
Chapter 222 White Knuckles

The situation on the scene is still that the Thirteenth High Team on the purple side is more proactive.

But strictly speaking, the two sides are still in a balance of power.

The official first wave of team battles has not yet started, so this stalemate will not be broken. Players from both teams are all cautious and walking on thin ice. They cannot make any mistakes easily, otherwise they will directly knock out other teammates of their own teams. All the gains he had made were ruined.


A lot of pressure.

In the audience, both Shanghai Middle School and No. 13 High School students couldn't help but become a little nervous at this time. Now this is the third round of the game. No matter which side wins, they will get it directly. Match point.

It's almost like being one step away from the final championship.

However, so far, it is difficult to see which side of the blue and purple teams can win the final victory of this game.

"It's hard to say yet."

Xifeng's expression in the commentary box also became a little serious:

"Right now, Mundo's development on the top lane is still not enough. In team battles, Nuoshou is definitely more lethal."

"The development of Syndra in the middle is not as good as that of Fox, but a set of skills and ultimate moves is close to being able to kill squishy heroes in seconds."

"The development of the junglers on both sides means that the blind monk is slightly ahead."

"Down the road..."

Mo Sheng on the side answered:

"Jinx has the advantage in the bottom lane. Vayne has not yet been defeated at this time, and the effect of teamfighting is still a little too weak."

indeed so.

At this moment on the stage, in front of the computer screen of the Thirteenth High Team, Tang Bingyao was still watching the game screen seriously and attentively, operating her ADC Vayne to continue to hit the lane in the bottom lane.

But there was already a small drop of sweat on her forehead.

Rarely does she feel such tremendous pressure during a game.

This pressure doesn’t just come from opponents.

It comes from herself.

From the first game to the third game now, her ADC's performance in the three games has always been unsatisfactory, even in the first game she cooperated with Lin Feng's top laner Monkey to destroy the team. The opponent was more of a credit to Lin Feng's Sun Wukong for his perfect ultimate move.

And her ADC...

In the early stages of the three games, they were always at a passive disadvantage.

Tang Bingyao pursed her lips hard.

She felt a little confused, but she tried hard to focus on the game and kept telling herself in her mind:

(must work hard.)

(Can’t hold back.)

(Have to...work harder!)

(You can’t, you can’t become the team’s concern and care!)

The eleventh minute of game time.

In the bottom lane of Summoner's Rift, the troop line was pressed in front of the purple side's defense tower.

The ADC Jinx of the blue side Shanghai Middle School team uses the weapon form of the rocket launcher, constantly looking for opportunities to hit the tower or harass and consume the opponent Vayne and Thresh from a distance.


A flat-A rocket hit Vayne.

At the same moment, the Night Hunter under the control of Tang Bingyao gave up the last hit and directly counterattacked with a flat A backhand.

Jinx took a small step back and continued to fire out a flat A rocket.

Vayne advances again and draws A again.

At the same moment when Jinx's E skill "Fire Chewer Grenade" was deployed on the ground ahead, Tang Bingyao controlled Vayne to activate her ultimate move instantly.

"The ultimate moment"!

The aura of darkness suddenly filled the air.

At the same time, Vayne uses her Q skill "Evasion Assault" to move forward, roll and charge forward, not retreating but advancing forward to continue fighting with Jinx!

Zeng Rui reacted very quickly and controlled Nami to follow up, and threw a Q skill bubble towards Vayne.

In an instant, Tang Bingyao's eyes flashed with determination and she handed over [Flash] directly!

The fine golden light suddenly lit up, and the Night Hunter's figure quickly flashed hundreds of yards diagonally ahead, avoiding the blisters from Nami's Q skill. At the same moment, he raised the demon short crossbow like lightning and fired a shot of the "Devil's Judgment" from the E skill. !

boom! ! !

The thick and heavy crossbow arrows knocked Jinx back hard and knocked him unconscious on the wall behind him.

Xifeng in the commentary box couldn't help but be moved:

"This is going to..."



And it is a very powerful and beautiful first move.

From the grasp of timing to the speed of operation and reaction, under the control of Tang Bingyao who was in explosive condition, Vayne achieved almost impeccable perfection.


Just when Wei Dong's auxiliary Thresh was about to rush to cooperate with Vayne, Nami activated her backhand ultimate move, and the surging waves came crashing down, pushing all two purple bottom lane heroes away.

At the same moment, a figure quickly appeared in the grass on the lower road. It was the blue jungle spider.

A cobweb from the E skill shot out, hitting the target Vayne accurately, and the Night Hunter was immediately trapped in the cobweb, unable to move.

Looking at the Spider Queen who quickly transformed into a spider and swooped forward, Tang Bingyao's mood suddenly sank.

Just a little bit.


That's too late.

As Jinx's backhand ultimate move, a giant rocket detonated on Vayne, the system's female voice announced the kill.

"You-have-been-(you have been killed)."

In the auditorium, the students from Shanghai Middle School were already celebrating with joyful cheers.


Vayne on the opposite side beat her pretty fiercely, but in the end she was defeated by the spider they counterattacked~

This is the strength of their Shanghai Middle School!

As for the Thirteenth High Team on the stage, Tang Bingyao was in front of the computer screen and stared blankly at the game screen on the black and white TV in front of her, then silently lowered her head and subconsciously clenched the mouse with her right hand.

The slender fingers seemed to be slightly white due to exertion.

This wave...

It was entirely her problem and fault.

Go down the road and give away a life for free.

"This head... should not be given as a gift."

Xifeng in the commentary box couldn't help but shake his head and sigh, and made a comment.

The evaluation is very fair.

Because of the wave of battles in the bottom lane just now, Vayne really doesn't need to be so aggressive and aggressive. Now the Night Hunter's output damage is still a little bit behind. She wants to quickly kill Jinke by herself with her own damage. S., not realistic.

And in fact, Jinx was also trying to seduce him just now. His jungle spider had already been lurking in the grass. He originally wanted to trick the opponent Thresh into coming out, but he didn't expect to get a bigger advantage and killed Vayne directly.

In this way, Jinx got another head and developed even better.

"Actually, Vayne's operation just now was quite impressive."

Mo Sheng couldn't bear to say a kind word for Tang Bingyao, but then she shook her head with regret:

"It's a pity that it was a little too hasty."

If you are impatient, flaws will appear.

Now Zeng Rui can basically conclude that the opponent's ADC Vayne's mentality is beginning to have problems, and this is naturally good news for them. In the next mid-term team battle, the threat from the opponent Vayne will also greatly reduced.


Glancing at the road, Zeng Rui couldn't help but frown tightly again.

The opposing midfielder combination of Fox and Blind Sin seems to be increasingly unstoppable.

In the middle, Lin Feng had just controlled the fox to directly demolish the opponent's outer tower in the middle. Moreover, An Xin's jungler Lee Sin invaded the blue square jungle area and outflanked it, directly destroying Shanghai Middle School team's mid laner Xin De. La forced out [Flash].


Sindra, the mid laner of the Shanghai Middle School team, said something shameful and self-reproaching.

But you can't blame him, because they have lost control of the blue side's wild area bit by bit, and their field of vision is almost completely blocked by An Xin's blind man, making the invasion easy and effortless.

And without the mid laner's flash, the next team battle will be very dangerous.

But the most dangerous thing is not Syndra, but Jinx.

"The opponent's AD development is a bit good."

Lin Feng commented like this and then made a decision:

"Stop him later."

An Xin nodded happily and agreed:


Two delicate lines of dialogue decided Jinx's fate in the next team battle in an understatement.

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