
Chapter 1407 Taking it out

Since the opponents have already admitted their mistakes and apologized, there is no need to persist in pursuing the case. . :.

No matter whether the other party's apology is sincere or not, you have no place to judge this kind of thing, but anyway, this 5v5 game really tortured these British guys.

So at this moment, the guests in the bar were all satisfied. At most, they looked at the backs of the few British youths who escaped from the bar in a miserable state like bereaved dogs and let out a burst of gloating boos.

They didn't dare to look back.

Now I am really satisfied, feeling relaxed and relieved.

And soon everyone's eyes returned to the heroes on the stage.

Especially the two heroes who have made the greatest contributions.

Be reasonable.

Today is really all thanks to these two people...otherwise God knows that even in such a big bar, they can't find a master who can punish those British guys. How long will those British guys continue to show off their power in their bar?

But now, they really rely on these two people in Taiwan to earn face for all their fellow countrymen!

With such a grateful mood, when Lin Feng and An Xin stood up from the ring and walked down from the table, the Chinese guests once again gave them enthusiastic cheers and applause. Many people looked at them with fanatical adoration. Looking at a certain person and a girl, he completely regards them as idols.


To be fair, those British guys are really quite strong, okay?

At least the average number of diamonds is 2 and 3, and there may even be top masters at the level of masters and kings.

Not to mention that there were only a few players above the Diamond level in their bar. Even if they could find experts of the same level to fight against them, they would never be able to achieve the almost crushing momentum of the game just now.

Annie was infinitely superior and scored five kills.

The jungler Mumu actually suppressed the opposing blind monk by five levels in an understatement, which was simply beyond common sense——

Can professional players do this?

It feels unheard of!

Therefore, the number of guests and fans surrounding An Xin at this moment is even greater than those surrounding Lin Feng. On the one hand, it is because the girl's hit against Mu Mu just now almost overturned everyone's expectations. On the other hand, the performance of common sense cognition lies in the fact that someone's strength has been proven through the previous solo games, but on the girl's side...

At first glance, she is just a beautiful girl that makes people feel pity and heartbeat.

A 'girl' student.

You can actually have this kind of strength in League of Legends.

Is there at least a Master King?

And she is definitely not a support girl who relies on holding her thighs to separate herself. She is a jungler, and she shows absolute strength!

A truly master-king level girl player.

How rare is this?

The national server has tried to establish a 'female' professional league before and established various 'female' professional teams, but in the end nothing happened because there are so many millions of players in the national server and they want to select one. It is very difficult to recruit high-level female players who can play professionally.

At that time, some of the core players of the women's professional teams were able to achieve diamonds, 2 diamonds and 1 in the national server. There were almost only a handful of masters and there were even some teams whose lineups were all composed of girls with diamonds in the suburbs. player.

So now when they saw a jungler like An Xin easily crushing the "great girl" who was at least 1st level opponent in the matchup, the excitement and enthusiasm of almost all the guests in the bar were aroused.

Especially the two girls in the group of international students just now were the most excited and almost rushed around An Xin, chattering excitedly to express their surprise and envy. praise.

Before, they were still worried about whether the girl in front of them would be bullied by those hateful British youths opposite.

But now it seems...

There is no need to worry!

It was actually the young girl in front of them who gave birth to the female players on their behalf,

I felt proud in front of everyone! …

After finally dealing with the enthusiastic bar guests one by one and sending them away, Lin Feng and An Xin finally returned to their original seats in the corner of the hall.

Lin Feng glanced back. Even though people had dispersed one after another and returned to their computers, there were still many people sneaking around and looking around, or pointing and whispering cautiously. What are they talking about?

"Hey, you have a lot more fans~"

An Xin next to you smiled: "Yes, it seems that I and you are more popular."

Someone curled his lips: "They are not all men...they are a bunch of 'pervert' wolves."

The girl raised her eyebrows with interest and looked at someone with a narrow and playful look: "Oh, it feels like someone is jealous?"

Lin Feng choked and protested with a red face in anger:

"Who is jealous?"

An Xin stuck out her tongue: "Whoever is jealous knows it himself——"

Unable to take advantage of this issue, the more I talked about it, the less confident I became. Someone wisely chose to change the subject: "Hey, but to be honest, your jungle rhythm is really good now. I was there a while ago. Training with the three teams in the national server, I feel that the main junglers of their first and second teams may not have as clear a mind as you."

This is definitely high praise.

And it is true that only Lin Feng, who has closely communicated and trained with members of several club teams in the past period of time, is qualified to make such a judgment.

"You should really teach others a lesson later."

Lin Feng came to this conclusion.

Of course, he himself has a deep hero pool and can play any position. Being a qualified sparring partner is completely enough, but after all, he has specialization in the art. For example, on one side, he can even help Dawn Morning Star find an opportunity to break through the bottleneck of the Four Emperors, but in the fight On the jungle side, it's okay to compete with each other, but if he really wants to give professional guidance to the junglers of the three lpl teams, he still has insufficient reserves.

But An Xin is different.

In such a simple 5v5 match just now, Lin Feng could already see with a venomous look that his childhood sweetheart's thinking and ability to control the rhythm of the jungle were not even comparable to those of the top professional junglers. Not inferior.

This is actually quite unscientific.

But Lin Feng didn't think too much about the reason. From a purely professional perspective, Baozi next to him is definitely a better jungle partner that the three teams in the national server will find a treasure. object.

An Xin nodded and said "Yes", and readily agreed without hesitation: "If necessary, I have no problem."

But Lin Feng suddenly woke up:

"Oh, but your body hasn't recovered yet, so don't be a sparring partner for others... Those guys are just a bunch of lunatics when it comes to training. They just train without risking their lives."

"When the time comes, you will be responsible for giving me a few lines of advice."

When speaking, I still care and consider from the perspective of a girl.

An Xin's eyes flashed with warmth, and then she smiled:


"Anyway, I listen to you."

His tone was also unusually submissive.

The topic changed and An Xin looked at Lin Feng: "How about it? Do you still want to start ranking?"

The two people in front of them were only interrupted by the accident caused by a few British youths in the hall. The relaxed and cheerful rhythm of passerby ranking was interrupted. Now that the matter has been resolved, it seems that they can get back on track.

The update will be sent, the third update is done, good night, friends, see you tomorrow.

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