
Chapter 1533 It’s never too late to reflect

After a short pause on the road, everyone walked towards the Milton Stadium again.

No. 1 and No. 5 were walking at the front, while Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao and Li Shiyi had just gathered around and tried to comfort someone with a few words. Lin Feng seemed to have calmed down a little at this time. But he just shook his head to show that he was fine but did not continue to speak and walked silently with his head down.

The consolation didn't have much effect, and Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao and the others were helpless. At this time, they couldn't say anything more and could only follow silently.

In fact, at this moment, their minds were only filled with the shocking news that Senior No. 1 had just thrown over them.

It is difficult to digest and accept for a long time.

ten minutes.

It turns out... has the world's number one mid laner, the leader of the Four Emperors, and someone's biggest enemy back then, already reached that level?

Just thinking about it made several people feel a little confused.

What No. 1 just said was actually not straightforward, but some of the information revealed in a subtle way pointed to a rather terrifying and shocking truth——

Even as strong as Tang Bingyao's new master and North America's top legend Bullet of the previous generation, he could only achieve the Gopher Challenge score of about ten minutes at his peak. Now it may be extremely difficult to reach this level.

And even No. 1 doesn't seem to be good at the ability to react and operate hand speed, so it is estimated that it will be difficult to reach that level.

But these two people are almost at the top of the pyramid of the previous generation. They are half a level higher than the other legends, which is to say, they are much stronger than the four emperors of the new generation. .

But in this case, it seems that based on reaction and hand speed alone, F-Han Shihao of the Korean SSK team...

Has it actually reached a level comparable to No. 1 and Bullet?

"That person...is only 22 years old now, right?"

Zeng Rui couldn't help but whispered this.

Li Shiyi nodded slowly with a solemn and heavy expression: "Well, he's not too young, but he's definitely not at the top either—"

The meaning is self-evident.

The two exchanged a look with each other,

They can all see the shock and complex emotions that cannot be concealed in each other's eyes. The one from South Korea's SSK has now reached this level, but you must know that whether No. 1 or Bullet, the two top legends of the previous generation can no longer improve. There is room for improvement, but Han Shihao is different——

Give him some more time.

Could it be that the guy who is now the number one mid laner in the world can really take another step forward?

What kind of terrifying state would that be?

"How... can such a person still exist..." Zeng Rui swallowed and felt that his voice became a little difficult when he spoke.

Tang Bingyao couldn't help but look worriedly at Lin Feng's figure in front:

"Then...Fengzi...can you catch up?"

Girls know that there are only two biggest obsessions for someone in the professional e-sports circle. One is to win the world championship trophy, and the other is to defeat the biggest enemy of the year head-on and wash away the regrets and regrets of the past. Defeat.

But now, what you hear is such bad news - when your own strength has not even returned to its peak, your opponent is already about to enter a more terrifying realm of strength.

Han Shihao back then was scary enough.

Then after becoming stronger...

Who else in the entire world of e-sports is qualified to be his opponent?

The more I think about such a problem, the more heavy my heart feels. Zeng Rui, Li Shiyi and Tang Bingyao only feel that there is a faint shadow in their hearts. Not only for someone, but even for the entire country, some have begun to serve LPL. Concerned about the future of the division.

"Actually, it's not that serious. You don't have to worry too much about this kind of thing."

Suddenly a pleasant voice sounded, breaking the heavy atmosphere.

Several people subconsciously followed the sound, and were surprised to see An Xin speaking with a relaxed look on his face, throwing the mini Gopher game machine in his hand, looking quite leisurely and calmly. When several people looked over, the girl laugh:

"That's right."

"You are all a bit over the top, but don't forget... in the end, this is just a game console to simulate and test hand speed."

As she said that, the girl gently and deftly picked up the gopher machine thrown into the air, her eyebrows raised slightly:

"Hand speed is of course important. It is the foundation and basic skills."

"But even if the hand speed reaches a certain level...it doesn't mean that a person's overall strength has reached that level."

"Although what the senior said is scary, Han Shihao's hand speed may have really reached that high level - but to say that his strength has completely matched Bullet or even the seniors is still too exaggerated."

Just a few simple words, but Tang Bingyao, Li Shiyi and Zeng Rui suddenly woke up and reacted. Yes, hand speed is important, but it is not the only one. They were indeed restricted by their thinking just now.

Now if you think about it calmly, you will find that what they were worried about just now may not be so exaggerated and serious at all.

Even though Bullet, a North American legend from the previous generation, was ranked among the best among the legends from the previous generation in terms of reaction and operation speed, his true strength is by no means simply reflected in this ability.

You, Han Shihao, may be as fast as Bullet now, but that is also because you are younger. If it were a head-to-head duel... it would still be impossible to get benefits from that North American legend of the previous generation.

Not to mention Senior No. 1——

It was a truly unique legend for two generations, unmatched by anyone, and not easily matched by the younger generation who holds the titles of the first of the four emperors and the world's number one mid laner.

"I seem to have heard Seniors No. 3 and 4 say before... that the realm of Senior No. 1... is one step higher than any legend of the previous generation."

At this time, Li Shiyi was suddenly reminded and thought:

"Even F-Lee Do-jae back then, and Europe's Crow or Bullet, are still at least half a step behind our seniors."

As the several people communicated with each other and analyzed slowly, it seemed that their ideas became clearer and clearer.

An Xin shrugged:

"Right, so I said, the problem is far less exaggerated and serious -"

"The reason why Senior No. 1 just said it so seriously is just to make some people feel more in danger."

"Hey~ some people, do you understand?"

The last sentence of the girl's tone was ridiculing and joking, and she was clearly aiming at a specific person.

Until then, Lin Feng finally raised his head. His expression was indeed not as heavy as before, but he still looked extremely serious:

"But senior is right."

"No matter how serious the problem is, I have actually been slacking off a bit recently, which is... very inappropriate."

An Xin's lips slightly raised when she heard this: "It's not too late if you know how to reflect~"

Zeng Rui suddenly seemed to have thought of something: "Well, if that's the case, will the ten-minute score just mentioned by senior... be the same..."

A very reasonable guess.

After all, no matter how you look at it, the score of ten minutes on Nightmare difficulty is too terrifying.

But when they heard this question, Lin Feng and An Xin shook their heads in unison:


"That...should be true."

After the two of them finished speaking, they looked at each other again. The girl tossed the Gopher game console in her hand leisurely, and said with a smile: "Ten minutes...it sounds scary, but if you give an idiot like Xiao Feng a period of hard training, There is still a chance to rush forward.”

The update is here. The next chapter will be around ten o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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