
Chapter 1671 Can do it

After several seasons of competition in the past few years, the momentum of the SSK team has become increasingly unstoppable. In the professional arena, it is almost rare to encounter the so-called hard battle in the true sense, so it makes most other opponents more difficult. Most of them are just amazed at the individual strength of the players in each single position of this team, but they ignore that the world's strongest team actually has an almost flawless ability level in terms of teamwork.

No wonder.

After all, this team that is now recognized as the strongest team in the world is really too strong.

From top laner and jungler to mid laner ADC and support, almost any game can achieve head-on crushing of early matchups. Relying on the personal strength of several main players, they can already achieve an absolute lead at a dominant level. In many cases, perhaps The victory was sealed in the first 20 minutes, so there was no need to wait for the team to work together in the middle and late stages.

But this does not mean that SSK is weak in teamwork ability.

On the contrary, as early as a few years ago, when SSK was not as dominant as it is today in the world's professional e-sports circles, it occasionally encountered strong opponents and dragged the game into the later stages. This was also demonstrated more than once. He has demonstrated his perfect teamwork and tacit understanding at a textbook level.


Regarding the current training match on the field, considering the current situation faced by the blue side God team, it is indeed a bit troublesome for several SSK main players watching the game.

If SSK had been the one to face the Minx team from the beginning, they would not have been in this situation.

Minx's core top laner and mid laner are two points. No matter The-Sword or Fly, when encountering Wolf or even Han Shihao on their side, it is destined to be impossible to have any lead, at least it will never be possible to let a purple square top laner Ike has developed to this level of incomprehension.

To be fair...

If the current situation is reached, from God's team's current perspective, several SSK main players feel that even if they were to replace God's blue team at this time, it would be really difficult to find a chance to break the game.

Of course there are ways.

But it's really hard.

"Shen should join the group."

Wolf, who is a member of the SSK unit, gave his own opinion:

"Or find a suitable point to teleport around,

Start a team fight. "


Judging from the lineup of God's blue team on the field, the one with the best ability to start a team is probably the top laner, Eye of Twilight, Shen. Shen himself is also the blue team's front row who can barely handle the most damage. Hero, and the E skill taunting is a solid hard control.

As long as the first mover successfully reaches the core and key hero of the opposite purple side and starts the team battle, the other heroes of the blue side can also follow the trend and quickly follow the output, and they can also have the power to fight in a head-on team fight.

However, this kind of opinion and evaluation made Cube on the side nod and shake his head:

"Theoretically, of course this is the best."

"However, the requirements for Shen are too high. It is not very realistic for Team God to operate like this."

Indeed, the reason why Wolf gave such an opinion and evaluation is because as the main top laner of SSK, his own strength level can even compete with or even be better than the top seven king top laners recognized in the world. high.

If he were to control Eye of Twilight Shen at this time, even in the early laning, The-Sword's Ekko would not have such a huge advantage. Even in such a disadvantageous situation, he would indeed be able to find the first move by himself. Opportunity to start a group.

But don't forget that Wolf is not the main top laner on God's team.

He also doesn't have the personal operational strength like Wolf.

Therefore, placing our hopes on the top laner of the God team is a bit too overwhelming and not practical enough.

Mafa, the SSK jungler, also frowned slightly at this time:

"The widow's current development...is a bit behind."

"If Evelin were to take the lead and start the group, it would be very difficult."

According to the lineup of the blue side God team, if the top laner Eye of Twilight cannot take on the responsibility of starting a team, then the suitable candidate for the second pick should indeed be the jungler Widow Evelin.

A well-developed Widowmaker does have the ability to initiate and cut into groups that makes opponents fearful.

But the problem is that the development of God's team's Widow Evelin is not very good. In terms of damage, it can't break into the back row to burst the enemy's crispy skin instantly. It is not a hero that can handle damage.

Again, if the controller of the Widow at this time is the seven-king jungler Mafa, he may be able to find as many opportunities as possible by relying on his personal ability.

But the junglers of Team God... don't have personal abilities comparable to the world's top junglers.

Therefore, the way out for this method has also been blocked.

Listening to the conversations and comments of several teammates, Ray, who is the team's ADC, couldn't help but be a little stunned:


"I can't even play solo or jungle. Isn't it because we need a policewoman to start a team?"

"It wouldn't work if it were me!"

Of course this doesn't make any sense.

A Piltover policewoman is not even an ADC hero like Vayne or Mouse. If she wants to start a team first, she is simply asking for death. Let alone Ray, even if a god comes to take over the operation, it is impossible.

Cube glanced at his ADC companion:

"of course not."

"The top laner and jungler are limited in their personal abilities, and the ADC cannot be responsible for starting a team. Since the support is Lulu... he does not have any ability to start a team first, so there is only one option left that is most suitable for God's team. There’s a way to go——”

Speaking of this, the main auxiliary player of SSK paused and looked at one of his teammates.

Several other members of SSK also seemed to wake up.

When such rigorous and meticulous logical analysis eliminates every feasible method one by one, the remaining method that seems to be the most impossible and risky becomes the only feasible method.


This approach would be too risky.

Too much gambling.

But if... there is a top-notch controller, maybe there is a glimmer of hope that it can be realized.

Feeling the eyes of several teammates falling on him, Han Shihao, the core mid laner and ace of the team, seemed not to care. He just looked far away at the OB screen on the electronic viewing screen on the wall, looking at the blue Verus, the single player in the middle, walked down the high ground and spoke calmly:

"He dawns the words of the morning star."

"It should be okay."

The meaning of the word "ye" is that the world's number one mid laner can calmly and naturally determine the credibility of a certain method without any further discussion, even if the difficulty level is as high as a scalp. It was numb, but at least if it was him, he could do it.

And in his opinion——

It seems that even the mid-laner captain of the God team on the field can handle such a difficult task.

The game time on the field has reached the 27th minute.

The blue and purple armies regrouped.

The purple side Minx team once again gathered four people to form a team and led the troops from the top lane to advance.

As for The-Sword's top laner Ekko, this time he went to the bottom lane alone.

Still four-one points.

But this time...

The situation faced by the blue God team has become increasingly critical and dangerous.

I'm guilty. I'm guilty. . But let me watch this year’s finals in secret first! !

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