
Chapter 1549 You come and I go

Nian Shisan’s jungle style has always been famous in the e-sports circle for his boldness.

Not only is it reflected in his strong offensiveness, but it is also reflected in his operations.

Operations that most people wouldn't even dare to think about, or operations that according to common sense are extremely easy to take the blame for, are in his hands but he never has the slightest scruple -

Just do it if you think of it.

It doesn’t matter if he takes the blame or not.

Just like this wave of Prince's 1cm reverse EQ at this moment, if someone dares to do this in a competition and then makes a mistake, it will definitely become an annual joke, and players who do this will also He is destined to be tarnished a lot on his career path.

But if you say thirteen, you will dare.

Not just in ordinary training sessions like this, he would also dare to do this in the professional arena.


It can really be done.

Just like this moment.

There is absolutely no problem with the operation of the W skill "Rocket Jump" of the ADC Cannon controlled by Tang Bingyao, and the W displacement of the Cannon is not like the displacement skills of other ADC heroes. The trajectory of the movement and displacement is relatively difficult to capture. Arrived.

But it happened to be Nian Thirteen Jungler Prince's reverse 1cm EQ double move.

Miraculously, he grasped the skill displacement trajectory of the small cannon.

Almost at the moment the cannon took off.

A steel spear was thrust out with lightning speed like a swimming dragon!

Suddenly, the body of the Mailin gunner was lifted off and fell back to the ground!

"You-have-been-(you have been killed)."

The kill announcement of the system's female voice sounded, and the game screen on the computer screen in front of the girl turned into a bleak black and white tone. Tang Bingyao herself was stunned at this moment, with a look of shock and surprise.

Immediately following... the shadow puppet's auxiliary Niutou couldn't escape, and his head was directly washed to death by the holy spear baptism of the holy spear ranger controlled by Huangxue Yege, who turned back from the opposite side.

Although Li Shiyi's jungle excavator arrived, he was unable to do anything in the face of the endgame and could only watch his teammates being killed and fell.

“There’s something about Thirteen!!”

Huangxue Yege, who had received kills and assists, couldn't help but exult and recite the Thirteen Great Praises without hesitation in praising him.

This wave is really the prince's carry. If it hadn't been for the amazing EQ double combo that interrupted the cannon's movement, the cannon would have been able to escape.

And this operation...

Most people really can’t do it.

What is needed is the perfect combination of reaction speed, experience and vision, and only the boldest Ru Nian Shisan can achieve it.

Nian Shisan, who was praised a lot, was very proud:

"You're welcome."

"Basic operations, basic operations~little fun!"

"Come on, come on, demolish the tower!"

The bottom lane double kill took away the kills of the opponent's blue side ADC support. This wave gave the purple side army an opportunity to lead a line of troops to gather and push down the tower. There was only one excavator under the opponent's tower, which could not stop them from demolishing the tower. If you dare to stay and forcefully defend the tower, you are destined to die.

As the saying goes, good things come in pairs. Just when the purple side and the three people on the bottom lane were preparing to demolish the tower, a kill prompt suddenly came from the middle lane of Summoner's Rift:

"Killing-Spree (A hero has killed a lot)."

Everyone was shocked.

The camera angle quickly switches to looking from the middle.

The blue side's mid laner, the mechanical pioneer, was seen slumped in front of his own defense tower and turned into a cold corpse.

The enchantress kills alone!

"Oh, Star King can do it~" Nian Shisan couldn't help but whistle. In contrast, Dawn Morning Star just smiled faintly: "You helped me twice, it's too unreasonable for me to not get up again."

The middle and lower lanes have gained the advantage through successive blooms, and now the rhythmic initiative on the scene has completely fallen into the hands of the purple army.

And this fast break rhythm... is indeed at the level of the World Championship.

After all, the purple side's mid laner Dawn Morning Star, jungler Nian Shisan, and bottom lane ADC Huangxue Yege. When these three come together, the power they can unleash cannot be easily matched by any professional team. Comparable.

Of course, there is also a top laner, and Tian Tian’s top laner is no less impressive than the other purple teammates.


"An-ally-has-been-(A friendly hero was killed)."

The kill announcement from the system's female voice suddenly came from the top lane of Summoner's Rift.

Nian Thirteen and Huangxue Yege subconsciously looked up the road in shock, but what they saw was the body of their top laner teammate Rambo lying in front of the tower.

At the same time, Tian Tian’s guilty and self-reproaching voice came from the team’s voice channel:


Still at the same time, someone in front of the computer screen of the Blue Army breathed a sigh of relief. Kennen, who had also lost his health, quickly retreated, but he did not forget to raise his eyebrows to several of his Blue Army teammates. To cheer up:


"Take your time, there's still more to fight."

The game started at 12 or 13 minutes. Nian Shisan was already typing in the public chat column, shouting that the game would end before 20 minutes. In contrast, Lin Feng on the blue side rolled his eyes and typed. He replied, "Come over if you have the ability."

Although it seems that the purple side army still has the absolute advantage and initiative, the unexpected point is that in the face of the fierce and powerful attacks from the opponent, the disadvantaged blue side army can actually withstand it. pressure.

Tang Bingyao's ADC cannon continued to work hard to develop, and the last hit was never missed by the opponent's ADC Obama.

Victor, the mechanical pioneer of Shihang in the middle, also slowly made up for his growth in the process of resisting the pressure with gritted teeth.

In the jungle position, although Li Shiyi's early rhythm was far inferior to Nian Shisan's, he slowly seemed to begin to adapt to the situation. In the next few minutes, he accurately judged the whereabouts of the opponent's jungle prince, one after another. Successfully supported and counter-crouched several times, repelling the opponent's roaming gank plan.

As for Lin Feng, the top orderer——

After a wave of solo kills of Rambo on the road, Kennen's performance seemed to have gone silent again.

Until the 19th minute of game time.

The fire dragon in the third river channel is refreshed.

The blue and purple armies quickly gathered towards the river Xiaolongfjord. When a wave of team battles finally broke out after half a minute of stalemate, the violent heart under the control of someone found an extremely tricky and concealed angle to teleport to the ground. .

Turn it up.

Flash in!

A terrifying and boiling lightning storm centered on Kenan's body and swept around him.

Four people in the middle class!

God-level queen cut!

At the same time, Tang Bingyao's ADC cannon faced several heroes from the purple side who were beaten to a pulp, and directly started to take off with the W skill "Rocket Jump"!

The final wave is 2 for 4.

Three kills from the little cannon!

Someone's Kennen stood firmly in the middle of the battle circle in the river fjord with his golden body to save his life. When he saw the fire dragon that was snatched away by the excavator of his jungle partner, he smiled happily:

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

"End of game in 20 minutes?"

"Try saying it again?"

The update is here. The next chapter is around eight o'clock. I'm so tired after working all day.

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