
Chapter 1528 Return to the old business and practice

Although they had made some mental expectations and preparations for Tang Bingyao's Gopher Machine challenge results in advance, when they heard the girl report the specific results, Lin Feng and Li Shiyi still couldn't help but gasp. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Before they heard the answer, they had their own sketches and speculations in their minds. After all, with such a simple and pure game that tests the speed of operation and reaction, if you want to satisfy Bullet, a North American legend of the previous generation, it is naturally impossible to do it casually. Just get rid of it.

But the most bold guesses the two of them made were only made in their minds for five or six minutes——

Well, Lin Feng guessed it in six minutes. Considering how optimistic and trustful he was about Tang Bingyao, this inference was already quite flattering to Mianzi.

But still didn't expect it.

The answer turned out to be even more exaggerated than someone had guessed.

7 minutes!

"To be exact, it should be 7 minutes and 05 seconds." Number 1 on the side added calmly.

At this time, even An Xin couldn't help but move slightly, and looked at Tang Bingyao with surprise in her eyes: "Tangtang, you are so amazing!"

The girl's praise was heartfelt and heartfelt, making Tang Bingyao blush with embarrassment. She was a little nervous and stumbling when she spoke: "It's... not bad. As for Fengzi... I think she got higher grades before."

The girl still remembered what No. 1 and No. 5 had mentioned to her before, about the results achieved by a certain person and Zhou Mo when they played the gopher machine challenge.

That's all heading towards eight minutes.

"It can't be compared like this." An Xin shook his head directly after hearing this: "When Xiaofeng or Amo first came into contact with this hamster game, their results were not that good at all, and they might even be worse than you. a little."


She didn't expect to get such an answer. Tang Bingyao couldn't help but open her eyes wide when she heard it. She opened her mouth slightly with a surprised but extremely cute expression:

"is that so?"

Lin Feng and Li Shiyi couldn't help but look at each other, and the latter laughed helplessly: "Anyway, my best result at that time was only a little over seven minutes, and it was the result of practicing for less than half a month. "


Originally in the team, Li Shiyi, who was the jungler, had the slowest reaction and hand speed among the five players. His jungle style did not require too much hand speed. Of course, even then, he had the slowest hand speed. Compared with most professional players, his performance in the Gopher Challenge is already enough to be proud of.

Lin Feng began to think hard beside him:

"What was my score when I first played whack-a-mole..."

"Seven minutes?"

"Eight minutes? Hey, could it be nine minutes?"

As a result, before someone could continue to think hard and reminisce, No. 1 revealed the truth quite unceremoniously:

"Seven minutes and 16 seconds."

"And you had already started playing professionally at that time, and your score was only more than ten seconds higher than Tangtang. If we judge it all together, you may not be as good as her."

Someone who was instantly exposed was a little embarrassed and rarely blushed:

"Ah, really..."

But then he argued with reason: "But if I practice more, my scores will go up! I hit over eight minutes!"

Number 1 glanced over sideways: "How long have you been practicing since? Do you think you can't beat Tangtang if you give her enough time?"

This sentence quite directly made someone choke and cough for a long time without being able to refute.

All in all, having said that——

Tang Bingyao's 7 minutes and 05 seconds is really a terrifying and astonishing result.

"Tangtang, you are really so strong now..." Lin Feng looked up and down at the girl in wonder like a stranger, still feeling a little incredible.

Number Five next to him smiled and explained:

"Actually, that's not the case. Tangtang's performance in today's challenge can be considered extraordinary. I just bought her this small portable game console and tried a few games. The average is around five and a half points."

Five and a half points or so.

Although this result is also considered outstanding, it is at least within the understandable and acceptable range. Lin Feng also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard:

"Oh, that's right..."

If the level of the gopher machine can be stabilized for seven minutes as soon as it comes into contact with it, it would be really scary.

Number 1 snorted in displeasure:

"Hearing this relieves your stress?"

"I'm telling you, go ahead and buy me one honestly. It's been a long time since you've practiced your reaction and hand speed. If you ask me to tell you that you may not be able to reach seven and a half points now - practice it yourself later. Practice, I will be responsible for checking and accepting. When the result is less than 8 minutes, you can take care of it yourself."

The task was assigned directly to someone so unceremoniously.

Lin Feng's face suddenly turned bitter when he heard this:

"Huh? Do you want to practice again?"

The fearful memories of being ruled by the gopher machine came back again. The painful experience was really something that no one would want to experience again.

Seeing that someone was reluctant, No. 1 narrowed his eyes and did not make any other threats. He just added lightly: "If the boy named Han comes... I guess he can at least hold on. Until 8 and a half minutes.”

As soon as he finished speaking, someone changed his words almost the next second:

"no problem!"

"I'll practice!"

Without half a second of hesitation, the attitude change was completed in an instant. However, when he looked at the Gopher game console in Tang Bingyao's hand, someone's expression still had a tragic and gritty look: "It's not like I haven't practiced..." ...It’s only eight and a half minutes, senior, just wait.”

Next to them, No. 5 and An Xin looked at each other, both snickering a bit——

As expected of a master and a disciple.

It is true that No. 1 can eat someone's weakness. No matter what kind of hardship, as long as someone's old enemy is mentioned, the former will never bow his head and retreat.

Number 1, who received a positive answer from someone, nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Li Shiyi and raised his eyebrows slightly:

"So are you on Eleven."

"Recovery is an all-round matter. There are some things that you can make up for as a sparring partner now, and there are some things that you probably have to spend time figuring out on your own, but reaction and hand speed are always the foundation and cannot be left behind - Back then You are the weakest among the five in this area, and now... you should make up for it."

In fact, there was no need for No. 1 to say these words. Just when someone was inspired to agree, Li Shiyi himself was already mentally prepared, and immediately nodded vigorously and made a serious commitment without hesitation:

"Senior, don't worry."

"I'll go back and buy one with Fengzi."

“You won’t be disappointed.”

Both of them were dealt with by No. 1. At this time, No. 5 also looked at the last remaining Zeng Rui and smiled:

"Zeng, your hand speed...has always been the biggest problem that bothers you, right?"

Zeng Rui rarely blushed when asked this question, showing a bit of embarrassment:

"Yes Yes--"

"I'll buy one too, and I'll work hard!"

Really, among the few people present, apart from An Xin who did not need to participate in this kind of training, among the other four people, in terms of reaction speed, Zeng Rui was definitely the last one.

"Hey, that's right, A Zeng really needs to practice the most!" Someone now regained his energy and expressed his unconditional strong agreement with the question raised by No. 5: "He is simply a handicap!"

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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