
Chapter 1522 Help from someone else’s shoes

Except for Li Shiyi, among the other three people present in the hotel room at this moment, Zeng Rui is good at analyzing and summarizing data, but when it comes to taking on the role of coaching, it is still different, let alone His own strength is currently not enough to give Li Shiyi enough constructive opinions.

And Lin Feng's strength is naturally enough.

But his so-called guidance style is actually quite "irresponsible". He can't explain long-winded theories. He often just directly pulls people to start a game or solo, and he just plays what he wants to play, and the rest is all in one head. Leave it to the other party to realize it - Xiang had this routine against Dawnstar before, or against Phoenix this morning.

It cannot be said that this method is not easy to use, but it has too many restrictions and too high requirements. The target must be a strong person who has reached the level of the Seven Kings or even the Four Emperors such as Dawn Star and Phoenix, in order to be able to escape from someone as irresponsible as Learn something in teaching and use it for yourself.

But this still doesn't apply to Li Shiyi now.


There is also An Xin.

When he heard the girl say these words with a smile, Li Shiyi was also stunned for a moment, but looking at the former's familiar smile as before, his mood seemed to calm down little by little, and he couldn't help but bury it in his heart. He told the girl all the troubles and problems in his heart.

"Yeah, so it's hard to control the early rhythm of the jungle."

"The current version focuses on aggressive, carnivorous junglers, and your original style is not suitable for you."

"When you are targeted, you will have a bad start, and you will not dare to make casual choices later..."

Li Shiyi was talking while An Xin was listening carefully and patiently, nodding from time to time and briefly and casually summarizing and summarizing the problems that the former had encountered. Unknowingly, he had already solved what seemed like a mess of problems. Gradually listed and sorted out.

When Li Shi finished speaking, the girl nodded slightly:


"Some of them are more troublesome, but there are others that shouldn't be difficult to solve and overcome."

"Look, the first question I just mentioned, if this would make you feel better..."

Then it was the girl's turn to talk, and her pleasant voice spread throughout the hotel room.

The speech is slow and the thoughts are clear. Sometimes just a few words seem to hit the key points. Not only Li Shiyi's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly, but even Lin Feng and Zeng Rui on the side subconsciously participated in it and listened attentively.

It seems that many troubled problems are solved bit by bit in an understatement.

But after all, not all problems can be solved with a few words on paper, so for a rare occasion, a very discerning person quickly donated his mobile phone, which happened to contain some training game videos left over from the previous three training camps.

Click on the video to play. With practical examples, it becomes more calm and smooth for the girl to explain and analyze. Step by step, she patiently separates Li Shiyi's performance in the video into fragments and steps to elaborate on, point out the problems and provide instructions. To the corresponding adjustment solution:

"Look, at this start, I saw the blind monk from the opposite side coming to invade."

"The best way is of course to let the bottom lane help and exchange buffs with the opponent to start the game."

"But it may be a little risky, and your style is not like this on the 11th, so...if you are not sure enough and can only start with a single buff, you can also try a rhythm like this next -"

"Well, there is also this wave. I think the pressure on my teammates online is too great, so I couldn't help but initiate a gank."

"But actually, there is no need to worry. Even if you give up the lane rhythm all the way, you can exchange it for the resources in the lower half of the jungle, which can also guarantee the development of the mouse of the bottom lane ADC, right?"

At the beginning, Lin Feng and Zeng Rui in the room would participate in discussions from time to time and help make suggestions together.

But slowly, the girl's voice was the only one left in the room.

He spoke calmly and calmly.

Zeng Rui still wanted to try to keep up with the rhythm, but soon he was helpless to find that even just understanding what the girl was talking about required a lot of mental energy for him, let alone helping to provide suggestions and opinions of the same quality.

So while learning from Li Shiyi to act as an audience honestly, Zeng Rui couldn't help but glance at the girl next to him, with a somewhat complicated sigh and sincere admiration——


Still the familiar bun.

It seems that as long as there is a girl present, no matter how difficult the problem is, it can be analyzed in a few words and then solved completely and unhurriedly like peeling off the cocoon.

Lin Feng also suddenly became quiet.

It wasn't that he couldn't keep up with the rhythm like Zeng Rui, but that at this time he was a little distracted looking at the scene in front of him, as if some thoughts and memories were inadvertently evoked.


Incredibly familiar.

The three people in the room except An Xin seemed to have adapted to this pattern quite naturally.

Because whether it was the earliest S1 season that year, or various school competition cups and national college leagues more than a year ago, when everyone in the team encountered problems that could not be solved, it was always a girl who stepped forward to take on the coaching role. , to help resolve problems one by one.

The scene in front of me was the same as before.

Compared to Lin Feng and Zeng Rui, whose thoughts were a little wandering, Li Shiyi at this time had absolutely no thoughts on anything else. He was the one who listened most attentively, and also followed An Xin's analysis and explanation in front of him. , his eyes became brighter and brighter, and his whole mood became more and more excited:

"Yes! Yes! That's right!"

"Ah, it would be much better if it were handled this way!"

"I thought of it before...but I'm not sure if it's right..."

"This is no problem now!"

Perhaps the analysis and guidance given by the girl at this moment may not be any better than the truly top professional coaches and analysts today. At least, their familiarity and understanding of the version are definitely not as good as those of experts who rely on them for a living, but For Li Shiyi, there is one thing about the former that cannot be matched by any top analysts and coaches.

That is, every word the girl just said, every step of analysis and every opinion given were completely tailor-made for him.

Because she is familiar with Li Shiyi's style and knows the latter's operating habits.

So you can put yourself in their shoes and consider it.

It is easier and more in-depth to understand the real problems that trouble Li Shiyi, and give him solutions and suggestions that may not be the most perfect...but definitely the most suitable for him.


It is exactly what Li Shiyi desires and needs most urgently today.

Unconsciously, an hour passed by like this. After analyzing the two video examples based on the video materials, An Xin finally stopped talking, breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Li Shiyi, and said with a smile:

"Okay, otherwise, come here first."

"I feel like this should solve some problems, right?"


Li Shiyi almost shook his head like a rattle:

"No, no, no! This has almost solved most of my current difficulties!"

“It helps so much!”

As he said this, he looked at the girl with joy and gratitude: "Really, Baozi, with your guidance just now, I should be able to get rid of my current state soon!"

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