
Chapter 1577 They are all perverts

As we all know, the playing style of Autumn, now recognized as the god of support in the world, is as precise and meticulous as a computer. It is almost not the human brain that is operating the game. All the laning, team battles and overall rhythm command seem to have gone through tens of millions of steps. Simulation operations usually never go wrong.

Heart-stoppingly calm.

Calm to the point of being almost indifferent.

The laning style does not belong to the aggressive attack type, but no matter how strong and desperate the opponent is, or how hard the jungler targets ganks, it will never be possible to find any advantage in the Season team's bottom lane.

Even if there is even a slight mistake, even if the jungler is even a little aggressive in a roaming gank, the flaw in that moment will be accurately and fatally caught by the world's support god to complete the counterattack.

"I would rather be a mid laner to challenge F than be a support or ADC against Autumn."

This was the evaluation given by a first-line professional ADC player in the North American region during the S4 season.

At that time, the ADC player's level of strength may have almost reached the level of the Seven Kings. Compared with today's God team's Huangxue Yege, he may not be willing to give in too much. He is a very aggressive player.

But in the LCS division, facing the Season team’s bottom lane with Autumn’s support...

A whole season.

Perhaps in more than ten matches with the Season team.

His ADC has never gotten a single kill from the lane.

For an ADC player with a strong desire to attack, having a presence like Autumn as an opponent's support is almost like the deepest and most terrifying nightmare.

Even in last year’s S5 World Finals, there was a BO5 showdown between the Season team and the SSK team.

When the Season team's top, middle and jungle were all suppressed by the opponent's SSK, Autumn was still the only one in the bottom lane. After a whole round of BO5, they never fell even slightly behind in the laning period.

Even though the opponents at the time were Cube and Ray in the bottom lane of the SSK team.

Even Mafa, the seven-king jungler of the SSK team at that time, tried to gank the bottom lane countless times.

But he has never broken through the defense line of the world's auxiliary god.

So in this year's S6 season, when the rookie dark horse player in the North American LCS division actually managed to match the Season team's bottom lane 50-50 in a regular season match, and even vaguely suppressed the opponent's ADC to hit a certain amount of last hits... the entire North America Only the competition area would be in such an uproar.


There is no need to expect anyone to defeat the Season team's bot lane head-on.

Even if it's just a balanced match, it's enough to be amazing and moving.

And just like the evaluation given by Li Shiyi at this moment, compared with the god of support who now stands second among the four emperors, the support style of their partner and teammate back then...

There is indeed a world of difference.

"That Qiu...how fierce is his fighting style?"

Huangxue Yege couldn't help but ask this question, and muttered: "It's just a support... No matter how fierce it is, it can't be that bad."

What they got in exchange was extremely strange and strange looks from Li Shiyi and Lin Feng.

How vicious?

This issue is really subtle, especially for teammates like them who were most familiar with the playing style of their supporting partner.

Li Shiyi thought carefully and gave the answer:

"Very vicious."

Lin Feng's answer was more straightforward. Take a look at Huang Xue Ye Ge:

"Much more fierce than your ADC."

Huang Xue Ye Ge: "..."

Although I know that someone’s personality and temperament will not easily exaggerate on this kind of thing, but as an ADC player recognized as the most aggressive and aggressive play style in the LPL region, I will always react when I hear such comments. It makes people feel a little depressed.

An auxiliary...

Play harder than the toughest ADC?

This is so damn perverted.

An Xin, who was next to him, smiled and answered: "Speaking of which, although it is difficult to directly compare the strength of Aqiu and Autumn, if these two people can face off... it will be really exciting. ”

Everyone couldn't help but nodded in agreement subconsciously.


A fierce and aggressive one.

A person who is as indifferent and motionless as a mountain.

Two completely opposite styles, both supporting players who have reached their respective peaks.

If there could be a match... just thinking about that scene would make people feel a little swaying with anticipation.


"After all, it's impossible to just support and play support. You still need a duo to fight in the bottom lane, but what kind of ADC can you match your 'Qiu'?" Huang Xue Yege couldn't help but smacked her lips. .

But this problem seemed very simple when it came to someone and Li Shiyi.

The two looked at each other and said in unison:


A very natural tone.

Huangxue Yege was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses: "Oh, that ADC of yours back then... that guy was pretty strong, right?"

This problem seems simpler.

Lin Feng squinted at Huang Xue Ye Ge again: "Well, he's much better than you are now."


This time, Huangxue Yege really protested in anger: "Hey, hey, hey, why don't you use me as a comparison object every time? And my current strength is not bad at all, okay!"

Of course he is right.

Originally, Huangxue Yege was currently the top professional ADC player in the LPL region. His strength was second to none in the world's e-sports circles and it was easy to find few who could compare with him.

Moreover, during the recent training and preparations, not only Dawn Morning Star on the God team found an opportunity to break through the threshold of the Four Emperors, but also Huang Xue Yege had faint signs of breaking through to the Seven Kings.

This strength, as Huangxue Yege himself emphasized at this moment, is definitely not weak.

So even though he knew that the "Amo" strength of someone's ADC companion back then should not be underestimated, Huang Xue Yege still had some confidence in himself when he just asked the question.

"It's useless even if you reach the Seventh King. Ah Mo, who was this powerful back then, could take down countless people with one hand."

Lin Feng poured cold water on him again:

"Unless there is another Yonko ADC who is at the same level as Autumn."

"Otherwise this comparison is meaningless, okay?"

Comparatively speaking, the two former bot lane teammates have more confidence in Amo than Aqiu.

Huangxue Yege was unwilling to give in and looked at Li Shiyi. The latter could only smile at him apologetically, but in this way, he had actually expressed the same attitude and position as someone else.

Finally, Lin Feng added:

"You should actually ask Lao Shi about this."

"Why do you think he switched from the AD position to the mid laner?"

Very few people know this gossip.

Huangxue Yege suddenly woke up and took a breath of cold air: "Is it possible-"

Someone nodded lightly:

"Back then, he gave up hope after being hammered down by Amo in the bottom lane."


After holding it in for a long time, Huangxue Yege finally managed to say:

"Your team back then...were all perverts!?"

Here comes the update. Good night, friends. See you all tomorrow.

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