
Chapter 1586 Can only be avoided

The sixteen teams that reached the World Finals in S6 this year, regardless of their strength, will never be reckless or careless - if they were, they would have been eliminated as early as the regional leagues. .

The teams that can advance to the finals not only have excellent players and team members, but also their respective team leaders and coaching staff are absolutely perfect and mature, with all kinds of calculations.

And like just now, when Nate made such a provocation in front of Nian Shisan and even the entire Assassin team, the coaches and team leaders on the BW team had no intention of stopping him at all, as if they were just standing by. Go to the theater.

Nate has an arrogant personality, which is barely understandable.

But in the face of such arrogant behavior of his own players, as a coach and team leader, he did not stop him at all, which is a bit abnormal.


When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

So if you change your mind and think about it calmly, you will come to a conclusion:

Nate's behavior, not to mention whether it was intentionally instigated by the coaches and leaders of the BW team, was at least implicitly condoned and acquiesced.

And any overall behavior involving the team or even the club must have the intention of seeking benefits behind it.

So let’s talk about what benefits Nate’s behavior can bring to the BW team now...

Naturally, it is ready to come out.

"Originally, BW put a lot of thought and energy into studying the Assassin team. It is estimated that all the previous game videos of Thirteen have been studied and reviewed."

"That's why we were able to let Nate display that level of targeting in the training match just now."

"However, no matter how much previous video data is available, it is always a bit outdated."

"BW, who regards the Assassin Team as its primary target, will of course be extremely eager to obtain more first-hand fresh information about Nian Shisan."

"In the match just now, you could see several coaches of the BW team writing and drawing in small notebooks in the back. Winning or losing a game is actually not important to them BW. On the contrary, maybe it is that small notebook. What’s recorded is what they really want to get.”

"And what is it that BW desires more than a training match?"

The tone was eloquent,

Speaking of this, An Xin paused and looked at Tang Bingyao with a smile:

"Of course two training games."

Only then did Tang Bingyao finally wake up:

"That's why...that Nate said that on purpose."

"It's a method of provoking generals."

Zeng Rui next to him nodded: "If it can anger the Assassin team and start another training confrontation, it will definitely be a great thing that BW would like to see."

"But Old Thirteen, their assassin coach and team leader probably all realized it, so even if they were so provocative and taunting, they still tolerated it and failed to satisfy their opponents." Lin Feng took the words and immediately moved towards Nian Thirteen. Bian glanced at him and said: "This guy... is rare to be so calm and calm, he looks a bit like a captain."

"You have to endure it no matter how much you can't bear it!——"

When they came to Lin Feng and the others, this was the first sentence that Nian Shisan said. He almost looked up to the sky and sighed to express his depression and frustration:

"This guy came here just to study me."

"Have evil intentions."

"Why the hell do I want to accompany them to play the second game? Take the initiative to send me to the door again? Damn it! Am I stupid!?"

Lin Feng nodded and commented: "You're not stupid. It's rare to see you so smart."

Next to him, Li Shiyi couldn't help but ask: "Nate, what's your personal strength level?"

Nian Shisan's expression calmed down slightly:

"That guy has some strength."

"The threshold of the Seven Kings has definitely been crossed. It may be a little stronger than the Seven Kings, almost close to the Seven Kings."

"And that guy is almost the same as me in terms of jungle style. He is not very strong in teamfighting in the mid-to-late stage. He is mainly good at roaming and invading the jungle in the early stage."

Zeng Rui sighed: "Then... I almost bumped into you."

"Isn't it!" Nian Shisan had a look of bitterness and hatred on his face for a moment, and then gritted his teeth: "Damn, if he hadn't made such a malicious attack, and fought in a normal matchup, with his jungle style, what the hell would I have done? How many streets can he be exposed to in a matter of minutes?"


When it comes to jungle invasion and early gank, Nian Shisan is almost undoubtedly the founder-like existence among all junglers.

The more similar a jungler's style is to him and the more offensive he is, the more miserably he is doomed to defeat.

But this time there is really no way.

An entire team club has spent time and energy to thoroughly study his past playing style, so even if he thinks that the thirteen people are stronger than Nate, he still cannot avoid the end of being beaten to death at every step and being restrained at every turn.

"What should we do?" Tang Bingyao couldn't help but feel some concern and sympathy.

Naturally, what came in exchange was another lament from Nian Shisan:

"What can I do? It's cold."

"I can only hurry up and study other tactics at the next meeting. My previous jungle roaming routine has to be greatly adjusted."

Li Shi nodded: "There is no way to replace your second team or other substitute junglers."


Perhaps if the Assassin team replaced the other second team and substitute junglers on the field, the BW team would not have so much relevant intelligence and research data, but similarly, the strength of their second team and substitute junglers is completely There was no way he could be an opponent of Nate, who had already reached the level of Seven Kings, and there was still no chance.

"In short, before the finals start, we can only try to avoid it."

Nian Shisan sighed. With his character and temperament, he had never been in such an aggrieved situation before. He was powerless to take revenge. Moreover, it was not a matter of strength, but because his opponent was so disgusted.

"It's quite tragic." Lin Feng reached out and patted Nian Shisan on the shoulder, and suddenly changed the subject: "It's okay, I will help you get revenge later."

"How can you avenge the hammer for me?" Nian Shisan rolled his eyes and retorted subconsciously. Then he suddenly thought of something and was stunned: "Damn! Are you going to do it!?"

Just at this time, Shi Hang, who had just gone to his Hayasui club to communicate with the coach and team leader, came back quickly with a happy face:


"Say hello to our coach and team leader, Afan will change and let you come on later."

As he spoke, Shi Hang couldn't help but beam with excitement:

"Hey...this move is really good!"

"You guys still have a lot of ideas. You're going to shock these BW people so much that their eyes will pop out!"

Next to them, Li Shiyi, Tang Bingyao and An Xin had all known the situation in advance, so they all seemed to understand at this moment. Only Nian Shisan had not yet fully reacted:

"What do you mean? Are you going to have sex now?"

"Replacing the jungler on Hayami's side?"

"Oh no, Hayami's team leader and coach just agreed?"

But as he said this, he suddenly came to his senses:

"Wait a moment. "

"You come to be Hayami's jungler. This... seems..."

Slowly, Nian Shisan's eyes began to light up:


“This is really good!!”

"Oh shit, I can really kill those BW guys now!"

Lin Feng smiled: "Yeah, I said I would help you get revenge, just wait and see."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 8 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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