
Chapter 1409 Big Scene

You can find such a big thing just by browsing online and browsing Tieba posts.

Lin Feng and An Xin in front of the computer screen couldn't help but look at each other:

"This scene..."

"Well, it's a bit big."

For the vast number of ordinary League of Legends gamers, perhaps the annual World Finals is already a feast worthy of much anticipation. It is a venue where the world's top star players gather, and it is a venue for the Yonko, The confrontation and collision between the seven kings.

Just thinking about it is enough to make their hearts agitate.

But for someone like Lin Feng, who once stood and has now returned to that height, the World Finals is certainly worth looking forward to, but it is not that exciting.

The so-called star player that attracts everyone’s attention...

Two days ago, he went to training camp with others and had a late-night snack.

As for the Four Emperors and Seven Kings.

Many of them are his former companions or opponents, and they have interacted with each other countless times. It's good that they don't get tired of each other.

But this time the scene was different.

It's not just the top level that ordinary players can access.

But it has to go higher.

Up to the point where it was as "up" as the previous generation.

South Korea’s Lee Do-jae, m; China’s No. 1, No. 3, and No. 5; the bullet from North America; and those headed by crow and j who generally exist as hosts in Europe.

Every one of them is a shocking and suffocating existence, and every one of them is a thunderous name.

If expected.

Then this may be a truly unprecedented event in the world's e-sports circle in two generations.

Everyone present at the meeting is a legend who has been and is still shining brightly to this day.

"But...why are you here?"

Someone was a little confused. He didn't expect that when several seniors came to Manchester City this time, they would have such an important meeting to attend. Of course, this matter has not been confirmed yet, but according to these clues, rational and objective analysis, it is all ** Not far away from ten.

Otherwise, why would these legends from previous generations all come here at the same time this year?

Are you in tune with each other?

Are you kidding me...it definitely has a purpose.

Lin Feng was very sure of this, but having said that, if he continued to analyze further, he would not be able to guess anything else. An Xin, who was next to him, seemed to have thought of something and frowned slightly:


"Why does it happen to be this year?"

"Maybe...for something after this year?"

However, the amount of known information is still too small, making it difficult to make further speculations.

"Forget it, just go back and ask Senior or Sister Xiaowu and they will find out." Lin Feng's idea was quite straightforward, and he said with a look of anticipation and yearning: "Hey, can I also go to that kind of party then... …I have only heard about many of them from my seniors and have never seen them in person.”

If there is so-called star chasing in the e-sports circle, then for Lin Feng, almost every one of these seniors from the previous generation was the object of his admiration, regardless of the position of the competition area.

"Don't come here." The girl immediately saw through someone's true thoughts: "You just feel itchy and want to go find those seniors and challenge them one by one, right?"

Someone scratched his hair and laughed:

"Hey, if possible, of course it would be better -"

As he said this, he regretted: "Oh, but it would be great if we called A Zeng together this time. He had admired that m before. If he can ask his senior M for advice... A Zeng That guy must be crazy happy."

An Xin thought for a while, shook his head and said, "But even if there is a chance to meet, senior M may not be able to agree. After all, our positions are different." This is indeed the truth.

Not to mention that m is a legend of the previous generation in Korea, and it is impossible to point out a Chinese player at will. What's more, back then, m, Lee Do-jae, and No. 1, No. 3 and others had a completely competitive and hostile relationship.

It's a fight between the needle and the wheat. How can it be possible to make a wedding dress for the opponent's descendant?

This is like asking No. 1 to give advice to Han Shihao or Moon.

It's unrealistic no matter how you look at it.

Lin Feng touched his chin: "That's not necessarily the case... Senior No. 1's relationship with Li Daozai is not easy to deal with, but if it's senior M, I heard Sister Xiaowu say that the relationship seems to be pretty good."

The legends of the previous generation naturally had a competitive and hostile relationship in their own generation, but in fact, privately they were not really as bad as the world imagined. In fact, many people were not on good terms with each other. They all have a friendship of mutual respect and appreciation.

For example, Lin Feng had heard Number 5 praise M's strength and personality several times before, and what he heard from Number 1, it seems that senior Number 3 and the North American Bullet senior are quite good at talking about each other's tempers. When we got together, we even left contact information with each other...

"Well, if you put it this way, it seems that only those people on the European side and everyone else can't deal with it."

Lin Feng suddenly thought about it:

"Anyway, when seniors No. 1, No. 3 and Sister Xiaowu mentioned those people in Europe, they didn't have anything good to say."

"It seems that even the two people in South Korea don't have a very good attitude toward Europe."


Anyway, when someone hears the names of those Europeans from No. 1, they are basically all kinds of mocking nicknames such as "dead crow", "turtle shell", "rotten arrow", etc. It is said that South Korea The attitude of those two towards the European legends of the previous generation is not much better. It seems that the North American bullet even belittled and ridiculed the European Arrow...

It's like the legends of the previous generation were surprisingly consistent in their attitudes towards their European opponents.

"People are not very popular here in Europe..."

Someone touched his chin and commented, then paused: "Oh, but that crow is really strong anyway."

This is the truth.

When he was climbing the rankings in solo queue in the European server, he lost countless times to the most terrifying and mysterious shadow crow in Europe. Even with his current strength, Lin Feng still did not dare to face that crow easily. There is even the slightest chance of success.

"Yes, and he was also one of the founders of the previous Nightingale Secret War."

“I started thinking about layout in the new generation a long time ago.”

An Xin answered the question naturally and added comments.

Lin Feng subconsciously nodded: "Yes, yes, I only heard about it from Lao Shisan later, but I didn't meet him during Nightingale at that time... It seems that many of the founders of Nightingale Secret War were absent. Show up, Crow is not the only one, I heard from Old Thirteen that there seems to be a guy named Ax——"

An Xin suddenly choked while drinking water and started coughing.

Lin Feng quickly looked over: "Hey, what's wrong? Is everything okay? Please drink water more slowly -"

The girl coughed twice more, blushed slightly and waved her hands unnaturally. She continued to hold up the mineral water bottle and took another sip as if to hide something: "Yeah, it's okay..."

Someone didn't pay much attention and continued to touch his chin thoughtfully: "But what is the origin of that axe? As the founder of Nightingale Secret War... I feel like I don't fit in with anyone. He is actually more mysterious than Crow..."

"Well, yes..." The girl continued to lower her head and sip water.

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