
Chapter 1714 Arrival

Although it was a team fight that I forcibly sought out for an opportunity, and I even relied on myself as an ADC policewoman to initiate the first move and rushed to the front position, but when I really showed off my most powerful hand speed operation, what I showed His outstanding personal ability still shocked and moved almost all the players watching in the entire training room at this moment.

The policewoman took the lead.

Relying on the sharp operation and positioning, he instantly disabled the opponent's auxiliary Dawn Goddess, dodged the Japanese girl's face-breaking E skill, and Quicksilver instantly unblocked the control of Malzahar's ultimate move.

Keep moving forward.

He forcibly harvested the heads of Japanese women and took them away despite all kinds of control and harm.

Return again.

While taking a sip of healing milk, he retreated quickly, raised his gun and aimed at the mid laner Void Prophet on the blue side, and unleashed another wave of fast flat-A connecting point output!

head shot!

Finally, several other members of the Purple Square Crown Team quickly followed suit!

Syndra's second QE shot suddenly pushed the energy ball towards the target Malzahar, knocking back the stun control, while the jungler's blind monk directly hit the opponent with his Q skill "Tian Yin Wave" The ADC Ezreal under the tower rushed in with his second stage Q like lightning.

The policewoman raised her gun again like lightning!

A set of EQ's two batteries hit the target Void Prophet at the same time. He used the force to fly backwards and hit the ground. The moment he hit the ground, another headshot bullet that triggered the passive hit the Void Prophet's chest firmly.


The kill announcement of the system's female voice suddenly resounded throughout the canyon.

Passionate and high pitched.

It seems to indicate that such a dangerous situation is about to be forcibly revived by the ADC policewoman of the Purple Square Crown Team alone.


Just at this moment.

The moment when the "90-caliber hunting rope net" of the female policeman's E skill took advantage of it and flew backwards, she landed on the ground, raised her gun and took away Malzahar's head.

A ghostly purple figure passed by like lightning in the fluctuating air patterns.

Calculate the time when all the policewoman's skills enter the cooldown CD.

Two cold and sharp insect scythes suddenly appeared, and they hit the back of the Piltover policewoman in an instant.

In the front row of the crowd, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly narrowed:


This amazing double kill operation by the ADC policewoman is not something that is exaggerated.

It's about Nian Shisan's jungle mantis' timing to cut in from behind.

When the blue side's large army in the middle was beaten into a dangerous endgame.

Kha'Zix the Mantis circles back and enters the field.

For a moment.

The Void Predator's figure appeared behind the policewoman in an evil and cold figure.

AQA connects to W and connects to A.

A set of combo bursts of damage poured out in an instant and landed firmly on the delicate body of the Pi City policewoman, so the health bar on the top of the policewoman's head suddenly bottomed out and returned to zero——

"You-have-been-(you have been killed)."

The game screen on the computer screen in front of me suddenly turned black and white and lost color.

And the next moment, when several other players on the Purple Square Crown team suddenly realized that they were about to turn around and focus their fire to attack the mantis, Kazik's figure quickly entered the stealth state again under the effect of the ultimate move that was triggered again, and again. When he showed his body, he had already rushed in front of the target purple side midfielder Syndra.

Flat A.

An E skill "leap" instantly jumped behind the Dark Head of State.

Then A connects to Q.

A again.

Before dying, Syndra only had time to hurriedly throw out a big move "Energy Pour". Several black-lighted magic balls roared and hit Kazik's body. Although it also caused explosion damage, it was consumed by the mantis. The magic sword shield absorbed most of it, and it became the second dead soul under the Void Predator Insect Scythe.


Niutou was forced to retreat.

The Crown team's jungler Lee Sin suddenly cut his opponent's ADC Explorer in front, but he only forced out EZ's [Flash] and could no longer pursue and follow up. He could only evacuate behind the opponent's second tower.

A wave of 2 for 2.

It seems that it cannot be said that the purple square crown team's first wave initiated by the female police did not produce results.


"An-ally-has-been-(A friendly hero was killed)."

When the fighting stopped in the middle lane, another kill announcement from the system's female voice suddenly came from the direction of the upper lane of Summoner's Rift.

Immediately afterwards, the system prompt sounded again.


Summoner's Rift hits the road.

In front of the purple square highland defense tower.

Jace single-handedly killed the Eye of Twilight.

Take advantage of the situation and demolish the purple square crown team to hit the high ground.

In the front row of the crowd, Li Shiyi sighed and shook his head: "No more."

In fact, just when the team battle broke out in the middle lane, the top laner Twilight Eyes of the purple side Crown team also used the ultimate move "Secret Art: Mercy to Save Souls" directly to his ADC teammate Policewoman. .

If Shen's ultimate move had just landed, and an E skill had taunted Mantis, the purple army might really have a chance to win this wave of team battles.


Because the team battle started in a hurry, the Crown team's top laner, who was eager to protect his ADC teammates, hurriedly activated his ultimate move before he had time to retreat to a safe zone in the top lane. As a result, he was forced to jump over the tower by the blue Assassin team's top laner Jayce. The sudden face interrupted the reading of the ultimate move, and took advantage of the situation to kill and take him away.

So the result became what it is now.

Although there was a wave of 2 for 2 in the middle, the Crown team on the purple side also paid the price of high ground for this wave of team battles and suffered heavy losses.

What's more important is that after the high ground is broken, the situation that the Crown team will face next will become more difficult. Originally, Jace's single belt has already given them enough pressure, and now with the super soldiers of the high ground, It is even more difficult to hold on to it with Shen alone.

This means that the next purple army can only shrink its defense line in an all-round way.

However, the Assassin team on the blue side can invade the opponent's two jungle areas more unscrupulously. Even while allowing their top laner Jayce to continue to put pressure on the opponent alone, the large forces gather on the Baron side to force the opponent. group.

If you come to guard the baron, you will have to lose all the way to the high ground.

If you don't come to defend, I will win the big dragon steadily. The last wave of big dragon buffs will also make you unstoppable when advancing together.

The situation was just as the players from various clubs on the field expected.

Game time is 25 minutes.

The dragon was firmly captured by the blue army.

The Assassin team continues to advance with the Baron buff.

Relying on Jace without any bloodshed, he demolished the opponent's purple army's bottom lane high ground.

Until the last wave, at the 27th minute of the game, the first two incisor towers of the purple base were broken, and the base crystal exploded in a distorted light.

When the spectators from various clubs could not help but sigh and sigh, no one noticed that the door of the training room was pushed in from the outside.

Lin Feng, who was in the front row of the crowd, turned around subconsciously.

I saw two figures walking into the training room one after another. When I saw the previous one, someone's eyes suddenly lit up:


"Senior No. 3!"

In the center of the electronic viewing screen, the blue "Victory" emblem slowly appeared.

The game battle is over.

Players from both teams on the field stood up and left.

As for the Crown Team, they were standing up silently with their heads down. Suddenly they felt something, and subconsciously looked up towards the door of the training room.

In the direction of sight.

A tall, thin man in a black trench coat stood with his hands behind his back with an indifferent expression.

Then for a moment.

The core ace ADC player of the Crown team suddenly turned pale.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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