
Chapter 1699: Dirty to the End

This wave of level 2 ganks in the bottom lane is indeed unsolvable.

It turned out that the blue Assassin team had obviously planned this routine in advance.

The assistant Japanese girl learned the Q skill "Shield of Dawn" at level 1 in order to flash Q and forcefully retain people, and the acting skills of the duo when they come up to the line are also quite essential, pretending to fight against the opponent at level 2 Instead, he relaxed his guard and actively cooperated to press the line, giving Nian Shisan's jungler Mantis a perfect environment to get around.


The most important thing is that Nian Shisan's Mantis Kazix flashed to avoid the Bull Head's W skill "Savage Crash".

Perfectly and smoothly, he hit the target policewoman, and AQ was used to use the red buff effect to slow down and save people.

At this point, even if the policewoman performs 10,000 operations, it is impossible to escape, and even if she hands over [Flash], Mantis Kazix also has the E skill "leap attack" left to pursue him. Kill follow up.

So this wave of female police officers must die.

However, he also clearly saw the outcome of this situation, and his response to this wave was also quite calm and sensible.

He handed in nothing.

He even chose to add two more minions before dying, but he still kept the summoner skills [Flash] and [Healing] in his hand.

It is the most sensible stop loss.

But Lin Feng didn't see it that way.

Someone looked at the OB screen on the electronic viewing screen and saw that the purple ADC policewoman was still waiting for resurrection in the base spring:

"This guy……"

"After retaining the double summons, we must find a way to get the rhythm back."

An Xin next to him nodded slightly:


"You also have to call back."

Because the core of the Crown team is the ADC position, if the bottom lane fails to drive the rhythm, their other top laners, mid laners or junglers will not have much competitiveness against established and strong teams like Assassin.

We must rely on this female police officer to perform well.

Of course, in the early stage, the policewoman was beaten to death by a trick, and the policewoman would have to face a lot of difficulties even if she wanted to regain her momentum and regain her rhythm.

"The apprentices brought out by senior Bullet will not be left indifferent like this."

Someone smacked his lips and gave his opinion.

After getting first blood in the bottom lane, Nian Shisan's jungler Mantis quickly turned around and turned into the river, continuing to start his own rhythm of jungle farming.

In fact, roaming and ganking with a single buff at level 2 is quite risky in itself, because no matter whether you can successfully gank and capture a kill, first of all, you are destined to sacrifice part of your jungle time and rhythm.

And even though it was his Mantis Kazik who successfully got first blood in this wave of bottom lane, the main value of this first blood is actually to suppress the development rhythm of the opposite policewoman, but for Kazik himself, Just getting back the money.

Kha'Zix's appearance in the bottom lane exposed his whereabouts, and then the jungler Lee Sin of the opponent's purple side army could invade the blue side jungle area and counterattack the wild monster resources in the upper half of the Mantis area.

Under the normal rhythm of jungle farming, given Nian Shisan's personal strength level, he should have been constantly putting pressure on the opposing jungler's blind monk and invading the opponent's jungle area.

But now the situation is reversed.

Although he sacrificed the life of his bottom lane teammate Policewoman, the pressure on the blind monk was gone.

"The grasshopper in the middle is also being squeezed by Syndra from the opposite side."

Zeng Rui looked at the midfield screen on the viewing screen:

"In this case, it will be even less stressful for the blind man to invade the upper half of the blue jungle area."

Indeed, at this time, you can already see the jungler Lee Sin of the Crown team who has collected his own red buff wild monsters and starts to fight the river crab monsters directly on the river. After collecting the river crabs, he can go up to level 3 and counterattack the blue buff of the mantis or even higher. An entire wild monster resource in half of the area.

The rhythm is so smooth.

In comparison, Nian Shisan's jungle mantis seems to have no choice but to collect a river crab, then finish the F6 wild monsters and then choose to return to the city...

At least that's what the most common response options are.

But soon the players and players from various clubs off the court noticed something was wrong.

The jungle mantis on the blue side did not choose to go back to find its own F6 wild monster after clearing the river crabs on the river. Instead, it directly invaded the lower half of the opponent's purple side's wild area.

Many players watching the game were stunned for a moment, but they quickly came to their senses:


"This...is more cost-effective."

"Li Qing just finished brushing the blue buff and went directly to get the red buff. In the lower half of the jungle, Toad and Three Wolves are still there."

"If we can counter the two groups of wild monsters on the opposite side, Kha'Zix's losses won't be that great."

"As expected of Nian Thirteen——"

Immediately, many players expressed such heartfelt admiration. Indeed, if they are ordinary professional junglers, they may really only follow the regular way to farm their own wild monsters. Only Nian Shisan is so aggressive. The jungler will make such a strong choice.

However, in comparison, Lin Feng and the others in the front row of the crowd had different reactions.

Seeing Nian Shisan's jungle mantis invading the opponent's lower jungle area, someone's eyes lit up for the first time:


"This guy, Old Thirteen...is determined."

Next to him, Li Shiyi smiled helplessly and shook his head:

"It fits his style quite well."

Zeng Rui's reaction was a little slow, but he also woke up with a look of shock on his face:

"Is this even more-"

The suspicion was soon confirmed.

After invading the lower half of the opponent's purple side jungle area and killing a large toad wild monster, the blue side jungler Mantis did not go further to brush the opponent's three wolf wild monsters. Instead, he turned around and returned to the river, heading towards the bottom river again. The mouth of the grass came here slowly.

It was as if the time had been calculated accurately.

At exactly this time, the new wave of troops was controlled back to the mouth of the river by the two bottom laners on the blue side, and the policewoman and Niu Touzheng from the purple side's defense tower on the opposite side also came out again.

Players and players from several other clubs off the court also reacted.

Then there were sounds of gasping for air.

Even Tang Bingyao couldn't help but frown:



As an ADC player myself, I put myself in the perspective of the ADC policewoman of the Purple Army on the field. Not to mention that the first wave of Mantis' level 2 gank is already difficult to prevent, but Mantis Kazix unexpectedly caught a wave. Immediately afterwards, he didn’t even return home and continued to catch the second wave——

This kind of perverted military training can really make ADC feel extremely uncomfortable.


There was still no vision of the purple square on this side of the grass at the mouth of the river.

In other words, this wave of Crown team’s bottom lane...

Something is going to happen again.

Sure enough, just ten seconds later, the kill announcement from the system's female voice came from the bottom lane again.

At this moment, even Lin Feng could only change his original opinion and evaluation, and now he shook his head:

"Eh...this is really a bit broken."

The update is here. The next chapter should be around ten o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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