
Chapter 1465 Perfect Example

The second game was indeed more intense than the first game, but what was slightly surprising was that compared to the previous game, the overall rhythm of this game did not seem to have changed more.

Even if the hero Fizz, the Tidal Sea Spirit, is in someone's hands, it seems that he has completely displayed his extreme style and powerful effects.

At 9 minutes, a wave of small murlocs invaded the wild area alone.

Successfully capture the opponent's purple jungle blind monk.

Take away in one wave to complete a single kill.

11 minutes.

The little murloc roamed the bottom lane to gank, and cooperated with his own bottom lane ADC to assist the two teammates to directly complete a wave of extreme tower jumps, scoring a kill and an assist.

It is almost completely different from the little murloc used in the previous Phoenix.


This is the fierce offensive aura that a small fish man should have.

But even so, when the game gradually entered the mid-term stage, the head count and economy of the blue and purple sides on the field still widened the gap bit by bit, and it was still the purple side that slowly took the initiative and advantage. .

Even if the little fish man moves around under someone's control and looks for opportunities to break through, he will inevitably fall into the opponent's slowly opening net little by little.

When the performance data of the mid laner Xiaoyuren on the blue side reaches 4/2/1, you can see that the same performance data of the mid laner Dark Leader on the purple side has reached 3/2/2.

In terms of the number of last hits, the Murloc in 16 minutes only had 145 kills due to several wanderings. Although combined with the record data of kills and assists, this is already a quite amazing result.

But Syndra, the dark leader on the opponent's side, has already reached 185 knives.

Open up the gap of forty dollars!

Everyone present could see that he was gasping for air and could not say a word at all.

Of course, there were also Legend players who were loyal fans of their captain. Their eyes became brighter and brighter until they almost stopped shining:

So handsome!


This is their captain!

As for the blue team on the field,

In front of the computer screen, Lin Feng controlled his little murloc to quickly walk down the high ground and rush to the line. At the same time, he pressed the Tab key to bring up the battle panel and glanced at it, then subconsciously narrowed his eyes slightly.



It's still that familiar feeling.

The title and nickname of the world's best last-hitting machine back then... wasn't given for nothing.

In the second game, the game once again fell into the control of the purple team's rhythm, and many Legend players watching the game couldn't help but look at the blue team's mid laner Xiaoyuren. A bit of slander arose:

He also said that he would teach them how to be captain and demonstrate a game of fizz...

Although 006's strength is frightening, his tone is still too loud.

This was the rhythm in the last game.

This time, you can use 006 to play the little fishman, and there will be no difference.

Of course, not everyone thinks so. Several coaches from the Legend coaching staff and several team leaders headed by Sean were communicating and discussing in low voices with cautious expressions. From time to time, they would look at the situation on the field. After taking a quick look at the situation, it seemed that something was wrong with it.

The competition is still going on.

And slowly...

The expressions of the Legend players watching the game slowly began to change.

Relaxed and even dismissive from the beginning.

Confusion gradually emerged.

Then surprised.

Then to shock.

Even starting 20 minutes after the game time, loud exclamations and vibrations suddenly resounded in the conference room from time to time. The noise was even louder and more violent than during the first game.

The sound of movement also came from outside the conference room again.

The staff of the Electronics Association branch in the backstage were almost as curious as a hundred claws scratching their hearts. They had stopped working and stretched their necks one by one, trying to move towards the conference room of the Legend team. Looking around.

On the sofa seats in the front row of the auditorium of the main stadium, An Xin and Zeng Rui, who were drinking water leisurely and comfortably, happened to be chatting about certain topics:

"That guy...his true hero has always been an assassin like a witch or a fish-man, right?"

"Yeah, that's right. Although other heroes like Clockwork and Victor can play well, they are not the style he is most accustomed to."

"What style are you most accustomed to?"

"It's... the type that relies on one's own efforts to bring personal heroism to the extreme in a disadvantaged and desperate situation."

In the conference room.

The second game on the court finally came to an end at 35 minutes.

On the screen, the blue base crystal exploded in a distorted light.

The purple side wins again.

But this time, compared to before, all the Legend players present were in complete silence.


They were all still immersed in the game that had just ended, and it was difficult to get out of their minds.

From 20 minutes... no, from 16 to 17 minutes later, the blue side army on the field has inevitably fallen into a passive disadvantageous situation again, and the purple side army has once again steadily begun to take the advantage and take the initiative——

The mid laner on the blue side is the murloc.

But it started to show strength.

It was almost completely beyond the limits of everyone's common sense and imagination. Being forced into that situation... The little fishman Fitz relied on his own power to forcefully attack again and again, trying to break through the opponent's purple square legion. Opening a wide net, and causing huge damage and threats to the opponent more than once or twice——


Even more than that.

In the last round, someone's mid laner Syndra performed well in the Tulong team battle, which also caused a lot of losses to the purple army, but in the end it was still unable to recover and was quickly suppressed by the opponent again. Until defeat.

But this time.

However, the little fish man really almost pushed the opponent purple army to the edge of the cliff of death more than once or twice!

Even the Legend players who were watching the game on several occasions had their hearts in their throats and almost thought that the blue side was going to win.

How tragic was the battle to the end?

Two big dragons.

All fell into the hands of the disadvantaged Blue Army.

Even the upper and lower highlands on the purple side were bulldozed and demolished twice.

There is one missing incisor tower.

Only a little bit away, the blue side really has to win this game and have the last laugh.

And all of this, all the credit, can only be attributed to the little fishman Fitz.


There is no room for argument.

Finally coming back to his senses, someone among the Legend players outside the field suddenly shouted "Hello", and then applause and cheers exploded in the conference room like thunder, and the name "006" was shouted in unison. At this moment, everyone Almost all of them have become a die-hard fan of someone, and their eyes when looking at someone are full of absolute fanaticism and adoration.

Even the coaches and team leaders of the Legend coaching staff nearby were waving their arms excitedly:

"Has this video been recorded yet?"

"Put this damn video away!"

"This is a classic textbook!"

"Textbook-level Fizz performance!!"

"No! It's more than that! This is a perfect example of how an assassin-type mid laner can deal with the situation in the middle and late stages of a disadvantageous game!"

Amidst such a roaring noise, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back on the chair behind him, stretched out his hand to wipe his sweat, and glanced at Phoenix sitting directly opposite him:

"Well...even though I didn't win——"

"But that's pretty much it. Do you understand what I mean?"

Phoenix was silent for a long time and finally nodded slowly:

"Thank you."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around eleven o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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