
Chapter 1702 Slowly 1 Slowly

After a wave of rhythm in the top and bottom lanes, the current head count of the blue and purple legions has become 4 to 2.

It is still the Assassin team on the blue side that has the advantage.

But the current rhythm of the situation has made the players and players of several clubs watching the game unable to help but make some commotion.

There is nothing to say about the purple-side Crown team's killing of Jace in the top lane. The blind man's jungle development rhythm in the early stage was very smooth, and combined with Shangshen's taunt control, he could only kill an opponent's top laner Jace. It's quite satisfactory, as expected.

However, what really attracted attention and discussion... was the bottom lane wave.

The policewoman cooperated with Niu Tou's rape.

This wave of operations really made the players and players from various clubs who were not very familiar with the Crown team couldn't help but feel awe, and even a little shocked.

You know, even in a regular starting laning situation, the combination of Policewoman and Bull Head should only suppress the consumption of the line. After all, a hero like Pi City Policewoman wants to directly take the head in the lane. It's still a bit difficult.

But just now...

The Crown team's bottom lane was in a situation where they were attacked wildly by the jungler Mantis Nian Shisan from the very beginning and were captured twice in a row and lost two kills and more than one wave of military experience.

But in such a disadvantageous situation, the policewoman actually completed the counterattack.

Bravely take the head of the opposite EZ.

Although this has an important relationship with Niutou's control of WQ's second company, there is no doubt that the most important thing in this wave is still the personal operation of the policewoman.

"You can't even slow down a beat—"

Someone said this with emotion.


Any operation made by the policewoman just now, as long as the hand speed is slightly slower, is enough for the ADC Ezreal of the blue side Assassin team to at least hand over the E skill and [Flash] to escape, or at most he will be beaten back. city.

However, under the control of the Piltover policewoman, she was able to perform a set of combos in the shortest time and instantly hit EZ's face with maximum damage.

All damage is dealt in an instant.

Only in this way can such explosive results be achieved in seconds.

Such a scene makes people subconsciously feel a bit familiar, because not long ago, the training match between God and the Minx team was held in the first training room downstairs, and the same was true for Huangxue Yege. It was the ADC female policewoman who achieved the laning kill results with her own personal operation in the early laning stage.

It seems that when a hero like Piltover Policewoman is in the hands of a top-level professional ADC player... the style he can bring out is somewhat the same.

It just so happens that Huangxue Yege and the two of them are also the most representative professional ADs with strong offensive abilities in the world's professional e-sports circle.

Then it is inevitable that people will make comparisons.

"Xiao Feng, what do you think?"

Number 5 looked at Lin Feng and asked with a smile. Then the eyes of Li Shiyi, Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao and Su Xue Anxin all fell on someone.

Lin Feng touched his nose:


"For now...it's hard to tell."

"With this wave of killing operations just now, Lao Ye should be able to do it."

As if he had expected such an answer, No. 5 just nodded slightly, then turned to look at Tang Bingyao aside, smiling:

"Tangtang, what do you think?"

"If it were you, would you be able to do it now?"

The girl who was suddenly called was stunned for a moment. When she came back to her senses, she was a little at a loss: "Me, me...I can't do it..."

Speaking of which, for Tang Bingyao, the ADC heroes she is most familiar with and good at are all violent types, and the policewoman Caitlin, who is constantly outputting and suppressing lane consumption, is not the one she is best at.

So when she just saw the wave of killing operations in the bottom lane, the girl couldn't help but feel dazzled. She rarely thought that a hero like policewoman Caitlin could actually perform such a powerful and explosive style.

However, when she was suddenly asked about herself, the girl inevitably panicked.

Lin Feng touched his chin:

"Tangtang's words..."

"The operating speed should be enough."

"But it would be a bit difficult for her to complete such a delicate operation in such a short time."

Indeed, because he is familiar enough with the girl's strength and operations, the analysis and evaluation given by someone at this moment is also to the point——

Hand speed operation can meet the requirements.

However, the precision of this operation may not be achieved.

The more important point is...

If Tang Bingyao had been on the field just now, he might not even have thought of the chance of killing this wave.

"Tangtang's consciousness and experience still need to be replenished." Zeng Rui also nodded in agreement.

Su Xue, on the other hand, couldn't see it and stood up and spoke up for the girl: "Hey, OK, OK, everyone has so many opinions. How long has Tangtang been exposed to the League of Legends? How can he compete with such a top player so quickly? Professional players? If you give her some more time, she will definitely surpass these and Huangxue Yege!"

An Xin on the side also smiled and echoed: "Yes, Sister Xue is right."

Number 5 looked at Tang Bingyao and said with a smile:

"Of course, don't be too anxious. Tangtang, you just need to practice slowly now, but... although it is reassuring to leave it to Bullet to teach, now you can watch the operation for a while, and it will be more intuitive. Help you learn something.”

"It can be seen that he has indeed been carefully instructed by Bullet."

"Then it is valuable enough for you, Tangtang, to observe and learn."

"I'm not asking you to copy and imitate it unconditionally, but to some extent, what you are showing now is actually the path you will take in the future."

This is teaching and guidance, and Tang Bingyao nodded seriously.

The training match on the field continues.

Although it seems that they are planning to continue to carry out several waves of military training in the bottom lane, after the wave of policewoman kills in the bottom lane and got the EZ head, the jungler Mantis of Nian Shisan on the blue side Assassin team did not Without going directly towards the bottom road again.

Kha'Zix, the mantis, has returned to the wild area and started a round of his own jungle development.

This situation also made the few capable spectators in the field nod slightly and show approval.


This wave of praying mantis really can't be impatient.

Even a hungry jungler like Nian Shisan still has to take various objective factors into consideration and act calmly.

Even though the ADC policewoman on the opposite side of the road seems to have handed over [Flash] for the previous wave of kills, if he rushes to gank now, the opponent's purple side army will naturally expect this, and Shen has already reached 6 The level student has used his ultimate move, and he can provide massive support to the bottom lane at any time to immediately form an even situation of at least 3V3.

In addition, at this time, Mantis Kha'Zix's own level is already too low, and he must make up for his development first. Otherwise, with Mantis's current level, if he goes to the bottom lane, there is a greater chance that he will be killed by the opponent in a wave. Walk.

"I guess I need to slow down for a while."

In the front row of the crowd, Li Shiyi gave his judgment.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around ten o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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