
Chapter 229 The dream that was out of reach back then

The atmosphere of the entire game was suddenly heated up by Tang Bingyao's ADC Vayne's sudden and aggressive attack!

Single-handedly advance forward!


This opportunity to rush forward was captured extremely beautifully and accurately!

On the purple side of the Shanghai Middle School team, the mid laner Yasuo has just returned to the city and has not had time to rush to the jungle. The jungler Lee Sin is collecting lanes in the middle and is unable to support him immediately.

The top order wine barrel is delivered.

But almost at the same time, two magnificent teleportation beams of light from the blue side's Thirteen High Team rose up in front of the opponent's blue buff jungle area and shot straight into the sky!

Lulu teleports, Dao Mei teleports!

The moment the Shanghai Middle School team's top laner hit the ground, before he even had time to use his ultimate move to blow up several blue heroes including Vayne, he was directly transformed into a sheep by Lin Feng's mid laner Lulu. Take control.

Shen Ze's top laner Daomei rushed in immediately and cut off the opponent's remaining blood with the Spear of Revenge.

And as another icy arrow penetrated the target Kalista's chest, three silver-white skill apertures on the ground at the foot of the Spear of Revenge suddenly detonated.


"You-have--an-enemy (you killed an enemy hero)."

The system's female voice announced the kill.

Tang Bingyao's ADC Vayne harvested the heads that took away the opponent's Spear of Revenge, then quickly turned around and cooperated with several other teammates of his to start focusing their fire to output the purple square top single barrel.

Zeng Rui's auxiliary Japanese girl used a big backhand move to stun and control the two people in the narrow terrain of the jungle.

But at the same time, the auxiliary Nami under the control of An Xin had also arrived quickly. She waved the ocean scepter in her hand to summon the big move. The rushing waves swept over in a mighty manner, sweeping away the top laner Wine Barrel and the auxiliary Japanese girl on the purple side. Retain.



There were two more killing announcements in succession.

In the live auditorium, students from the 13th grade high school students were already excited and couldn't wait to burst into thunderous cheers of celebration.

Three kills!

Vayne's triple kill! !

In the commentary box, Xifeng looked at the 6/1/2 record data of the blue ADC Vayne and couldn't help but marvel:

"In this case……"

"Vayne has completely turned into an OSS!"

The second little dragon continued to be captured by the blue side's Thirteen High Team.

The situation and rhythm on the scene began to be increasingly controlled by the Thirteenth High Team.

There is a gap of about 4,000 in team economy between the blue and purple sides. In terms of the number of dragons and defense towers, the blue side’s Thirteenth High team also has an advantage.

Zeng Rui frowned.

In this game, their purple side army has been clearly at a disadvantage so far.

However, it has not yet reached the point of completely losing hope.

"Now that the blue side talks about advantages, in fact, apart from the two dragons, the main advantage also falls on Vayne alone. Even mid laner Lulu's main task is to protect the ADC."

Mo Sheng in the commentary box analyzed:

"But if the purple side can kill Vayne first in a team battle, the blue side will have almost no output at all."

"So, as long as we can have such a wave of team battles, the Shanghai Middle School team will still have hope and opportunity to make a comeback."

To put it bluntly, it’s actually just one sentence.

If Vayne dies, the teamfight will be won.

And for the Shanghai Middle School team on the purple side, their lineup for this game includes Keg, Yasuo, and Lee Sin. It shouldn't be a difficult task to rush into an opponent's ADC Vayne.

"Tangtang needs to be careful next time!"

On the Thirteen High Team's side, Lin Feng was also energetically giving command instructions:

"In the next team battle, Vayne will definitely have to cut Tangtang on the opposite side. Baozi and I will protect our side, and Lao Shen and Xiao Yue will just continue to cut the other side's back row."

Tang Bingyao nodded seriously:

"Well, I'll pay attention."

An Xin on the side answered with a smile:

"Tangtang hasn't flashed yet. Try to be careful and wait until she flashes CD in the next wave. Let's group together again. There's no need to worry~"

The rhythm of the scene is now under the control of the blue side Thirteen High Team.

So after An Xin made his decision, the situation and rhythm on the field slowed down slightly.

Players on both sides controlled their heroes to seize the time to replenish their development, especially for the Shanghai Middle School team on the purple side. The opponent's blue side team did not plan to rush to start a team, so they could also take the opportunity to develop for a while.

For example, top laner Wine Barrel and mid laner Yasuo, as long as the equipment is more in shape, the success rate of cutting the opponent's back row in team battles will be greatly improved.


Not in a hurry.

This game is originally a key match point that determines the final outcome. Neither team will rush forward easily and must be calm to find that first-line opportunity to win.

In the next few minutes, several more head-to-head battles broke out on the field.

On the top road, Shen Ze's top laner Dao Mei was killed and taken away again by the opposite wine barrel in conjunction with the jungle blind monk's gank.

When the wine barrel is taken over the head, it becomes more and more mature.

On the same side of the bottom lane, the purple mid laner Yasuo's wave of roaming helped his own ADC Spear of Revenge to take down the opponent's support Nami's head.

The head count gap between the blue and purple sides was narrowed by two by the Shanghai Middle School team.

However, at this time, the difference of one or two heads is nothing at all. Even if the economic gap between the two sides is four to five thousand, in fact, anyone with a discerning mind knows that there is still suspense in the next team battle between the blue and purple sides.

The game time slowly came to about a minute.

The third dragon in the jungle is about to be refreshed.

The Shanghai Middle School team on the purple side has already started to insert wards to the Xiaolong Gorge in advance to gain vision. They must fight in this wave of team battles. On the one hand, the third dragon cannot be easily given to the opponent, and on the other hand, reason……

The reason is that now they have the power to fight against the opponent blue army.

"Now that Yasuo adds a wine barrel or a set of blind monk's ultimate moves, he should be able to beat Vayne instantly."

Xifeng in the commentary box made a judgment.

Mo Sheng next to her answered:

"So this wave of team battles will definitely start for the Shanghai Middle School team."

"Furthermore, Vayne is definitely the most dangerous and will definitely be listed as the primary target for killing by the opponent."

West Wind laughed:

"No matter what, this wave of team battles should be the key to winning or losing this game."

"Both teams will go all out to fight, right?"

indeed so.

In the audience's seats, the 13th grade students present were also particularly nervous.

They also know that such a wave of team battles will determine the direction of the next battle. If they are defeated by the opposite Shanghai Middle School team, then the purple side team will still have a chance to come back in this game, and it may even be their blue side team. The Thirteenth High Team will begin to fall into passivity.

And if...

It was the blue side of their Thirteenth High Team that won the team battle...

Then Xiaolong can get another one.

Then the situation of this game will be completely under the control of their blue army!

The thirteen-year-old students in the audience could not help but feel their hearts burning, and the blood all over their bodies seemed to be getting a little hot because of such assumptions and conjectures.

Because, as long as this game is won

Just win!

Defeating the Shanghai Middle School team 3-1, this year's Shanghai Sixteenth School League championship trophy will be theirs!

That will truly create the history of the Thirteen High Esports Club.

It was a perfect result that all of their thirteen masters could be proud of and happy about!

And now, they are far away from the championship dream that was once out of reach...

It’s really only one step away!

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