
Chapter 1642 Ekko kills alone

There seems to be a cycle of version changes. Varus mid laner was active and popular in the old season a year or two ago and then fell silent. However, he never expected that at the end of S6, he would be active again. On the professional field.

In the current version, the existence of mid laner Varus, although not considered T1, can still be ranked in the T2 echelon.

It has good adaptability in laning, and has excellent poke consumption ability. At the same time, after level 6, it also has a hard control of the big move when combined with gank, and its teamfighting ability in the mid-to-late stage is also quite impressive.

Therefore, the fact that this hero was selected in this training match is not a surprise in itself.

But what’s really surprising is...

It’s the one who makes this choice.

At this time, the members of various clubs and teams could not help but start whispering to each other:

"Varus of the Morning Star?"

"It feels...not his style."

"I thought I would see Card or Victor. He should be more suitable for that type of hero."

"Varus...isn't it a little too risky?"

In fact, judging from the lineup selected by the blue God team, it is obvious that it is a dual-core output system. The mid laner Verus and the ADC policewoman basically mean team battles are poke and continuous output. It lacks a single point of explosion, but has two points, Shen and Lulu, which can provide a lot of protection.

It's considered rigorous.

But such a lineup does have flaws.

That is a great test on the operational abilities of the two core C-position heroes.

The policewoman is just that, but Varus, a mid laner, really doesn’t have any movement escape skills. Although Shen and Lulu are very capable of protecting people, they still have to protect their mid lane ADC at the same time. At this point, it is inevitable that there will be some incompetence.

Looking at the opposing lineup, top laner Ekko can cut into the back row, jungler Zach has strong entry ability and control, and even mid laner Cassiopeia has a big move. Group hard control.

This means that in the mid-to-late stage team battles, Varus’s living space is destined to be compressed by the opponent’s lineup to a very difficult level.

It’s too late to save one’s life, let alone output.

Not even talking about the middle and late stages.

Even if you are laning in the early stage, if you, Varus, are targeted by the opponent's jungler, your chance of escaping is much lower than that of other mid lane heroes. And don't forget that the opponent's purple side mid laner Snake Girl is still controlled by Fly.

His style of play is the purest and most extreme offense. In the morning, even veteran top Seven Kings players like Spoon suffered big losses. Why haven't you Varus from Dawnstar learned your lesson?

It stands to reason that if you look at the opponent's lineup, your blue side mid laner is best to have a hero like Mechanical Herald Victor or Vampire, who can either brush the lane with peace of mind and develop, or have enough life-saving and laning abilities. You won’t be caught to death by the opponent’s jungler easily…

Therefore, many veteran experts present frowned slightly.

Because based on their understanding of Dawnstar’s playstyle and character, the God team’s mid laner captain has always been calm and cautious. He usually chooses to spend the early stages of the laning smoothly, and only slowly relies on his own overall situation near the mid-term. Carry with the ability of observation and rhythm control.

Such a risky hero choice...

In fact, it doesn't quite match the LPL's number one mid laner they are familiar with.

Moon, who was standing in the corner, had his eyes flickering slightly. He suddenly remembered the training match between his Fate team and God this morning.

The two European Dharma Kings, Spoon and Phoenix, stood together again at some point, exchanging words in low voices.

The few people on the SSK team did not express their opinions or comments, but showed some interest on their faces.

Standing next to someone, Autumn turned her head and looked at the person in front of her.

Someone smiled:

"This is interesting, let's wait and see."

A training match finally started under the gaze of countless excited, curious or expectant eyes.

The screen enters Summoner's Rift.

Ten heroes from the blue and purple armies quickly left the base spring and rushed to the jungle and online.

1 minute and 45 seconds.

The junglers of both sides each choose the starting jungle area and enter the jungle farming rhythm. At the same time, the three heroes arrive online and enter the laning phase.

Comparing the atmosphere of the two teams, the God team on the blue side is as calm as ever, while the faces of the members of the Minx team on the purple side look extremely relaxed and casual.

Fly was in a very happy mood at the moment.

Because he found that Dawnstar, the mid laner of the opposing God team, seemed to be more stupid than he expected.


He used this kind of hero to face off against his snake girl Cassiopeia. I really don’t know how he became the number one mid laner in the LPL division with such a brain, or the other party didn’t even know that he was playing Season and MLG this morning. How did you crush your opponents in the early laning stages in those two games?


That's interesting.

The young mid laner of the Minx team had a cruel and bloodthirsty smile on his face.

It seems that in this round he can show off his offensive style more brazenly.

I defeated that Spoon this morning.

Defeating another Dawn Star this time will add another layer to his record.

With The-Sword on the top lane, of course he doesn't need to worry about it. As for the jungler and bottom lane... I heard that the ADC of the opposing God team is also a good player, but it's still nothing to worry about.

"It would be nice if the road is a little more stable."

"Don't give the opponent too many chances, just wait for me and The-Sword to set the pace."

Fly gave the casual instructions as usual.

He expected that his bottom lane might be slightly weaker than God's bottom lane, but as long as he was careful and developed a little pressure resistance, nothing would go wrong.

So Minx's ADC and auxiliary players in the bottom lane responded quite simply and looked quite relaxed.

They have long been accustomed to such arrangements.

Anyway... no matter whether they are in the bottom lane or in the jungle, they don't want to have merit but want to have no faults. They just need to be stable. The rest of the victory... will naturally be led by their mid laner and top laner.

After explaining all this, Fly's eyes returned to the center line where he was.

At this time, you can already see the figure of the blue side mid laner Varus appearing with the army line not far away from the opposite side.

The corners of Fly's mouth raised slightly:

The confrontation with Spoon in the morning was a solo kill that took three to four minutes.

So this round...

How long will it take?

Most of the team players in the first training room have already learned about the Minx team's strong early offensive capabilities from the morning's information.

So I was expecting and preparing in my heart.

But even so.

Everyone still didn't expect that the pace of the afternoon match would be so fast at the beginning.

Game time is 4 minutes and 15 seconds.

As we hit the road in Summoner's Rift, a system female voice suddenly announced the kill:


The entire training room suddenly shook with shock.

Hit the road.

Ike is the top laner on the purple side.

A single kill!

For a moment, even the Seven Kings and even the Four Emperors in the training room could not help but have their eyelids twitch slightly.

On the SSK side, several main players had a slightly serious expression on their faces, while top laner Wolf narrowed his eyes:


The update is here. The next chapter will be around eleven o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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