
Chapter 1659 Can’t chase!

Probably in order to do a final wave of health-draining pokes to find a chance to kill, the purple square top laner Ekko took two more steps under the blue square tower at that moment.

Entered the range of the defense tower.

Then the "Time Curler" of the Q skill shoots out again.

For the top laner Twilight Eyes on the blue side, it seems that he just seized this opportunity and used the E skill to taunt and move towards the target Ekko without retreating. He probably also hoped to use the backhand taunt under the tower. Control Ekko and cooperate with the defense tower to deal a wave of health damage.

But this kind of behavior seems a bit unwise to many of the spectators who are standing on the purple side of the field, because your own blood volume is already very poor, even if you can After a wave of attrition, it is impossible to complete the counterattack with one's own damage output ability, and may even put oneself in more danger.


Shen's behavior... seemed to exceed the expectations of the spectators.

The body shape of the Eye of Twilight suddenly moved forward.

Halfway through.

A thin golden light suddenly exploded!

While it stung everyone's eyes, it also caused the same thought to flash through the minds of the spectators from various clubs off the field -

Taunt flashes!

However, this thought was quickly replaced by another unbelievable emotion:

This is careful...

are you crazy! ?

You must know that just using your E skill to taunt forward is already a risky move, but now you have to flash forward just to be able to taunt and control the target Ekko smoothly. You can't kill alone. It's so simple. Waste one of the most critical life-saving summoner skills, and then you will really be unable to escape when Ekko counterattacks from the opposite side——


Even from the perspective of the purple side Minx team, many spectators were suddenly awakened.

What if...this wasn't Shen's rash risk?

It's not one person's willful behavior.


He really has his teammates behind him.

Everything seemed to happen in a flash of lightning.

The speed was so fast that people were caught off guard.

Eye of Twilight Shen's taunting flash operation was completed in the blink of an eye, and at the same moment when the thin golden light exploded and Shen's figure disappeared halfway through the movement, he could already be seen behind Eye of Twilight Not far away, a ghostly figure suddenly flashed out of a puff of purple smoke!

The blue side jungler Widow Evelynn!


This wave of God team's jungle widow has already set up an ambush on the top lane!

Didn't wait for Ike's tower jump to force open.

But I couldn't hold it any longer.

Shen took the lead and taunted and flashed to save others. Widow Evelin quickly followed up almost simultaneously, jumping up and preparing to kill!

The operation and tacit understanding of the two main players of the God team in the field have reached an astonishing level. The moment Shen flashed in mockery, the widow Evelin, who was still a short distance behind, fired [Flash] simultaneously without hesitation!

Another burst of fine golden light exploded!

The Widow Maker, carrying a cold and deadly murderous intention, has almost rushed in front of the target time assassin!

Perfect fit.

An irresistible first move.

Shen's E skill may have a slightly slower taunting movement speed, but the instant combination of [Flash] is enough to make more than 99% of professional players have no time to react!

Ekko's damage is high, but this hero is also fragile enough.

But if Fanta can control this wave...

Even with five Time Assassins in hand, there is almost no way to escape!

The only pity is——

At this moment, as the controller of the purple top laner Ekko, the Minx team's top laner The-Sword happens to belong to the exceptional one percent.

Eye of Twilight Shen's E skill taunts and flashes. Although it is extremely fast, it is not truly instantaneous.

It's just because it's so fast that it can't be captured clearly with the naked eye, so it feels like what you see is Shen successfully controlling the target the moment he taunts and flashes.

However, theoretically, it is possible to avoid such flashes of ridicule by reactions.

It's just that the response time given by this is too short.

If not predicted in advance.

Really purely relying on temporary reaction hand speed, this time interval will be limited to no more than 0.1 seconds.

Summoner's Rift is on the road. This wave of synchronized flashes between the two heroes on the blue side, the solo jungler, is because they have communicated and prepared in advance, so they can achieve such a tacit understanding without any gaps.


This is such a sure-kill combination.

But also at this moment——

Suddenly an accident happened!

The flow of time seems to have been lost at this moment. Players and players from various clubs watching the game just saw the blue side's top laner Twilight Eyes taunting and flashing before disappearing in place and culling forward. At the same time, from the corner of his eye, he caught the silhouette of the jungle widow appearing behind Shen...

But at the same moment.

Almost like a miracle, the purple square top laner Ekko, who had become the target's prey, suddenly disappeared at this moment.

Accompanied by another burst of bright golden light!

next moment.

The figure of the Time Assassin had already appeared like a ghost and was hundreds of yards away!

It seemed as if the Eye of Twilight appeared at the same time as it flashed to the ground and reappeared.


But he has successfully dodged the inevitable taunt of the Eye of Twilight!

Wow! ! ! ! ! ! ——

The whole training room suddenly exploded!

I don’t know how many clubs, team members, and even coaches and team leaders who were watching the game suddenly stood up straight and were stunned!

Even the powerful ones at the level of Seventh King and Fourth Emperor had their eyelids twitching at this moment!


Avoid Shen's taunting flash! ?

What kind of reaction and operating speed is this?

For a moment, Shi Hang, Zeng Rui and Li Shiyi, who were standing behind Lin Feng on the periphery of the crowd, also suddenly took a breath of cold air, and the comment someone made just now sounded in their minds for the first time——

The operation response speed of this The-Sword is probably not inferior to him.

Maybe some of the people in front of me were suspicious after hearing this.

But at this moment...

No more controversy!

Just this operation of dodging, dodging, taunting and flashing is already an almost unparalleled level of cheating!

After a [Flash] was handed over in an instant, the purple top laner Ekko quickly used the "Phase Dive" of his E skill to make another movement to further widen the distance between him and the two blue opponents behind him.

In the blink of an eye, the distance between Ike and the pursuers behind him had grown to nearly a thousand yards.

Just now, the two men on the blue side and the wild suddenly burst into synchronized attacking and killing momentum...

It seemed to be dissolved into nothingness in an instant.

This is...

Let people escape?

A well-planned ambush plot that worked hard and even used oneself as bait, just came to nothing?

The two heroes in the upper and jungle fields of the blue team God team seemed unwilling to give in and continued to pursue a few steps forward.

But at this same moment——

Off the field, a few quick-reacting spectators suddenly realized:


"Can't chase!!"

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 9 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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