
Chapter 1739: Let everything go

Nineteenth minute of game time.

After destroying the opponent's second defensive tower in the middle, the five members of the purple side's army quickly switched to the upper lane and led the troops to advance again to force the blue side's second tower on the upper road.

Extremely fast paced.

The blue side, which had just retreated to the high ground in their home road, had no time to return to defense. The voice of Dawn Star on the team's voice channel sounded:

"Let it go."

So soon, the second tower on the Blue Square also collapsed with a roar and turned into ruins.

At this point, the four defensive outer towers of the upper and middle lanes of the blue army have all been destroyed, which is equivalent to the loss of the entire river view of the upper half of the wild area including the Dalong Fjord.

The five people on the purple side chose to return to the city in one wave.

Lin Feng glanced at the time counter display in the upper right corner of the screen, controlled his mid laner Syndra to purchase and updated a round of equipment in the base spring equipment store, and then quickly walked out of the base again:

"The dragon makes vision."

"Get ready to force the group."

So the five members of the Purple Army quickly filed out again and rushed towards the river Dalong Gorge.


The current purple side army has played the fast attack rhythm they should have in a strong period, and they are aggressive. Knowing that they cannot delay the late stage with your blue side, they must use all their resources as much as possible during my strong period. Grab it and snowball your advantages as much as possible to the point where you are irresistible.

Destroy the second tower on the middle road, then go and destroy the second tower on the upper road.

After occupying the vision and resources of the entire upper half of the map, he took advantage of the situation and directly attacked the dragon.

You can place both two towers.

Then this big dragon...

do you want?

This has also become a problem that several people on the blue side are struggling with the most.

The reason why they put two two towers in front of them is because they know that this is the period when the opponent's purple side army is the strongest, so they have to avoid their sharp edges and avoid direct combat with them.

If you delay it until the period when your own lineup is strong, you can win with less risk.

But the opponent also knows this.

So I have become unreasonable and unforgiving.

Pressing harder and harder.

If you want to delay it to the later stage, I will use the baron as a hostage bait. Will you accept this wave?

You must know that the reason why the purple side army just destroyed two defensive towers and did not lead the troops straight to the high ground is because their purple side's lineup is short and it is inconvenient to dismantle the towers before reaching the high ground. In addition, the blue side's The defensive ability of the side lineup under the tower is strong enough, and it can also securely defend its own defensive tower in front of the high ground.

But if the purple side gets the baron...

That would be really different.

With the big dragon buff in hand, plus the earth dragon buff obtained previously, the purple army will be able to securely break through at least one high ground and possibly even two in the future.

When that happens, the blue side will really be in a crisis, and it cannot be easily delayed to the later stage.

"let's hit?"

Huangxue Yege couldn't sit still:

"Even if we have a direct confrontation with them now, we still have a chance to win."

Indeed, at this time, the development of several of their core C positions has already begun. The front row can also withstand damage, and the back row has enough output. If they open up the formation and fight the opponent head-on, they may not be incapable of fighting.

Tian Tian answered with a solemn expression:

"Besides, it would be really dangerous if Dalong gives in."

Nian Shisan's eyes kept scanning the Dalong Gorge area on the small map, and he spoke quickly: "At worst, I will fight for punishment later, but I can just gamble on my luck."

Even Zeng Rui, who has always been cautious, couldn't help but say:

"Can you give it a try?"

"Otherwise it would be too much -"

For a moment, everyone on the purple side looked at the Dawn Star.

However, after what seemed like a long silence, Dawn Morning Star still shook his head:

"No gambling."

"Let it go."

From the small map, I saw that the heroes from the blue side on the opposite side were still just slowly closing in on the three lanes. The purple side who had already gathered at the Dalongfjord side of the river to control their vision and were ready to squat and ambush were all excited. I couldn't help but my eyelids twitched slightly.

The opposite means...


Even the dragon is about to be released.

This means that the big dragon can be easily obtained by the purple army, which should be a great thing.

Tang Bingyao, who had the most innocent thoughts, was about to be happy, but suddenly found that the atmosphere among several teammates around her seemed not right, and she couldn't help but feel a little confused.

The expression on the shadow puppet's face was somewhat solemn.

Shi Hang's eyelids twitched:

"This is so... so stable."

"You didn't give me any chance?"

An Xin, who was standing next to him, shook his head slightly and sighed: "This... would be more troublesome."

Lin Feng switched the perspective of the camera to look at the middle lane, and his eyes fell on the blue rune mage in the middle, his eyes flickering:

"This guy--"

"You really have a lot of patience."

Although Dawnstar's playing style seems to have made breakthroughs and changes during this period, and in many cases has become more aggressive and aggressive than in the past, this wave of decision-making for the Baron has once again changed the situation. The calm and sophisticated style of the God team's mid-single captain is vividly displayed.

When it breaks, it breaks.

When I was able to attack, I was able to decisively launch the most aggressive attack without hesitation.

But other times -

This is not to show weakness and give in, but when I make the choice to give up, it will actually make you, the opponent, more uncomfortable.


In this wave, for Lin Feng and the others on the purple side legion, what they actually want to see is to be able to use the big dragon to force the opponent blue side to fight head-on, and start a tug of war in front of the river Dalong Gorge. Then This will allow them to better utilize the power of their purple side's lineup.

Shadow Puppet's auxiliary Japanese girl can better find opportunities to force the first move with her ultimate move.

And Anxin's Jungler Widow is able to maximize her ability as an AP assassin hero in such a terrain space.

It can be said that it is the most perfect and ideal arrangement to make a positive wave when they are at their strongest, and then finish it perfectly to directly lock the final outcome of the entire game.


When everything was planned, the opponent suddenly directly expressed his attitude of giving up Baron.

This was no less than a carefully prepared punch hitting the cotton, making people feel suffocated and panicked.

"In that case, they are going to forcefully delay the time. They are determined not to confront us in the wild during this period, and they will do everything possible to prevent Sister An Xin's widow from playing a role."

Shadow Puppet calmly spoke and analyzed.

Next to him, Shi Hang took a deep breath, and the flames in his eyes burned and danced:

"Just the next wave after the big dragon is defeated."

"We attack and they defend."

"It's almost the last wave."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes:


"Then let them do as they wish."

"Come on, open the dragon."

An update is coming. The next chapter will be a little later. I still have some things to do. Let me tell you in advance.

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