
Chapter 1676 One more wave to go

If this wave is just a small group of the God team of the blue side wiping out Minx with 0 for 4, and the latter is led by The-Sword's top laner Ekko in the bottom lane to break through the high ground, such a swap will not be enough for Minx. In fact, it’s not a loss.

Because the impact of a few kills is not too big, but defeating the high ground alone can play a very important role in the rhythm of the overall battle. Not only can the opponent be further restrained in the line of troops, but also the following The -Sword's Ike still has the opportunity to continue to steal the level alone.

But this premise is that the God team on the blue side really only got four kills and then made no further gains.

This is not the case.

Often in professional arenas, the start of a team battle is definitely not just for a few kills, but the party initiating the team battle has other more tactical purposes.

It's not about playing in a group just for the sake of playing in a group.

It’s about getting more.

For this wave of top team battles, the God team has made careful planning and preparations in advance, so all arrangements have been made as early as the beginning.

"The small group will be wiped out on the road."

"Next, the upper and middle lines of troops will be taken out directly."

"Take the baron again and push the tower."

On the outside of the crowd outside the field, Shi Hang couldn't help but beam with excitement as he said:

"All the rhythms came back in one wave!"


Only four kills were taken, which was not too profitable. However, the wave of small group destruction on the road directly allowed the God team on the blue side of the field to further push out the line of troops, leading the line to demolish the tower and steadily capture the baron. , in this case... it is the Minx team on the purple side that loses.

On the contrary, The-Sword on the purple side's bottom lane broke through the high ground with a single belt, which had little impact on the God team.

Because even if they didn't drag on in the team fight just now, their bottom lane high ground was destined to fall.

Now the results are no different, as expected.

The next step is to push back the opponent's defense tower. On the one hand, it will restore the team's economy. On the other hand, it will finally allow the God team to arrange the vision space.

The more important point is that after getting the Baron, the God team on the blue side really has the capital to sound the clarion call for counterattack.

You can start to push back.

As the female voice of the system announced the announcement echoing from the Baron Fjord on the upper road of Summoner's Canyon, Baron Nash's Baron buff was firmly captured by the God team of the Blue Army without any suspense.

At this time, the spectators from various clubs and teams could easily see that from now on, the control of the situation and rhythm on the scene has gradually fallen into the hands of the blue team.

The upper and middle lines of troops were pushed out.

The upper and middle defensive outer towers on the opposite side were demolished.

The God team is not only the core C position, but also the development of hero level equipment in almost every position has been greatly improved.

The widow is equipped.

Shen also got up.

Next, although the Eye of Twilight is still no match for Ekko when playing solo in the top lane, from this point on, facing an Eye of Twilight whose magic resistance and armor are becoming more and more established, Ekko Although the output damage is still terrible, it is already difficult to crush and kill by jumping over the tower at will. It can only be suppressed.

But this was enough for the God team. Originally, they had no intention of letting Shen directly deal with Ike alone.

Moreover, with the Baron buff, the minion has the buff effect, which will also greatly affect Ekko's single-band tower pushing rhythm. Even if the purple side Minx team continues to adopt the four-one-point band strategy, It is impossible to pose the huge threat to the God team again.


In fact, from this point on, Team God is no longer afraid of its opponent's 41-point lead.

The previous wave of team battles on the road is the most typical example. You can lead with four and one. If I can't stop you Ekko, then I will directly look for breakthrough opportunities from the front and pull you to start a group fight.

On the other hand, even now it’s the purple side’s Minx team’s turn to have lost the ability to fight God head-on—

Even if Ike comes over, in a 5V5 situation, the overall combat power of the purple side is already inferior to that of the opponent.

Varus's damage output is higher than that of Snake.

Under the protection of Lulu, the policewoman can also pour out her output easily and without any pressure.

Widow cut back row.

Be careful in the front row to take damage and control.

The purple side is just a time assassin from The-Sword. If you want to get in from the front, you have to consider Lulu's Sheep Transformation and Shen's Taunt Control. Once the fragile body is controlled, you will definitely be killed instantly. .

"So now it's not Minx who wants to be 41."

Lin Feng touched his nose and gave an understatement:

"They can only do four-one now."

The game time came to the 30th minute.

Summoner's Rift, middle lane.

The God team on the blue side, with a wave of troops blessed by the dragon buff, pushed into the opponent's second defense tower in the middle of the purple side.

All the troops on the wing have been cleared, leaving only Shen, the Eye of Twilight, on the top lane to contain top laner Ekko, who is defending The-Sword. Even if only the four-man army presses in from the middle, the current momentum of the God team is still there. They have already steadily suppressed their opponents.

And at this stage of tower pushing, the effect of the lineup of the blue army of Team God is reflected.

A Varus.

A policewoman.

Both C positions are AD heroes, and they can hit towers very quickly. The purple side Minx team under the tower couldn't find a suitable opportunity, so they were forced to retreat and give up the second tower in their home lane.

The female voice of the system announced.

The second tower on the purple square middle road was destroyed.

The troop line pressed up to the high ground, and the four God team members from the blue team took advantage of the trend and turned to the bottom lane again. They traveled all the way from the jungle area and looted all the wild monster resources. When they reached the bottom lane, a wave of troop lines happened to catch up, and they continued to do it again. The rhythm of tearing down towers.

The spectators from various clubs and teams were simply amazed.

This rhythm...

So smooth!

If the purple side Minx team in the past gave people the impression that when they took the initiative to attack, they rushed unreasonably and forced various pressures, then the style and rhythm played by the God team now is as smooth as a flowing cloud. freely.

It seems that the rhythm control at every time point is just right.

Nothing deliberate or forced.

But just by holding the entire rhythm and trend in his own hands, the opponent is completely unable to make any counterattack and does not give the opponent any chance.

It can be seen that the coaches and team leaders of the two club teams, MLG and Season, are watching the game with particularly serious and focused expressions. They nod from time to time, holding pens and paper in their hands to record something.

The two top seeded teams in their respective divisions both lost to Minx in the morning. Now seeing the counterattack rhythm played by the God team, while admiring and envying them, they naturally did not forget to study and study immediately - if they can God's team learned some things, and when they met Minx again, they had ready-made coping methods that they could learn from.


The second tower on the lower purple road is broken.

There was another round of cheers and applause from the crowd watching the game.

Players and players from the three clubs in the LPL, God, Hayami and KG, couldn't help but beam with joy:


Is it almost really stable?

The rhythm is back, and this game is almost a successful comeback.

victory is in sight!

Regarding this view, Autumn on the outside of the crowd shook his head and gave a different evaluation:

"not enough."

Lin Feng nodded:

"One more wave to go."

The update is here. Today I will start the atonement and debt repayment update, but I can’t fly back due to the typhoon. . Stuck in hotel.

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