
Chapter 1403 No more fun

It's really scary for the hero Annie to gain weight.

Even compared to the single-point explosion of the murloc or the enchantress LeBlanc, who is also an AP assassin with a set of combos, control and explosion, Anne is even more terrifying in some senses.

Because whether it is a fishman or a witch, the non-directional skills need to be sure to hit before they can deal a full set of damage, which leaves room for the opponent to react and operate.

But Anne is different...

This is unreasonable. Tibbers' ultimate move will immediately stun you, and then a QW double combo will directly empty your health bar in seconds. It's simple and crude. It doesn't matter if you have one, two, or three, four, or five. , the treatment is the same, anyway, it’s a set of combos that can be completed in seconds.

This is the case with this wave of double kills in the bottom lane.

Being killed on the spot without any ability to fight back, mk and tod were almost in despair.

Riven and the blind monk...

They are all heroes who can make their opponents dazzle with their skills.

But when you meet Annie, the mid laner, you have no temper at all. Wherever they give you any chance to show off your skills, they just complete the flash sale in one second and send you to watch black and white TV.

No matter how flexible you are as a blind man.

It doesn’t matter whether Riven’s early development or not, her explosive damage output is terrifyingly powerful.

Anyway, it only takes seconds to see you.

What's more important is that there is more than one mid laner Annie. Just now, the two of them almost used most of their skills to defeat the top laner Stoneman on the blue side. After playing for five or six seconds, Stoneman could not kill him. Only then did Stoneman's frankness completely improve. Wait until Annie arrives for support.

You know, when the top laner Riven, whose early damage explosion is enough to kill people in seconds, actually starts to be unable to kill a stone man in the lane who is suppressed by him and is about to collapse...

This Riven is almost useless.

This is still the fattest point of the purple side army. It has already lost its strong effect as the game gradually enters the middle period, not to mention the heroes in several other positions, not to mention the opponent's blue side with the highest tankiness. He's not even a stone man yet——

It was the jungler Amumu who was five levels ahead of his opponent, the blind monk.

In fact, according to Lin Feng's opinion, when a game like this has reached this level, especially when Mumu's development has been incredible, he can actually come up with some tricks in the choice of equipment.

It’s not interesting to just play Mumu’s regular outfit in the jungle.

Not as interesting as ap mumu.

The wood stacking method is powerful, the big ice staff mask is added with a murder book or a hat... Go up and activate w to stick to the target. The damage will continue to burn wildly. The stick can stick people to death, not to mention a flash into the scene in a team battle. The AOE damage caused by recruiting team control is probably not even worse than Annie's.

"Old Thirteen will probably play like this..."

Someone pondered.

Or if he had been the one to operate this Mumu, he would have already moved in the direction of AP equipment.

However, when this idea came to the girl next to him, it was easily rejected by one sentence:


"You can win if you play it steady. Why do you do so many tricks?"

Someone thought casually: "You can still win even if you spend a little bit..."

Of course, Lang needs Lang's capital. If they really meet an opponent of the same level, they may have to be more cautious, but the opponent they faced in this game is completely enough for the two midfielders on the blue side. You can do whatever you want.

The girl rolled her eyes and said:

"Okay, stop making trouble."

"Let's finish it quickly. I'm a little tired."

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly woke up.


Although this game seemed to be played very easily and casually, because he was operating a violent Annie that didn't require any skills at all in the middle, and the opponent's strength was completely crushed by him, he didn't need to put any thought into it. .

But An Xin's wild jungler Mumu is different.

Mumu itself is not easy to beat against the blind monk in the early stage.

However, under An Xin's operation, he quietly eroded all the jungle resources of the opponent's jungler, quietly causing the opponent's jungler to collapse before he even noticed it. Such an ability... seems to be an understatement under the girl's control, but in fact, the amount of calculation and overall analysis required to play wild Mumu is absolutely huge and extremely energy-consuming.

Don't forget that the girl at this moment has only just come off the operating table, and her physical condition is far from being restored to good condition.

To maintain such frighteningly accurate calculations and overall control of the jungle...

It will inevitably be hard.

After trying to understand the problem, Lin Feng's expression finally became serious:


"Hurry up and finish it."

"You should also take a good rest."

Play and play.

But if the matter is related to the physical condition of the girl who is his childhood sweetheart, then for someone, there must be no joking at all.


This game is also destined to come to an end soon.

In fact, by the sixteen or seventeen minutes of the game, the Internet cafe guests and spectators in the audience could almost see what the ending would be like.

The purple team's lineup... has begun to lack strength and stamina.

The blue side has just shown the power of the lineup.

Not to mention that the third dragon that happened to be refreshed next was an earth dragon. For the current blue army, the role of the earth dragon may even be higher than that of the fire dragon.

After taking the dragon, speed up and push the tower.

Then the dragon will refresh in 20 minutes.

You can directly choose the big dragon force group.

The idea is very simple and clear, so when Lin Feng made such instructions and arrangements in the voice channel of his blue team, several other team members also quickly understood and understood it immediately.

At 18 minutes into the game, the blue team advanced in a wave of five players in the middle.

The stone men with the teleportation did not go to the side to do any splitting, because there was no need at all. Now their lineup only needs to push forward all the way. As long as the opponent has the slightest intention to resist, they can just use a few big players. If you hit it with a move, you will crush it.

The army line came to the second tower on the purple square middle road.

On the purple side of the stage, Tod's expression in front of the computer screen changed as he gritted his teeth and squeezed out two words:

"Let it go."

Can't let it go.

Now their purple side has almost no chance of winning in a head-to-head battle with their opponents.

So soon the five men on the blue side bulldozed and demolished the opponent's second tower in the middle, and the military line quickly moved up to the high ground. Just at this time, the third earth dragon spawned in the Xiaolong Gorge in the river, and the five men retreated into the wild area to search again. The opponent's wild area resources came to the river Xiaolong Gorge——

The earth dragon accepted it steadily.

The purple army, which also gave up the earth dragons, began to rush towards the river of Dalongfjord to lay out their vision.

They can only take advantage of this little time to quickly improve the Baron's vision. Otherwise, once the Baron refreshes and the five opponents from the blue side gather to force the team, without vision, there will be no way for the purple side to stop them. ability.


Even if you have your eyes done...

It doesn't seem to be of any real use.

When the game time came to just over 20 minutes, the team economy of the blue and purple sides on the field had already opened up a gap of 5,000 to 6,000.

After looking at the small map, Lin Feng marked the Dalong Gorge and gave instructions in an understatement on the team's voice channel:


"The last wave."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around ten o'clock. Go away and continue typing!

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