
Chapter 1607 Only worthy of 7 kings

Just looking at the coaches of the BW team not far away opposite, gnashing their teeth and concentrating on the viewing screen, recording while watching, Nian Shisan has actually found a lot of psychological balance.

The more diligently people record records, the more wary and fearful they are about someone, and the more they are destined to go crazy and collapse when they find out the truth later.

I heard that your BW team has thoroughly analyzed and studied Hayashi’s “bottom-pressing ace jungler”?

Feel sorry.

That's not Hayami's person at all.

Oh, even he is not an active professional player.

By the way, although that guy may return to the professional arena next year, his main job is to be a mid laner, not a jungler.

Just go ahead and work around.

Thinking about some of the foreseeable scenes in the future, Nian Shisan still felt a little bit of uncontrollable anticipation, thinking that when the truth about someone's identity was revealed, he would have to be there to witness it. These guys from BW were so angry. Squirting blood.

But that’s what happened later.

at the moment--

It's still not time to take revenge.

"Hey, I said Maple's pace is a bit slow. Why haven't you killed them into super ghosts?" Nian Shisan began to feel dissatisfied at this moment, facing someone's purple jungler on the field at this moment. The excavator was very picky.

Next to him, Li Shiyi shook his head helplessly: "This is an excavator...it's not a hero like Leopard Girl or Olaf the Blind Monk. You can't really keep drilling into other people's jungles, right?"

Rek'Sai, the void lurker, is a hero who focuses on roaming, ganking, and teamfighting.

Zeng Rui also nodded:

"And... Olaf on the opposite side really played well and didn't give him too many chances."

It has to be said that as the core ace jungler of the BW team, Nate, whose strength has reached the level of Seven Kings, still has some capital to be proud of. Even in the current situation where the rhythm is almost a small collapse, his Olaf is still working hard. People who struggle to survive and survive in the cracks generally seek their own development space as much as possible.

After someone's jungle excavator gets the development advantage of level economy,

It is almost easy to invade the enemy's wild area and take away wild monster resources. Nate also knows that his Olaf can't face the opponent for the time being, so he bites the bullet and chooses to avoid it and go sideways to find other players who can brush it. all resources.

There were one or two waves, when someone's excavator was ganking in the lane and hitting a few summoner skills and kills from the blue side BW team, Nate's Olaf was still gritting his teeth and forcibly enduring the futility, Take the opportunity to collect resources from several wild areas to supplement your own development.

"It's a bit cowardly, but at least... it has brought Olaf's development back from the brink of collapse, right?"

Zeng Rui commented so carefully and objectively.

But Nian Shisan curled his lips when he heard it:

"Of course that's true."

"But this choice is not necessarily wise -"

"To put it bluntly, I'm still timid."

Zeng Rui was a little dazed after hearing this, but Li Shiyi thought about it and nodded: "Well, in this situation, if Olaf is too conservative... it is indeed not advisable."

Among the few people, the two who are most specialized in the jungle position have expressed the same opinions one after another, so the judgments are basically the same.

But Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui still felt a little confused.

After all, the two of them mainly work as ADC and support in the bottom lane. Their understanding and knowledge of the jungle position are always lacking, and they cannot easily make too many judgments on the seven-king level jungler.

Fortunately, An Xin on the side smiled and helped explain:

"Actually, under normal circumstances, Olaf's choice can't be wrong. Even just based on Nate's awareness and operation of grabbing development and supplementing the economy, it can be seen that he has enough strength. ——Ordinary people may not be able to make up for their growth in such a disadvantageous situation. "

Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui finally understood these words, and they nodded subconsciously. It was indeed as An Xin said. It was seeing this that made them both feel that Nate's performance was quite rare.


The girl who said this paused slightly, but the conversation suddenly changed:

"What I just said is just a routine situation."

"Of course Olaf's choice can make up for his own development, but when it comes to saving and reversing the situation of this game...this choice is of little help."

Zeng Rui gradually woke up after hearing this:

"So, we should--"

"Yeah," An Xin smiled and nodded: "In this situation, if you really want to rely on the jungle to break the game, you have to be more proactive in ganking."

Zeng Rui blurted out a sentence almost subconsciously when he heard it: "But if Olaf collapsed like that in the early stage and still ganked, what should I do with my own level development? This is too risky and too reckless -"

As he spoke, he suddenly woke up and looked at Nian Shisan beside him involuntarily.


Speaking of the jungler with the toughest and most reckless style in the world's professional e-sports circles...

Are you standing in front of him right now?

Although he has not been in contact with Nian Shisan for a long time, at this moment Zeng Rui can guess without thinking at all. If Nian Shisan and the ace jungler Nate of the BW team change places in this game, , what choice decision the former will make.

Jungler Olaf's early rhythm collapse?

Need to supplement growth?


This kind of word is almost impossible to exist in the dictionary of the No. 1 jungler in the LMS region.

Because no matter how much you supplement your growth, it is impossible to beat the development rhythm of the excavator, which has a strong tailwind in the early stage.

So we have to arrest people.

Just want to gank!

Grasping for death, wandering on a hunger strike.

It means to risk everything and then survive with the most violent and fierce attitude, and try to maximize the strong ganking characteristics that Olaf jungler should have in the early stage.

Only in this way can we gain a chance to break the situation.

"But, this, this is..." Zeng Rui, who wanted to understand the key, couldn't help but almost said out loud: "This is too risky -"

His own understanding and knowledge of the League of Legends game over the years made him completely unable to accept such a choice that cannot be simply described as "reckless".

But when Nian Shisan heard it, he sneered:


"In this current situation, do you think there is still half a dime of opportunity if you don't take risks?"

"Before our assassins and their BW, if I, Olaf, was targeted at a disadvantage in the early stage and only thought about supplementing his own development first and then slowly seeking follow-up opportunities, then let alone the mid-to-late stage, the early ten minutes We will be cold!"

The truth is this, but Zeng Rui is still trying hard to defend and explain:

"But...if the bet is wrong, it will really be gone."

"At least this way, it's more stable -"

Nian Shisan shook his head indifferently after hearing this, but this time he did not continue to argue with Zeng Rui:

"certainly. "

"So Nate thinks the same way now."

Just when he said this, the No. 1 jungler in the LMS division paused, his eyes swept across the electronic screen on the wall to watch the game, looking at the blue side jungler who was still trying to find resources and desperately replenishing his development. Wild Olaf:

"But it seems like I overestimated this guy earlier."

"Being close to the Seven Kings...hey, that's too flattering."

"As for his response choices in this game——"

"He is only worthy of being under the Seven Kings."

The update is here, the next chapter will be around eleven o'clock, go away and continue typing!

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