
Chapter 1572 What Fate didn’t expect

This little accident that happened in the corridor made the three boys Lin Feng, Zeng Rui and Li Shiyi a little embarrassed. Fortunately, An Xin was there to directly introduce the bold and unrestrained beauty of Tick Esports Magazine to the host. Block it back, otherwise if this is easily succeeded by someone else's beauty trap, the other e-sports media reporters and hosts in the corridor who are obviously eyeing them will probably swarm up in the next second...

However, this can indeed be seen from the desire and enthusiasm of these e-sports media personnel for interviews.

After all, if you don't have some connections, you can't easily enter the training room for interviews.

Even Lin Feng's group of people came to the door of the fourth training room. After knocking on the door, the door was opened from the inside, revealing the head of the God Club's deputy leader, who frowned and was about to speak:

"We are competing here and we are not accepting interviews for the time being..."

Before he finished speaking, the God deputy team leader recognized Lin Feng and the others, and his face immediately put on a smile of surprise:

"Hey, little brother Lin Feng, are you here?"

"Come in, come in!"

While saying hello, the God deputy leader did not forget to look cautiously at the corridor outside the door. It was obvious that many reporters and hosts from the media had tried to sneak in before, but he blocked them one by one.

Lin Feng and the others slipped in through the half-open door. When they looked inside, they saw that the fourth training room was quite crowded. The 50 to 60 square meter room was packed to the brim.

If there are only members of two clubs, there may not be so many people.

Lin Feng soon saw players or coaches from several clubs including Hayami, KG and Assassins mixed in the crowd, and there even seemed to be a few members from North American or European teams.

"Are they all here to watch the game?"

Lin Feng was slightly speechless:

"The battle is huge——"

It stands to reason that each club team should be busy training for the game at the moment. Even those members of the second team or substitute players who did not play should be in the training room where their own club team is located. It is not like this. Many people came to the second training room.

God's deputy team leader who just brought Lin Feng and others in smiled and said:

"Isn't it because we are playing Team Fate here?

As soon as people from other clubs heard about it, they all sent people over to check on the situation. "

"After all, our group has enough to see--"

There was a bit of unconcealable pride in his tone.

Li Shiyi looked a little surprised when he heard this: "God and Fate over here, haven't they finished fighting yet?"

It stands to reason that they had watched the entire two games between KG and Cog in the second training room. Nearly an hour had passed. The God and Fate teams should have finished playing here, so they were already there when they hurried over. I regret that I missed a wonderful confrontation.

The deputy team leader laughed:

"The fight is over."

"But there was a game before, and then the coaches and players of the Fate Club refused to let it go. Now, isn't it the second game? It's just started~"

The tone seemed relaxed and casual.

Zeng Rui heard some clues from the words of God's deputy team leader, and showed a bit of surprise:

"The result of the first game just now is..."

God’s deputy team leader’s face is radiant:

"We won!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Feng and others couldn't help but feel slightly moved:


As the most recognized team in the LPL division, God-God's Hand is also the No. 1 seed in the LPL division this year, and its strength has always been recognized around the world.

Even in this training competition, most of the players and water friends in the national server predicted and evaluated the results of the training competition, and they ranked God's team first or second.

In addition, this year is different from the past. Not only has the overall strength of the God team been significantly enhanced through preparation and training, but the two core C-position ace players, Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Yege, have also broken through and improved to a higher level. momentum.

Under such circumstances, it wouldn't be surprising if he only defeated one or two opponents in a training match.

But even so, hearing the news from God's deputy team leader still shocked Lin Feng and others who were prepared.

Because after all-

The opponent is Team Fate.

The second-seeded team in the LCK division may not be much weaker than the first-seeded SSK. More importantly, Moon, the fourth-ranked Yonko, is in charge.

Such an opponent, even compared to the No. 1 seed Assassin in the Taiwanese LMS division that God's team encountered earlier, was several points stronger.

You must know that regardless of training and competition, at least in various previous world competitions, Team God and Team Fate have had more than one or two encounters. Although the former has also won, most of the time it has ended in defeat. .

And at this moment——

In the first training match between the two teams just now, God actually won.

This news also made several people on Lin Feng's side couldn't help but cheer up after being surprised:


"This will boost morale!"

"A Xing and Ye Ge are in very bad shape today!"

God's deputy team leader was naturally honored to receive such sincere praise from Lin Feng and others. He was so happy that he couldn't help but smile: "Hey, it must be necessary..."

Then the deputy team leader briefly introduced the situation of the previous match between God and Fate to Lin Feng and others.


Winning is not that easy either.

A confrontational match forced both teams to fight for a full 40 minutes in the super late stage - Lin Feng and the others suddenly nodded after hearing this. No wonder they came over more than an hour later and they had just started the second game - and in the last wave Before the team battle, the situation on the field between the blue and purple sides was always extremely stalemate and it was difficult to determine the outcome.

In the early stage, the two sides played an evenly matched 50-50 matchup.

The two points of Fate team's top and jungle are much stronger than God team in terms of personal strength. Moreover, during the first game of the match, the purple side Fate team's jungler also frequently took care of the top lane, cooperating with their own top laner Kennen constantly. He took advantage and got two heads.

On the bottom lane, Huangxue Yege and his support teammate were originally stronger than their opponents, but the Fate team's bottom lane combination is also experienced enough. The purple side's ADC wheel mother has stable battery life with the protection of teammate Feng Nu, and can avoid control protection with one hand. The shield can also solve many threats.

Therefore, the God team failed to gain an advantage in the early stages of the bottom lane.

This is basically consistent with the previous battles between Team Fate and Team God.

The reason why the Fate team has been able to win more and lose less against the God team in many past games is because of this rhythm, the advantage of the top and jungle, and the stability of the bottom lane to withstand pressure, and then Moon in the middle suppresses Dawnstar's mid. Single, the linkage from top and jungle gradually transformed into the linkage of top, middle and jungle, gradually snowballing the advantage and suppressing the God team until they could not stand up.

But this time.

Everything else seems to be unchanged.

The only thing that happened unexpectedly was something Team Fate didn’t expect——

It's the middle.

The middle lane of Dawn Star.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around nine o'clock. Speaking of which, today is Abu's birthday. . But it seems that there is nothing to live through. The work should be done and the code should be coded. I am very grateful to everyone for accompanying me all the way over the years.

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