
Chapter 1613 Lost

The first news is about the third-seeded Crown team in the North American LCS division. Although the information from Nian Shisan is quite shocking and touching, the strength of the Crown team’s rookie ADC player in the bottom lane is also unclear. It gives people a new and more specific understanding, but the news itself is not actually that exciting.

After all, Team God still won in the end, right?

Although it was a narrow victory, the God team also did not show its true full strength in this match. The core main mid laner Dawn Morning Star did not play. Otherwise, if it were a full lineup of God's main lineup, it would defeat an ADC player with such a rookie talent. It is not difficult for the Crown team.

It can only be said that this information only makes people pay more attention to that North American third-seeded team and that person.

But that's it.

According to Lin Feng's judgment and opinion, if it was just this level of gossip information, it would not have caused Nian Shisan to wink at him on the court so hard just now. He would not even care about letting him continue to toss and bully the BW team and ask him to hurry down and listen to the news. .

So naturally there should be more exciting news waiting.

Sure enough, at this time, Nian Shisan regained his serious expression:

"Other news is also related to the North American LCS region."

"Legend and Season had a fight earlier, you know that, right?"

Lin Feng and Shi Hang both nodded subconsciously. That match originally interested them. They were two of the oldest and most powerful teams in the European and North American divisions, and each had the second and third best aces among the Yonko. Think about it. It is a very exciting confrontation.

"The previous battle is over, Season will be won in thirty minutes."

Read thirteen words to summarize the result in one concise and concise sentence.

Shi Hang touched his chin:

"It's...not surprising."

Lin Feng nodded in agreement: "Legend's condition this year is not very good. He hasn't fully adjusted yet, but when the main game starts, the situation should be much better."

Just yesterday, he had two sparring sessions with Phoenix for the Legend team, and he clearly knew the current status of the veteran European powerhouse. And having said that, the strength of the Legend team lies in the tactical operation of BO3 and BO5.

When it comes to a single BO1 matchup, it is weaker than many teams at the same level.

What's more, I heard that the Season team is in great shape this time. With the world's support god leading the team, it's not surprising to defeat their old rival Legend.

In Lin Feng's own judgment, among the top four teams that are most likely to be in this finals, Europe's Legend and South Korea's Fate team are equally ranked at the bottom. The third team is almost the God team, and the top two are ranked higher. The battle... is still very likely to fall between Season and SSK.

The world's number one mid laner.

An auxiliary god.

It seems that there is not much difference from the situation last year.

"So this is all your news?" Lin Feng glanced at Nian Shisan, and Shi Hang next to him also helped: "That's right, you can think of this kind of thing just thinking about it, okay~"

I rolled my eyes when I read Thirteen:

"What's the hurry? I haven't finished speaking yet."

"After Season and Legend finished, they also had a match with a Korean team. Don't you know about this?"

Shi Hang was stunned:

"Korean team?"

"Isn't that SSK or Fate——"

He blurted it out subconsciously, but then he saw Nian Shisan looking askance at him, and Shi Hang suddenly reacted: "Oh wait, the LCK division... also has three teams, who is the other one?"

We really can’t blame Shi Hang, as the ace mid laner of the LPL team Hayashi, for being so unfamiliar with the three participating teams in the Korean division of this year’s finals and even forgetting the name of one of them.

It's really because in the LCK division, there are only a few most famous and impressive teams.

The strongest SSK with Han Shihao and Mafa in charge.

The Fate team also has a Yonko mid laner named Moon.

In addition, there is a veteran Korean team that reached the World Finals last year. Its mid laner Orian is also ranked among the seven kings in the world. However, it is a pity that they missed the S6 Finals this year.

It’s not that there are only a few teams in the Korean LCK division that can do well. On the contrary, the competition in the Korean division is extremely fierce every year. There are always various new teams that come to the fore, but most of the time they are just a flash in the pan and will soon be replaced by other latecomers. replace.

Therefore, the only two teams that can truly consistently occupy the top three or two spots in the LCK division are SSK and Fate.

Under the light of these two old and top Korean teams, other Korean teams will inevitably be overshadowed. So much so that this year's three teams in the LCK division have advanced, and many people even have nothing to do with the third Korean team. Impression understanding.

Lin Feng frowned and tried to remember:

"That team...is called Minx, right?"

When he was still at home, because Su Xue was busy preparing homework materials for hosting interviews in the finals, he took a look at it and saw the name of that team on the qualifying list of the Korean LCK division.

Read Thirteen and nod:

"Yeah, Minx."

"It is also a new team that has just emerged in the Korean Division this year in S6."

"This morning was my first training match, and I got into a fight with Season."

Shi Hang clicked his tongue: "That's not so lucky..."

But the next second, he seemed to have thought of something, and stared at Nian Shisan:

"Damn, don't tell me that Minx fucked Season!?"

Nian Shisan smiled:

"What do you think?"

"Otherwise...how can you say this is breaking news?"

The tone was a bit teasing and sarcastic, but the words fell lightly, but it was enough to shock people beyond measure!

"Season... lost!?"

Shi Hang immediately reacted and showed an expression of disbelief: "How is that possible! Just Minx, a new team? Are you kidding me?"

Suddenly, as if he suddenly woke up, Shi Hang stared at Nian Shisan:

"Hey, isn't it because Season didn't bring out the main lineup to play casually? It's the same routine as God's team just now, right?"

Nian Shisan shrugged:

"That's a pretty accurate guess. It's true that Season didn't bring out the entire main lineup..."

Shi Hang breathed a sigh of relief:

"Let me tell you...it would be too scary otherwise."

Then he rolled his eyes and said with great contempt: "You will die if you tell me everything. You are not the one who really makes headlines, okay?"

However, in contrast, Lin Feng next to him did not feel relieved by Nian Shisan's supplementary explanation. Instead, he stared at the former and narrowed his eyes slightly:

"What's the lineup in Season?"

Read Thirteen and look over:

"Tsk, you are indeed the smarter guy. You guessed it, right?"

He paused for a moment before speaking slowly again:

"It's true that Season is not on the full lineup, but..."

"They're Autumn."

One sentence.

This moment made Shi Hang, who had only relaxed a second ago, freeze on the spot again as if he had been struck by lightning.

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly sharpened into a thin line:


Read Thirteen and nod:


Updates are coming. There are only two updates today. I will try to make up for them tomorrow. . . I'm sorry if something happened.

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