
Chapter 1583: Fire

“Just like a solo duel with a hero can best reveal the strength of the players on both sides, if two teams that are very similar in play style and overall tactical ideas and rely on the jungler as the core meet, it will naturally be better than playing against a hero. Normally, other opponents will be victorious more quickly."

An Xin's tone was leisurely and calm, but the words she spoke made Zeng Rui, Li Shiyi and Shi Hang subconsciously start to think fast, trying to analyze and understand the meaning of these words.


indeed so!

Seeing the awakening expressions gradually appearing on the faces of several people, An Xin smiled again:

"Other teams may not be much weaker than the Assassin team in terms of overall strength, and there are also seven-king-level experts, but if BW meets these teams, they will always have a chance of winning."

"Because their core jungler, Nate, has Seven King-level strength, which is something other teams don't have."

"As long as the effect of this jungle core is maximized, even if the opponent's other positions are equally strong, it will still not pose a real threat to the BW team——"

"The big deal is that I will fight for jungle rhythm, and you will fight for your top laner, mid laner or bottom lane rhythm, and each will use his magical powers..."

"According to this principle, maybe even if BW meets a team like Fate with the Yonko at its helm, it may not be incapable of fighting - after all, Fate's jungler happens to be their weak point."


The girl who said this paused again, picked up the mineral water bottle and took a sip of water to moisten her throat before continuing:

"If BW encounters an assassin under normal circumstances."

"But there is absolutely no chance of winning."

The tone was extremely determined.

At this time, Li Shiyi, Shi Hang and Zeng Rui had gradually come to their senses. Only Tang Bingyao was still confused and seemed to understand. Lin Feng took the words and continued to explain:

"Baozi is right."

"None of the other teams pose a serious threat to BW. Even if they are a little stronger, BW still has a certain chance of winning with their jungler. But if they encounter the Assassin, they will still have the core jungler.

They also rely on the jungler to drive the team's rhythm. If the two teams collide, it will be a matter of strength in their respective junglers. "

"As long as your jungler is weaker than my jungler, you can't expect to establish even a little bit of rhythm or advantage in the early stage."

"If you can't keep up with my rhythm, you won't even be able to delay it until the later stages. The early stages will collapse."

"And the loss will be more miserable and embarrassing than at any other time."


Strong collision.

If you don't die, you will die, and I will die. There can be no third compromise situation.

Tang Bingyao also gradually understood: "So... it's the BW jungler who is weaker than Nian Shisan. As long as the jungler can't compare, everything else will collapse."

Lin Feng nodded with a satisfied look: "Yes, that's the truth."

"The styles and core tactics of these two companies are simply natural enemies -" Shi Hang couldn't help but let out a sigh.

An Xin smiled:

"Yes, if there is no preparation in advance, and BW is a jungler weaker than Thirteen, then we will definitely lose in the encounter."

Naturally, this kind of thing cannot be allowed to happen when we already know it clearly.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the BW team would put a lot of effort into frantically researching and formulating tactics against Nian Shisan.

The same thing is said in reverse -

"As long as the target is successful, when Nian Shisan's jungler cannot play his role, it means that the Assassin team has instantly lost at least 60 to 70% of its combat power, and there will be no There is no hope of a comeback and victory.”

When An Xin finished his words lightly, a commotion and exclamations suddenly sounded among the spectators in the training room. Everyone looked towards the electronic LCD spectator screen on the wall. The eye-catching blue The "Victory" emblem pattern of the color side has slowly emerged and risen.

Team BW wins.

"What a pity..."

Shi Hang couldn't help but sigh again, shaking his head with a look of regret:

"Lao Shisan played really well later."

"It's not easy to regain the rhythm."


Looking at the final performance statistics, Olaf, the jungler of Nian Thirteen on the purple side army, ended up with a KDA data of 6/7/7. In other words, after encountering countless malicious and forced attacks in the early stage, his Olaf still forcibly stabilized the situation and killed four or five kills to help his teammates get six or seven assists.

Olaf, who is strong in the early stage, can still play such a role in the middle and late stages of a disadvantageous situation. It can be said that the performance of this Nian Shisan is completely impeccable.


Still no use.

Because the reason why he was able to persist for so long in the later period was purely due to Nian Shisan's own personal strength.

But the rhythm in the early stage was indeed a mess. No matter how strong the thirteen people were, they couldn't really turn the tide.

Look at the jungle leopard girl on the blue side——

Record data 9/1/11.

Almost divine.

He is also the best MVP in this training match.

"Damn, this can also be called MVP -" Shi Hang grunted out of anger, his teeth obviously itchy, and even Li Shiyi and Zeng Rui next to him couldn't help but show a look of approval with the same hatred.

Yes, your Leopard Girl's record data is good, and her performance in this game was truly amazing.

But after all, you can't do it alone.

So even if you achieve such MVP results, it is still difficult to truly convince others.

An Xin shook her head after hearing this:

"That would be too arbitrary a statement."

"Originally, the game is more than just a matter of a few players. The coaching team is never less important than the players - this time, BW is indeed one step ahead in this aspect."

Lin Feng nodded, but looked towards the direction of the Assassin team's competition seat not far away:

"That's right."

"But... losing this one will probably make this guy, Old Thirteen, very angry."

At this moment, Nian Shisan really just felt extremely aggrieved and angry.

He didn't offend his teammates.

Simply because of this jungle opponent.

The rhythm was almost suppressed by others from the beginning to the end, but if this was because of his own lack of strength, that would be fine. But he was sure that Nate was only a subordinate of the Seven Kings and had not even reached the level of the Seven Kings. There is still some distance than myself.

This is……

Being plotted by the other party.

Nian Shisan's face was so gloomy that it almost turned black. He slowly stood up from his seat without saying a word, but with a bit of chill in his eyes he looked towards the crowd at the BW Team Club not far away.

He could even see that at this moment, there were two coaches on the coaching staff holding notepads and writing quickly on them. You didn't have to guess that they were recording and recording his playing styles and ideas. analyze.


A wave of evil fire almost rushed to his forehead, but was suppressed by Nian Shisan, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a self-deprecating arc——

He is just a seven-king level jungler...

People really think highly of it.

Who knows how much thought and energy these guys put into studying him.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 7 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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