dragon buff, the blue army cannot easily clear them out quickly.

This gave Lin Feng and others on the purple side more time and opportunity to click on the tower.

The shadow puppet's auxiliary Japanese girl first stepped forward and stepped on the metal clips released by one or two policewomen's W skills, and then Shi Hang and Tang Bingyao respectively controlled Jess and Obama to quickly step forward and aim at the defense tower to pour out the output.

Someone's mid laner Syndra can be considered a ranged hero, but he doesn't hit the tower.

The Dark Head of State was responsible for standing nearby.

Wait for the opportunity.

As long as you see the opponent, such as the policewoman, who dares to do a poke to trigger a passive headshot and draw an A, someone's Syndra will ensure that the second consecutive QE shot will directly stun the control player under the tower at the first time.

For someone as fragile as the policewoman, in front of the Dark Head of State at this level of development, one EQ is enough to knock out nearly half of the blood volume, and then follow up with a big move——

You won't discuss it immediately.

However, the few back row heroes on the blue side who were defending in the audience were of course afraid to stand in the front because of the presence of a certain mid laner Syndra, but the same purple side looked like Tang Bingyao's ADC Obama and Shi Hang's top laner Jayce also need to be vigilant at all times during the tower tapping process.

Once you find the excavator or Ryze coming from the opposite side, you should immediately retreat.

Because the opponent's blue team's control chain for starting a group under the tower is also sufficient.

For example, once you are brought close to the casting range by an excavator,

Rek'Sai flashes W and knocks you away, then Ryze uses the backhand to strengthen the control of "Rune Imprisonment" on W, and Nami's Q skill Blister then connects to keep up——

A set of control combo can make you unable to move from start to finish, without any room for maneuver.

So at this time in front of the Highland Tower, the blue and purple armies were playing very carefully.

But anyway...

With the big dragon buff in hand, the purple army as the offensive side has successfully wiped out half of the health bar of the opponent blue side's middle highland defense tower after one or two waves of troops.

Especially the artillery soldier at the end of the second wave of troops has been strengthened by the effect of the big dragon buff, and its range and fire damage have increased dramatically. Now it is tightly covered by several heroes from the purple army. Then a shell hit the highland defense tower with remaining health from a distance.

The health of the defense tower dropped one square at a time at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The next wave of soldiers will continue to come up, and our tower will be broken."

Zeng Rui's voice sounded on the blue team's internal voice channel, with a hint of anxiety in his tone.


The opponent was pushing the tower too fast.

Indeed, Obama triggered a passive burst, and there was a top laner like Jess who also had excellent tower-pushing ability. The tower-pushing ability was further amplified among the minions blessed by the Baron buff.

And when their highland defense tower in the middle was broken, the time of the purple legion's dragon buff was not even half over.

In other words, after the opponent destroys their middle lane, they still have plenty of buff time to continue to advance to the top lane.

If the two highlands are breached...

So even if their blue side army is a large late-stage lineup, it is estimated that there will be no time to play the role of late-stage team battles. Just a few super soldiers are enough to make them miserable.

But although the reason is clear, the current situation still cannot be solved.

The only artillery soldier was covered by a few heroes from the purple side. He couldn't touch it easily, so he could only watch the artillery soldier display his bravery.

"Forcibly open it?"

Nian Shisan couldn't hold himself back any longer. He was not the kind of character who kept the tower honestly:

"Instead of fighting them after the tower falls, it's better to attack them now."

"I can strike head-on with a flash."

But as soon as this proposal was put forward, it was rejected by Dawn Star without hesitation:


"It's useless if you can't control the opponent's key C position."

Although the excavator flashes W with one hand and casts spells in a combo so fast that most people have no time to react, but this one happens to be the two C positions in the opponent's purple lineup - Syndra and Obama's controllers. It's the reaction operation hand speed that almost fills up the skill tree.

This is not to overestimate the opponent.

But Dawn Morning Star is indeed sure that if Nian Shisan controls the Void Escape Beast to flash forward and then W, someone's mid laner Syndra on the opposite side will definitely be able to react and dodge simultaneously in an instant, and Tang Bingyao's ADC Obama also has a 50-60% chance of doing this.

Then as long as the excavator's flash W fails.

The excavator itself is cold.

The Dark Leader in the opposite mid laner directly used EQ 2 to connect the big move set and ignited it. A full set of burst damage was thrown at the void burrower, which was also enough to create an instant effect. Dawn Morning Star also had no doubts about the reaction of someone on the opposite side. The operating hand speed is enough to complete this entire set of combo operations in that instant.

And the more important point is-

So far, the location of the purple jungler Widow has not been confirmed.


Now on the left and right sides in front of the defense tower on the high ground, their blue side army has inserted two real eyes to ensure the vision, but below the highland tower, the opponent's purple side army has also dropped two real eyes in a row, blocking out of sight of them on the high ground.

During Jess and Obama's tower-pointing process, the widowmaker never showed up.

And this is what really makes Dawn Morning Star most vigilant.

"Thirteen, try to keep your skills."

"If you see the Widow cutting up, just give Flash W control."

"Control... everyone will focus on the fire."

Dawn Morning Star gave the last arrangement instructions, and his tone was deliberately a little more serious.

Nian Shisan frowned and responded:


"But are you really just waiting for the other side to open?"

"Too passive."

Dawn Morning Star looked at the purple heroes not far from the tower:

"Then you have to find the right opportunity."

Tian Tian's top laner Gnar has actually been trying to find angles and entry points during this period, but has been unable to find a suitable entry point. At the same time, his mid laner Ryze is also constantly looking at the opponent. The formation position, but has not been able to find the right time.

If you can't find it, you have to wait.

Be patient and wait.

Because this kind of moment is the moment that tests the patience of both players the most.

Whoever fails to restrain himself first will be the first to reveal his flaws.

Ten seconds later.

In the middle, a new wave of troops continues on the purple side.

Under the concentrated fire of Obama and Jess, the high defense tower in the middle of the blue square collapsed.

The line of soldiers then presses forward to the summoning crystal.

The five people on the blue side continued to retreat.

The purple side enters again.

Another ten seconds passed quickly, and with the prompt announcement of a female voice in the system, the high ground in the middle of the blue square was officially declared broken, and even then...the team battle still failed to start.

The update is here, the next chapter will be around 9 o'clock, ah, there are so many things going on today, I can't even watch the live broadcast of the group stage... First of all, congratulations to EDG, I heard that Iboy played at a god level!

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