
Chapter 1414 Reluctant to Let Go

On the phone, the two girls who had always been close to each other like close friends did not chat for too long. However, you could see that Tang Bingyao in the car on the other side of the phone had red eye circles and was sniffing as she tried to calm herself down. However, when he was talking to the girl on the other end of the phone, there was still a cry of joy in his voice. Top novels are updated the fastest

The girl on the other end of the phone has been comforting the girl here softly. Although she seems to be trying her best to keep her tone as normal, she can also hear the unconcealed joy and excitement in her tone.

Then the call was hung up.

Zeng Rui, who was sitting next to the girl, looked at Tang Bingyao and smiled:

"Are you done talking?"

Tang Bingyao sniffed and nodded, but then shook her head vigorously.


There were too many things she wanted to say to Baozi, but it was always impossible to express all the emotions and joy she wanted to say and express on the phone.

Only by seeing them in person can we find a real outlet for all these things.

"Master, please hurry up, please."

Immediately, the girl leaned forward slightly, leaned into the front seat and begged the taxi driver in the driver's seat.

The middle-aged white driver, who was in his forties, readily responded "no-problem", stepped on the accelerator and immediately drove the taxi towards the train station at a faster speed.

Fifteen minutes later, the taxi stopped outside the departure hall of London Railway Station.

After checking out and getting off the bus, the two people hurriedly thanked the awesome taxi driver, picked up their luggage and hurried towards the train station.

You can catch the next departure time in front of the ticket office.

Buy a ticket.

In the hall, he ran all the way towards the ticket gate.

Even though they were carrying large and small bags of luggage, and even though they had been on the road for more than ten hours, both Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui were walking very briskly and even excitedly at this moment, and their moods were full of hope and expectation. .


My worst fears were gone.

The biggest psychological pressure and burden was relieved.

Now they no longer need to be nervous and worried about the unknowable truth, nor do they need to shrink back because they are about to see certain scenes with their own eyes.

They are closer to Manchester City.

Just getting closer to their partners.

It is not about coming thousands of miles to meet the heavy consequences.

But just thinking about it makes me excited and looking forward to the long-awaited reunion with my friends and colleagues.

Accompanied by the roar of the engine, the wheels of the train bound for Manchester began to turn slowly, and gradually began to accelerate as it drove out of the station. Then, under the starry night, it drove out of the brightly lit city and passed through the rolling mountains. , heading towards a destination that carries expectations and hopes.

Zeng Rui, who had placed their luggage in the carriage, looked down at Tang Bingyao, who was sitting against the window, and shook his head:

"Now... you can't sleep at all, can you?"

The girl said "Hmm", opened the car window and looked at the scenery quickly passing outside the window with her eyes wide open, and asked her companions behind her without looking back:

"Zeng, how long will it take for us to get to Manchester City?"

"More than an hour." Zeng Rui said, looking down at the time on his phone: "It should be around 9:30 here."

The girl said "Oh" for a moment, but still looked out the window, her eyes seemed to reflect the twinkling stars in the night sky:

"But, Azeng."

"I feel……"

"I can't wait any longer."

Zeng Rui paused and laughed:

"I think the two of them at Manchester City now...should feel the same way."


Under the same night sky, a taxi was speeding towards the train station. After hanging up the phone, Lin Feng and An Xin were already preparing to go home and go to the hospital to wait for their two partners and friends to come from London to meet and get together.

Even when they stopped the taxi, they already reported the address of St. Edinlan's Hospital. Halfway through the taxi, An Xin suddenly changed her mind and asked the driver to change the route and turn back to the train station.

I'm about to get ready to pick someone up.

"A Zeng and Tangtang are unfamiliar with each other, so it would be more convenient for us to go there."

This is what the girl said.

Lin Feng himself didn't have any objections, but he still raised his concerns: "But you have been running all day today, aren't you all tired? Let's take a taxi back to the hospital to rest first, and I will pick them up by myself. OK.”

But what she got in exchange was a glance from An Xin:

"You've only been in Manchester City for a day, and you already feel like you're familiar with it?"

"If I let you go alone, who knows if you might lead A Zeng and Tangtang astray instead... Don't I have to pick you up then?"

Someone protested: "Hey, I'm not that idiot, okay-"

"Who knows, you can't underestimate yourself too much." The girl stuck out her tongue, then looked out the window and smiled: "Okay...I admit, it's actually my own selfishness -"

"It's not just you."

"Tangtang, Azeng, and everyone else..."

"Really, I miss you all."

I miss it so much that just when chatting with my best friend on the other end of the phone, I can't help but feel the urge to shed tears of joy.

I think about it, even though I know I can see you in only an hour or two, I still hope to shorten the waiting time as much as possible.

The sky is full of stars in Manchester this night.

The mountains in the distance are silent and majestic under the night.

There seemed to be a huge approaching storm that was vaguely spreading.

There are only three days left until the S6 World Finals, and the top teams from all major competition regions in the world have completed their final preparations and are about to embark on this journey.

With much anticipation and attention, one of the most magnificent feasts in the e-sports circle is about to slowly begin.

And tonight.

In this Manchester train station, it seems to be isolated from everything else.

Has nothing to do with the competition.

It has nothing to do with anything.

There were only two boys and girls sitting on the bench in the station exit hall waiting eagerly, and the train approaching the platform from far away.

The whistle beeped for a while, indicating that the shift had arrived.

Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui walked out of the platform carrying large bags and suitcases.

When they passed through the exit, the two of them were still talking seriously to each other on their mobile phones. But the next second, Tang Bingyao inadvertently raised her head, but she suddenly froze in place when she saw two familiar figures on the bench not far away.

Zeng Rui subconsciously followed the girl's gaze.

Then he was also stunned.

On the bench not far away, a certain person and a girl had already stood up, and they were about to greet them quickly with expressions of sincere joy on their faces.

"Why are you here?"

Zeng Rui stepped forward subconsciously, and when he was about to ask, he was shocked to find the figure of his companion passing by him like the wind.

next moment.

When everyone was caught off guard, the girl jumped directly into the girl's arms.

Hold tight.

His head was buried deep into the shoulder of his best friend and companion.

No matter what, he refused to let go.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around ten o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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