
Chapter 1611 Happy

If the unhurried and leisurely state of the jungle excavator of the previous jungler made the rhythm of this game seem equally slow and also brought some meager hope to the main players of the blue side BW team for a comeback, then This wave of fire dragon team battles completely destroyed all the hopes of everyone in BW.

As for after this wave of team battles——

When someone makes a sudden decision, make a quick decision.

In the blink of an eye, the rhythm of all the battles was so fast that people could not react in time. It was as if the originally peaceful and slow rhythm was just an illusion, which was suddenly torn to pieces at this moment, revealing its ferocious true face.

20 minutes.

The five members of the purple army grouped together and advanced in the middle.

They directly demolished the second tower in the middle of the opponent's blue side army, and continued to press the troops to the opponent's highland tower. After a moment of stalemate, Shi Hang's mid laner vampire had already demolished BW's upper two tower in the top lane.

Two lines of troops pressed onto the high ground.

The five people on the purple side retreated directly into the upper half of the opponent's wild area without hesitation, quickly turned to the river Baron Fjord, and paved their way with vision positions. They didn't even wait for the opponent to react or come to stop them, and directly started to attack the baron!

All the spectators outside the field were also stunned.

Baron in 20 minutes!

This efficiency and rhythm...are simply not on the same level as before!

But at this time, the core C positions of the purple army are already very well developed, and with someone's jungle excavator at the forefront, hitting Baron Baron at this time is almost harmless.

Quickly taking down the baron, when the female voice of the system announced the announcement, the BW team was suddenly shocked. But the next moment, five members of the opponent's purple side army had returned to the city and brought the baron buff and the soldiers line again in the middle. Coming straight at you.

The army line once again pressed onto the high ground, and the purple army quickly switched to the bottom lane, demolishing the opponent's second tower in the bottom lane, and then forced it back to the high ground.

In a few clicks, combined with the minions blessed by the Baron buff, the opponent's highland tower in the lower lane was demolished.

At the same time, Shi Hang's mid laner Vampire single-handedly reduced the blue square's top highland tower to ruins.

Then destroy the opponent's two summoning crystals almost at the same time.

Break the middle crystal again.

From beginning to end, everything seemed to be done in one go. When the purple army easily defeated the opponent's three-way high ground with almost no bloodshed, the game time had only reached the 22nd minute.

Almost everyone in the audience was stunned.

All the coaches and team leaders at the Assassin Club were stunned. After reacting, they sincerely exclaimed:

This is simply a classic textbook-level advancement!

Dealing with variations in the battle situation...

too fast!

It's perfect!

It just doesn't give the opponent any chance to react, nor does it give the opponent the slightest room for resistance. Relying on the huge advantage established in the early stage, the opponent is forced step by step to a desperate point of no return.

"This is the use of tactics. I didn't expect that little brother Lin Feng's attainments in this area have reached such a high level -" Even Fu Ming, the head coach of the Hayashi Club, was sincerely sighing, as if he was a member of the Hayashi team. ...Whether it is Shi Hang, who is the core mid laner, or the newly emerged shadow puppet, they do not yet have this level of overall perspective and command ability.

Next to him, Captain Sun of Hayami also shook his head and sighed:

"It would be great if this was really the bottom of our Hayashi water pressure box..."

But such regret is meaningless.

Because long before this, not only Hayami and his family, whether it was KG or God, the coaches and team leaders of those two companies had also had such extravagant fantasies countless times.

On the electronic viewing screen, the base crystal of the blue army exploded with a bang.

The purple "Victory" emblem slowly emerged and rose.

Team Hayami wins.

The entire training room suddenly burst into cheers and applause. The members of Team Hayami were in high spirits, and the members of the Assassin Club next to them were content. Probably only the gray faces of the BW people were incompatible with such a happy atmosphere, but there was also something Kind of complement each other...

As the winner, when someone stood up, he greeted the main players of BW, his opponent, with a warm smile on his face:

"I accept it, I accept it..."


However, when these words fell in the ears of several BW team members, they felt like a slap in the face, making them blush, ashamed and angry.

As the biggest loser in this match, Nate, who is the core ace jungler of BW, stood up and stared at someone, and after a long while, he squeezed out a sentence from his teeth like a beast growling:

"Next time...I will get the place back in the finals!"

Someone listened for a moment, and then nodded solemnly:


"I'm waiting for you!"

It was like an oath of invitation and challenge from two top junglers, and the atmosphere at this moment was solemn*.

Little did they know that the main members of the Hayami team next to him, including Shi Hang and Shadow Puppet, almost had muscles twitching on their faces. They had to endure and persevere without bursting into laughter. This guy is so shameless. He didn't forget to trick others in the end. A handful.

The players on the BW Club side were all stunned when they saw this scene, but when they thought about the game just now, their faces turned gloomy, and their heads that were originally raised proudly drooped.

The core ace jungler they are most confident and dependent on...

In this way, in a way that could almost be called the most humiliating and useless, he was crushed and defeated for more than twenty minutes.

"That person... is stronger than Nian Shisan, right?"

Someone among the BW team members murmured subconsciously.

But it also expressed the thoughts and feelings of many people. Yes, when they played against the Assassin in the previous game, the number one jungler in the LMS division was defeated by them.

This Hayashi's ace in the box... seems to be really stronger than the veteran seven-king jungler.

Standing in the crowd of his teammates, Wood's face showed a complex change of expressions at this time. In the end, he even breathed a sigh of relief, as if he was relieved.

The opponent... turns out to be so strong.

He is definitely at the level of the Seven Kings. Even their BW ace Nate is no match for him, so it makes sense that he was beaten in the last game...

Even Wood couldn't help but feel some secret secret joy at this moment, because if even Nate was defeated by the opponent, then his own defeat would be covered up.

As for the previous hostility, contempt or resentment towards someone, it has long since disappeared in the heart of this BW substitute jungler.

It’s not that I don’t dare.

But I can no longer think of comparing myself to anyone.

after all……

There is no comparison between ants and elephants.

Several of BW's main players walked dejectedly back to the crowd of their own club. Several coaches and team leaders from the club came to greet them. The team leader reached out and patted Nate on the shoulder with a complicated expression:

"Thanks for your hard work."

At this time, he couldn't blame his core ace player any more, he could only comfort:

"It's okay, it's just a training match."

"Afterwards... there will still be a chance for revenge!"

After hearing these words, Nate's originally dark eyes finally lit up, and he gritted his teeth: "When the finals begin...it will never be like this next time."

Seeing that his ace team member was back on his feet, the BW team leader also nodded in relief:

"Well, just have confidence."

"Let's have a meeting later to review and study it carefully. That arrogant guy... we have memorized all the routines in the two games just now!"

In his tone, one could hear the BW leader's unconcealable joy.

The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, friends. See you tomorrow!

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