
Chapter 1512 The people behind the scenes

Most of the time, whatever the seniors told Lin Feng, whether it was some legendary secrets about the previous generation or some ordinary gossip in the circle, someone would not hide it from other companions and friends at all. Most of them From time to time, I will happily take it out and share it with everyone.

But that was the exception.

Lin Feng never told anyone about what Senior No. 1 told him at that time, and the truth he later discovered through his own investigation.


That is really a truth that makes people feel bad and depressing to the extreme.

Although the S1 season was ultimately defeated by the five members of the SSK predecessor team headed by Han Shihao, and missed the world championship trophy, to be fair, Lin Feng never had any resentment or dissatisfaction with those opponents at that time. mood.

On the contrary, he could only admire those strong opponents who fought him through five games to the end.

The opponent won the championship trophy with their strength.

He also won his respect.

This emotion is almost the same as Nian Shisan’s attitude towards Li Shiyi. Although he was defeated by his opponent, it was a matter on the field, a contest of strength. If you are inferior to others, you have to admit it. If you want more, you will only How to work hard to defeat opponents on the field again and regain their own honor.

Before hearing that incident from Senior No. 1, Lin Feng had always had such fighting spirit and thoughts.

So when he followed the wishes of Senior No. 1 and found out the current whereabouts and whereabouts of Zing, one of his opponents back then, and saw the current situation of that old opponent who was extremely powerful back then, the shock and shock was simply beyond words. describe.

Dropped from the LCK league to the regional secondary league.

It is equivalent to the national server LPL falling into the LSPL division.

Moreover, Lin Feng watched several game videos, and no matter how unbelievable it was, he had to admit one thing——

Zing's current strength and state are really far behind the peak of the S1 season.

Even in the Korean secondary professional league, they seem to be a little out of their depth. They have completely lost the terrifying penetration and invasion capabilities of the jungle back then. The rhythm is unstructured and the record is a mess.

It doesn't play the role of a jungler at all...

It can almost only be described with four words: "horrible".

Lin Feng, who had watched several videos at that time, was completely confused.

If Zing's strength in the S1 season was almost above the Seven Kings and just below the Four Emperors, then the Zing he saw in the game video simply felt like an ordinary passerby diamond player.

This seems to be very similar to Li Shiyi's previous situation.

But Zing's conditions are definitely much better than Li Shiyi's. At least he always has the opportunity to play and is a main player of a secondary professional team. Unlike Li Shiyi, who has no chance to play and can only sit on the bench all the time. He even works as a handyman in the club...

In other words, even after leaving the earliest predecessor team of SSK, Zing's status should not have declined so quickly and severely.

But the facts are on the table.

A certain truth behind the scenes was faintly revealed.

Lin Feng did not give up at that time, and still refused to believe it and continued to find the other players in the S1 season except Zing. He even dug out the videos of the second batch of players after the SSK club was officially established and watched them repeatedly. .

Finally confirmed the conclusion that almost made him feel chilling——

All SSK players.

When playing for SSK, they were all dazzling without exception, and their abilities were more terrifying and unfathomable than the last. But once they left the SSK team and went to other clubs... regardless of their status, strength, or results, they would almost instantly plummet like Waterloo. .

A ridiculous phenomenon that simply cannot be explained by reason.

But there really is the most reasonable reason to explain it.

"SSK made their players who they are."

After checking the depressing and complicated information, Lin Feng came back. At that time, Lin Feng heard this seemingly understated answer and explanation from Senior No. 1:

"To be precise..."

"It's the team behind SSK that produces batches of players that belong and only belong to them like mass production on an assembly line."

This is the most reasonable explanation.

But it seems to be a little insufficient, because even a team that is professional enough to reach the top cannot easily achieve such a miraculous feat, unless...

In such a team, there is also a soul leader like Han Shihao to the SSK team.

Lin Feng's first reaction at that time was that certain figures flashed in his mind:

"Could it be——"

Before he finished speaking, No. 1 shook his head and interrupted:

"It's impossible for that guy Li Dozai. Even if he can teach a disciple alone, he may not be that good. Most of the guys named Han are all made by his own efforts and exploration - this is the case with that guy Li Dozai. I’m far behind your seniors~”

Not forgetting to brag about himself, No. 1 continued:

"If it's M, it's somewhat possible."

"But that guy has nothing to do with the SSK club, so he can't come here to do this kind of thing for others."

After eliminating the two most likely and reasonable candidates in succession, it seems that there are almost no other better answers left.

Lin Feng was a little confused.

However, even No. 1 just shook his head and could not give a truly satisfactory truth:

"Don't look at me, I don't know either."

"But one thing is for sure -"

When he said this, Number 1 paused, his eyes narrowed slightly, and for the first time there was a bit of sharpness in his eyes: "It is behind the scenes of SSK. There is definitely a very scary person sitting in charge."

"Perhaps even since S1, he has been in the shadows behind the scenes."

"Never really showed up."

"Secret and low-key to an indescribable degree."

Speaking of this, No. 1's eyes twitched brightly: "This style... is quite similar to the dead crow in Europe, but it is calmer and more ruthless than the dead crow. ——I didn’t expect that there could be such a person in Korea. If I have the chance, I can’t help but want to meet him for a while..."

Lin Feng has never seen Senior No. 1 give such a comment.

This even exceeds his attitude towards Lee Do Jae or any other legend of the previous generation.


There is actually a hint of vigilance and fear in it.

After retracting his thoughts, Lin Feng came back to his senses and realized that An Xin and Zeng Rui had called him several times. Both of them looked at him with some confusion and worry on their faces. Someone scratched his hair:

"Oh, it's okay, I just got distracted..."

He dropped the topic as if nothing had happened.

Even now, he is not qualified and should not dwell on these secrets.

Because it’s useless to even think about it.

With his current strength, he has not even returned to the peak state of the past. How can he have the energy to investigate and explore the mysterious figure behind the SSK club.

Someone breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, there is really no need to worry so much. After all, strength is the king, and it is the unchangeable principle to defeat ten with one force.


The best way to get stronger is to hurry up.

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