
Chapter 1609 The gambling tables are gone

In a game, the rhythm in the early and mid-term is often driven by the jungle.

However, in this match, someone who was the jungle excavator on the purple side seemed to play unhurriedly intentionally or unintentionally, so when the game went on for more than ten minutes, the purple side Hayami team did not win early. Go down to the two defense towers opposite.

But even so, the team economy gap between the blue and purple sides has been widened by about 3,500.

It mainly comes from the development of kills and last hits.

"At this pace...if we don't demolish the tower, this round can last quite a long time."

Zeng Rui commented like this.

Next to her, Tang Bingyao also nodded seriously: "In this case, it will not be easy for Olaf on the opposite side to surpass the ghost."

A girl's thoughts are always very simple and pure. It doesn't matter whether you are a seven-king jungler or not, but you don't like that guy named Nate anyway, so you naturally hope that someone on the field can kill him. beat.

Li Shiyi laughed when he heard this: "Super ghost, not super ghost, in fact, the impact is not big anymore. With Olaf's current situation, it is estimated that their Nate will be more uncomfortable than their previous substitute jungler. ”


Sometimes, it's not just the number of kills and super ghosts that can really hit your opponent.

Just like in the current game, although someone, as a purple side jungle digger, played slowly and unhurriedly, he did not rely on his own development and level advantages to cause infinite trouble for the opponent Olaf. He was just a People play slowly and at their own pace.

But it just happened to be like this——

On the contrary, it puts Nate, who is the blue side jungler Olaf on the opposite side, into an extremely embarrassing situation.

I won't trouble you.

I just look for opportunities to wander around online, or go to your jungle area to farm two waves of jungle.

I didn't do anything too specific to you.

But even so, you, the jungler Olaf, still dare not do anything. You can only sit back and watch your three lanes collapse little by little, but you can't do anything about it.

"A seven-king level jungler... was suppressed like this,

It’s already a shame—”

Zeng Rui couldn't help sighing. At this moment, he had invisibly admitted the previous view of Nian Shisan. Instead of "living in an ignoble existence" like this, why not just take a big gamble and become a super ghost? It's a pleasure to be so cowardly.

When he read Thirteen, he laughed:

"Even if you regret it now, it's already too late."

"What did you do early?"


Perhaps before ten minutes of the game, if Olaf, the jungler on the blue side, makes a desperate gamble, he might be able to find a few opportunities for ganks to help his teammates regain some rhythm advantage, but now... ...even if he wanted to take action, he was already powerless.

In the middle lane, Shi Hang's mid laner vampire on the purple Fang Suishui side seems to have developed into a terrifying boss. Not to mention whether someone's jungle excavator will counter-crouch nearby, even if the vampire is alone, he can fight blue in a 1V2. On the color side, Ryze and Olaf's midfield are more than enough, and they even have a chance to get a double kill.

As for the bottom lane, Obama has Braum's protection, and coupled with his own agility, it is not easy for a hero like Olaf who does not have hard control to catch him to death, not to mention that when the bottom lane gets into a fight, his top laner Rambo can also attack him at any time. Possible delivery support.

It seems that in comparison, the only ganking option left for Olaf is the top lane.

After all, Rambo has no displacement skills, so he is easier to catch.

But the problem is-

If Nate, who is the blue side jungler Olaf, can understand this truth, then it is even more impossible for someone who is the purple side jungle digger to ignore it.

"If this guy dares to go up the road, Maple's excavator will definitely be ready to counter-crouch in advance."

Read Thirteen and curl your lips:

"If you go there, it will be even more dangerous."

So according to this statement, as the blue side jungler Olaf, almost all the things Nate can do and the paths he can take have been invisibly blocked.

All roads are closed.

At this time, it wasn't even a matter of Nate himself being willing to take a gamble.


All the gaming tables are gone, and there is absolutely no way out.

"It's probably going to collapse all the way," Nian Shisan tutted, "Being able to lose so cowardly can be considered a classic case."

At this moment, his mood finally calmed down completely, and he no longer had any depression or grudge.

Looking at Nate's situation with Olaf, the anger he suffered in the previous round was nothing.

It’s no longer possible to play.

This is the consensus of almost everyone in the eighth training room at this moment.

Off the court, the coaches and team leaders of the BW Club looked ugly and extremely embarrassed. The team leader in front of them gritted his teeth and felt that if they waited longer, their core ace Nate could find a chance to break the game, but now It seems...

There's no chance that there's nothing left!

The hope of revenge and saving face was gone. The only consolation left for the coaches and team leaders of the BW club was that the pace of this game did not seem to be too fast, and they could delay it for a little longer. Correspondingly, they could observe and analyze the playing style and routines of the opponent's Hayami's trump card jungler.

"Did you write it down?"

The BW team leader turned his head and looked at his coaches with a bad face, and said in a low voice:

"Remember everything, see it clearly, and review it carefully later!"

Several coaches also nodded hurriedly, and the small notebooks in their hands were almost densely filled with various analytical data and texts.

The game time was fifteen minutes.

The Hayami team on the purple side seemed to have finally changed and accelerated a little. The vampire in the middle directly pushed and broke the opponent's blue side's outer defense tower. At the same time, someone's jungle excavator roamed to the bottom lane, and did not rush to force the first move, but slowly forced the opponent's bottom lane combination back and helped his own ADC assistant to break the blue side's bottom lane tower.

Then he turned back and turned into the jungle river.

He took a fire dragon safely.

Finally, at this time, Nate's jungler Olaf on the blue side BW team finally launched a roaming gank attempt on the top lane, but just when Olaf was about to rush to the top lane, someone from the Hayami team called out in the team voice channel to remind him -

He directly asked Hayami's top laner Rambo to decisively use his ultimate on the line, and in the blink of an eye, a large wave of soldiers that were about to be pushed into the tower were cleared without leaving any trace.

Just so easily and easily, the opponent's plan to cross the top and jungle towers was shattered.

The top laner on the BW team was speechless.

Nate's lips trembled a little, and he looked at the situation on the small map with a desolate and sad look, watching his own mid-lane and bottom-lane outer towers being destroyed so easily, and heard the system female voice prompt that the fire dragon was killed and taken away.

He was completely disappointed.

At this time, in the front row of the crowd watching the game, Nian Shisan's cell phone rang in his trouser pocket, which surprised him:


"What's going on? There seems to be news from the training room next door?"

Update sent, the next chapter will be around nine o'clock, go away and continue typing.

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