
Chapter 1435 Who gave the privilege?

To be honest, in the S1 season that year, for Lin Feng, more of his old opponents and friends were located in the European and North American competitions than in the Korean or Taiwanese competitions.

It was also because the European and American divisions at that time were recognized as the two top and strongest divisions in the world, and various top players and professional experts emerged in an endless stream.


Without exception, almost all the veteran strong players in Europe and America were defeated by someone back then.

However, while they competed with each other on the e-sports field, the players off the field did not still have such strong hostility towards each other. Instead, the concept of respecting the strong made them hate this Chinese player after losing to Lin Feng. The talented player "Maple" in the competition area was sincerely impressed and willing to come over to get to know and make friends.

This is the case for Phoenix, who is the first Dharma King in Europe and the third among the Four Emperors.

Although the number of exchanges between the two of them over such a long period of time was actually quite limited, the feeling of mutual sympathy has always existed and has never been diluted by the passage of time.

Although Lin Feng was a little surprised to hear that the Legend team happened to be present at the Milton Stadium today, and missed his old friends and rivals whom he had not seen for more than half a year, he also I didn’t really take the initiative to come to someone’s door to reminisce about old times regardless of my thoughts.

On the one hand, it's not that serious. There will indeed be many opportunities to meet in the future - maybe we will meet at the exchange training match between the teams in each division before the official start of the group stage.

On the other hand, even though Lin Feng has a somewhat careless personality, he can still clearly see some things related to his career.

The Legend team is here to check out the venue today, and may also need to do some pre-game equipment debugging, or make some lineup and tactical arrangements for the subsequent games.

I came here for business.

Under such circumstances, it seemed a bit inappropriate for him to rush to Phoenix's door to reminisce about the past. Even if Phoenix didn't care, it was still not good.

So in response to An Xin's inquiry, Lin Feng just waved his hand and said no.

In this case, the three people were ready to go to Zhou Wei one last time to say hello and then leave.


It happened to be at this time.

Just as the three of them were backstage at the venue, preparing to find a staff member from their home appliance association to ask where Zhou Wei was, suddenly a shout came from behind them:

"What are you doing!"

"Stop, who let you in?"

Lin Feng, Anxin and Zeng Rui all stopped and turned around in astonishment, looking around. What they saw was a man with gold-rimmed glasses and oily hair walking towards them, striding towards the three of them. The person in front of me frowned involuntarily and was scolded with another bad attitude:

"Did you know that only staff can come here?"

"The gym is closed to the public today, how did you sneak in?"

"I want to watch the game and wait two days to buy the tickets before coming back. Why are you making trouble here now? Do you know that if something happens and affects the layout of the venue here, you will be responsible?"

Judging from the appearance of this man wearing gold-rimmed glasses, he is about thirty-four or five years old. He sounds like he is from the Electric Power Association, but his clothes are clearly one level higher than those of other ordinary staff around him. Hearing such a condescending official tone, he was probably in charge.

Lin Feng and the three of them looked at each other in confusion.

They really didn't know the specific situation of the staff of their own domestic electrical association in the gym. They thought that Zhou Wei was the only one in charge here, but now they didn't expect to meet such a manager who seemed hard to talk to. , I don’t know what his specific position is...

But after all, they were able to enter the gymnasium because they had asked Zhou Wei for help. The three of them looked at each other and felt that they could not cause more trouble to Brother Zhou. Zeng Rui was immediately ready to explain and apologize:

"Excuse me……"

However, before he finished speaking, the man in front of him waved his hand again and interrupted him with a disgusted look on his face: "Okay, don't explain. You are students here at Manchester City. I don't care how you steal." You sneaked in, but this kind of behavior is absolutely not allowed, you know? Get out quickly—"

Zeng Rui and An Xin were fine.

But the attitude of the man in front of him made Lin Feng on the side a little unhappy.

Talk to you well.

What kind of attitude is this?

It was just such a training without asking any questions from the beginning. He didn't even give anyone a chance to explain. He knew a lot of people in the Electrical Association... But no matter from bottom to top, even people like Brother Chu, Brother Fang, and even his brother-in-law, But I have never seen anyone treat others with such a bad attitude.

Immediately, someone walked up to the oily man with gold-rimmed glasses and looked at him:

"Hey, could you please be more polite?"

"Who said we sneaked in?"

When these words came out, the man with gold-rimmed glasses in front of him was stunned, as if he didn't expect that a mere student brat in front of him would dare to refute. After he reacted, he immediately sneered:


"You're still tough?"

"It's really interesting. A few brats here are still pretending to be in front of me. They want to save face, right?" As he spoke, he seemed too lazy to argue with the "rude" person in front of him. He turned around and raised his voice to speak not far away. Several other staff members yelled and cursed: "Someone, please drive these little brats out. They all do whatever they want to do for a living. Can people just enter this kind of backcourt?"

And just when the man with gold-rimmed glasses turned to scold other staff and subordinates, Lin Feng was also pulled by his sleeve by An Xin beside him, and the girl whispered:

"Forget it, don't get along with this kind of person."

"It won't do us any good to argue."

Zeng Rui also nodded in agreement:

"Yes, and after all, we were brought here by Brother Zhou, so we shouldn't cause trouble to others."

The two companions had such a calm attitude, and Lin Feng could only curl his lips: "But this guy's attitude is too bad..."

Although he was still complaining, someone's attitude had finally slowed down a little, which meant that he was too lazy to really trouble this kind of person. After all, he was here to play with Baozi and A Zeng today, so there was no need. Because this kind of person affects the mood.

Just at this moment, a staff member from the Electrical Industry Association hurried over not far away. They obviously recognized Lin Feng and the others. They carefully whispered a few words into the ear of their boss, the man with gold-rimmed glasses. Lin Feng and the others could vaguely hear words such as "Brother Zhou just brought in the kid" and "Brother Zhang, you misunderstood".

It seems that this small storm can be stopped here.

The three of them on Lin Feng's side were ready to wait for the staff to finish their explanation before saying a few polite words to the man with gold-rimmed glasses in charge. At least the situation should not be too tense and make sense - he is also that Brother Zhou after all. Colleagues, don’t ruin the relationship between colleagues because of them.


Never thought about it.

Just after listening to his subordinate's explanation, the expression on the face of the man with gold-rimmed glasses, known as "Brother Zhang", changed slightly, but the next moment... his face suddenly darkened:

"The person Zhou Wei brought in?"

"What happened?"

"He can just bring people here? Who gave him the privilege, huh!?"

The update is here. The next chapter will be around nine o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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