
Chapter 1531 10 minutes

Basically, the Gopher Game Machine has been played in the hands of Lin Feng, Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao and Li Shiyi. Everyone has tried a few games, including Tang Bingyao, who just took the Gopher Game back and tried again. When I launched a challenge, the results were still only around five minutes and thirty seconds to six minutes. It was difficult to find the explosive state of my previous super-level performance.

In this way, the reaction and operation speed of several people can actually be clearly ranked.

Zeng Rui, who couldn't last even four minutes, was naturally the worst. Even as a support player, he still had to work hard in the next time to solidify this basic skill.

Followed by Li Shiyi, his score of more than five minutes is considered barely passable among ordinary professional players, but there is definitely a gap between him and his peak state back then, and he also needs to continue training to make up for it.

Next is Tang Bingyao. Comparing it with Li Shiyi's results, you can see that the girl's reaction and operation speed really has a talent that ordinary people can't envy. It may even only take a short time. The previous super speed The 7-minute score that can only be achieved by a certain level will also become a stable level for girls in the future.

As for someone, he certainly deserves to be ranked first.

After all, he is also the strongest among several people. His realm is close to returning to the peak of the year, and he has steadily returned to the realm of the four emperors. In the first game of a small test of skills, he can reach the 7-minute mark, and his face is not red, but his heart is not beating, and he still has some energy left. It won't be a problem to get used to it for another seven and a half or even eight minutes.

In fact, this is almost the watershed to reach the level of Yonko.

An average professional first-line player simply cannot achieve this level. To become a world-class player, it also depends on whether he is specialized in operating hand speed.

The average level of the Seven Kings should also reach 6 and a half to seven minutes.

7+ minutes…

It’s very difficult and depends on luck.

Of course there are exceptions, such as Dawn Morning Star, who is among the Seven Kings but is just a little bit lucky from the Four Emperors. If you try such a gopher game challenge, you will probably be able to barely reach 7 and a half minutes - and like Huangxue Yege Because he is known for his reaction speed, even if he is not included in the Seven Kings, he is expected to achieve this level of performance.

"I can try it on all those guys later -"

Lin Feng, who was walking on the road, looked at the Gopher game console in Tang Bingyao's hand. After thinking about it, someone's idea was very simple and pure:

Let’s share the good stuff together.

But if something bad happens...you have to let others suffer as well.

It would be best to equip all the main players of the three LPL clubs with such a machine for hand speed training. By then, we can already foresee the sad and gloomy scene. Just thinking about it makes people feel gloating. Looking forward to it~

"Don't worry about cheating others all day long, sort out your own situation first."

No. 1 couldn't stand it, so he shouted another lesson to someone:

"You think the standard of the task I assigned you is too low?"

"Eight and a half minutes is easy, right?"

"Okay, originally this is not a high requirement for you. If you really want to make progress, set some higher goals for yourself - if one day you can hold this nightmare difficulty level for more than 10 minutes with one hand, this will You can throw away the gopher machine later.”

ten minutes.

These words made Li Shiyi and Zeng Rui next to him suddenly take a breath, especially Zeng Rui's eyes were straightened - he himself couldn't even last four minutes, from four minutes to ten minutes... then There are two entire levels of difficulty that increase geometrically. What kind of person can achieve that level?

Can humans really do it?

Tang Bingyao couldn't help but widen her eyes after hearing this. Ten minutes, just seven minutes had already reached the limit of her super performance. Now she couldn't replicate it again. But ten minutes like this...even she admired her so much now. Bullet-senpai may not even be able to do it——

Number 5 next to him seemed to see what Tang Bingyao was thinking, and said with a smile:

"Your master... it was possible back then. Now that I'm older, it will definitely be difficult to achieve this level, but it should still be possible."

In contrast, someone who was assigned such a perverted task almost didn't hear a mouthful of blood spurting out:

"ten minutes!?"

"Hey, senior, you can't do this, right?"

Number 1 had a calm expression on his face. He did not deny or admit someone's strong doubts. He just said lightly, "I'm not a speed freak like Bullet. Of course I won't do this kind of challenge with nothing to do." ".

However, the next moment, he paused and looked at someone with a slightly playful smile on his lips:


Seeing the playful look on No. 1, someone started to feel something bad and his scalp went numb: "But what?"

Number 1 shrugged and said as if nothing had happened:

"But the boy named Han can already do it."

Once again, the old enemy who was someone's biggest weakness was brought out, but this time, it was Li Shiyi who was the first to exclaim uncontrollably: "Impossible - F he can do it now..." ten minutes!?"

The tone was full of disbelief.

Compared to Lin Feng, Li Shiyi also had countless experiences playing against Han Shihao in the same years, and his understanding of the world's number one mid laner was not much inferior to the former's, but even so, he couldn't believe it. The news came out of No. 1's mouth at this moment.

Around 8 minutes is the watershed for hand speed in the Yonko realm.

Every second of further impact is almost a hurdle, a crazy consumption of physical and mental energy.

Not to mention anything else, Li Shiyi still remembers that after being trained by this gopher game machine for countless hours, his partners A Qiu and A Mo, the best result they ever achieved was only 8 minutes and 30 seconds. In 8 minutes and 40 seconds, even the most powerful person among them...

It's 8 minutes and 53 seconds.

And it was played the night before the BO5 finals of the S1 World Finals that year.

This means that someone's condition at that time was undoubtedly at his absolute peak, and the time of 8 minutes and 53 seconds was also the limit of what he could achieve.

But compared to ten minutes... there is still almost a huge gap.

"Wait a moment--"

Suddenly Zeng Rui woke up and seemed to remember something, and suddenly looked at No. 1: "Senior, I just remembered that you clearly said... If it were F, it would be above 8 and a half minutes -"

It was indeed what he said just now, but the person who was questioned at this time still showed a disinterested look and laughed:

"I just said it casually."

"Originally, I really didn't plan to tell the news so early—"

The tone seemed to be still casual, and even the explanation seemed light and indifferent, without much effort to prove the authenticity of what he said at the moment.

But at this moment, Lin Feng's expression had changed.

The relaxed, laughing and joking look just now was long gone, replaced by a pair of eyes fixed on No. 1 in front of him, and his voice was a little low:

"Ten minutes...is it true?"

Although it is a question.

But it seemed to be a tone that he could be sure of.

Number 1 narrowed his eyes:

"Do you still have any objections to the news that senior No. 4 gave you?"

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere became silent for a moment.

An update is here. The next chapter will be in the early morning and there is still work to do. I suggest you read it tomorrow morning.

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