
Chapter 1673 Crazy?

In the famous detective novel, Sherlock Holmes said to his partner Watson, when you eliminate all impossible situations, no matter how unbelievable the remaining ones are, they are the truth and answers.

When several members of the SSK team were talking and discussing off the court, based on the current situation faced by the blue side God team on the court, the players and heroes in the four positions of top laner, jungler, ADC and support were screened out one after another. So the last sentence Although the words did not directly state it, in fact, the remaining responsibility for breaking the situation can only fall on one person.


Dawnstar's mid laner Varus.

Although it has an excellent ability to consume poke, Punishment Arrow's ultimate move "Corruption Chain" is also a powerful tool for starting a team, especially in the lineup of the Blue Army in this round, this ultimate move The ability to start a group can almost rank in the top three.

It’s just as the SSK team’s assistant Cube commented, even if it is certain that the blue side’s mid laner Verus is the only candidate with the ability to break the game, it is still difficult to really break the game and make a comeback. .

The difficulty lies in the specific actual operation.

Although Varus' ultimate move has powerful hard control capabilities, after all, as a crispy mid laner AD hero, he cannot easily stand too far forward in a stalemate between the two sides. In the back row of your own formation, if you want to make a big move first, you lack some distance, and it is very likely that your opponent will react and avoid it directly.

In addition, the C-position hero of the opponent's purple side army is not stupid. He must also be standing in his own back row. Under normal circumstances, Varus's ultimate move can only reach the opposite front row at most, so it has little meaning and effect. Give your opponent enough reaction time and opportunity to counterattack.


Although difficult.

But there is still a possibility of successful operation on a theoretical level.

The only one who can take responsibility is Varus.

There is only one operation method and means to break the situation.

Han Shihao saw the only possibility of this method, and someone on the other side of the crowd and Autumn even set a time limit for the specific execution of this method during the conversation.

Because beyond this time range, Varus' only means of breaking the situation will be useless.

Good thing.

As Han Shihao commented,

If he were to play Varus, he would definitely be able to do it. In his eyes, the God team's midlaner captain... can also do it now.

So Dawnstar really did it.

The game time is 27 minutes and 50 seconds.

There was still about five seconds left within the time limit for Lin Feng and Autumn to discuss the results.

When the second defensive tower of the blue side army's bottom lane collapsed amid the prompt announcement of the female voice of the system.

When Team God's top laner, Eye of Twilight, seemed to be retreating due to residual health, he happened to choose a wave of return to the city.

On the top side of Summoner's Rift, Varus stepped forward to charge up his Q skill "Piercing Arrow" and hit the target Snake in the distance. He knocked out a chunk of HP and seemed to be ready to stop and retreat.

Seeing Varus retreat, several members of the purple side Minx team took advantage of the situation and prepared to move forward to score a few more points.

This is the moment.

A wave of operation scenes that were rated as the most shocking today came into view of everyone present.

For the other members of the God team of the blue team on the field, their clearest and most profound impression of this moment was destined to be the sudden shout of their captain on the voice channel of their own team:


Then Varus, who pretended to retreat, turned around like lightning in an instant and used the summoner's skill [Flash] to move forward and move forward with a burst of fine golden light!

The ultimate move "Chain of Corruption" comes out with a bang!

Amidst the sudden commotion that shocked the entire training room, Varus flashed his ultimate move and caught the unaware purple square mid laner Snake Girl!

Stay in place.

Can't move!

Just like the previous wave in the middle, Fly's mid laner Snake Girl's R-dodge ultimate move took the lead and forced everyone in the audience to unexpectedly do so.

And this wave of mid laner Varus, controlled by Dawn Star, flashed his ultimate move and controlled people first, which almost exceeded the limit of everyone's imagination!

To know……

This is Varus!

The crispy mid laner Varus has no other life-saving ability except flash!

Although such a big move can hit people first, doesn't it also put oneself into a certain death situation?

All members of the Minx team from the purple side on the field, including Fly, were stunned for a moment, because their tactical idea was to lead a four-to-one zone and leave the task of leading the lane and pushing the tower to The-Sword's top laner Ekko. , their other four large troops only need to be responsible for containment on the top road.

So they have no plans to start a group rashly.

And if you don't start a group, you will always be prepared for the opponent's uncontrollable attack.

But they were guarding against Dan Shen's teleport and the jungler's Widow's wandering sideways. Unexpectedly, they had to guard against mid laner Varus' flashing ultimate move.

This, isn't this crazy! ?

At the moment when he was controlled by Varus's ultimate move, Fly's mind went blank for a moment, but his instinct of operation made him backhand his ultimate move "Petrified Gaze" without thinking, towards the person not far ahead. The target Varus swung away.

The moment he made his big move, Fly felt as if he was in an unreal dream, and even felt a bit indescribably funny and absurd in his heart——

He was actually... forced away by Varus' flash ultimate move?

Not to mention the safety of his snake girl, but Varus, who rushed up from the desperate situation, was controlled by him with his backhand, and directly let his other teammates focus the fire. How could he survive?


It was precisely at this moment.

Almost at the moment when the snake girl Cassiopeia used her ultimate move, Petrifying Light, the flow of the entire world seemed to suddenly slow down.

The sharp-eyed spectators on the field widened their eyes and could clearly see that at the same moment when Varus flashed forward and charged with the ultimate move to control people, when the ultimate move was released, Varus suddenly retreated diagonally backwards. One small step.

As if miraculous in predicting.

It seems to have been prepared in advance.

This is the step to take.


The snake girl Cassiopeia's backhand ultimate move "Petrifying Gaze" was almost synchronized with lightning speed, and she avoided the frontal petrifying control - Fly, who was in front of the computer screen on the purple side, suddenly had a look of shock and horror on his face:

"What the hell!"

Although the slowdown buff is still attached.

But this did not prevent Varus from turning around at the next moment and aiming at the bloody snake girl who continued to pour out firepower suddenly!

"It's amazing!"

On the side of the KG team off the court, Yaogui, the main mid laner of the team, suddenly widened his eyes and blurted out with a loud shout!

The whole audience burst into exclamations like a tide!

Move around to avoid the snake girl and get close to her face!

This is the perfect combination of delicate operation and sharp hand speed!

It's still the same moment.

Another flat A shot from Varus knocked Snake Girl's health bar down to the critical level. The other members of both teams on the field seemed to finally react suddenly——


God's team's reaction speed is much faster!

The third update is here. Congratulations to RNG for winning the summer championship. IG also played wonderfully. In this year's S8 World Finals, I feel that I have seen the hope of the LPL. It has been eight years and I hope that glory can belong to the LPL division.

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