
Chapter 1400 Whoever wants to be bigger is bigger

Not to mention Lu Ming, almost everyone present had not recovered at all.

Because this wave was really unexpected, full of twists and turns, and too fast.

You know, any discerning person who looked at the situation on the field just now would definitely think that the blue side was about to be completely defeated. The stone man's lost his health tank before the group started, and his health tank was emptied in seconds. He was handed over in a flash and ran away in embarrassment. The retreating formation of the blue army was in chaos, and the adc Ezreal in the back row was killed by the opponent Riven before he could even deal any damage.

This means that after the team battle begins, the blue side directly faces a 3 versus 5 situation.

No matter how you look at it, there is no hope of a comeback.

But unfortunately——

The result was that the blue side finally won a 1-for-4 reversal!

But even this reversal process is so shocking that people's minds go blank, it happened in the blink of an eye and ended in the blink of an eye.

There was almost no time to reflect.

What exactly is going on?


It started from the moment when Mumu backhand Q blind monk cut into the opponent's purple square army formation.

Mumu flashed to the center of the opponent's formation and opened up.

Anne followed up with a flash.

Yes, it seems that just two big moves from the midfielder of the blue army completely reversed the situation of the battle in an instant. The big move of the stone man behind is actually irrelevant. It is just an easy ending. Two people were killed...

"This, this..." The Internet cafe guests and spectators in the audience were almost speechless. They were so speechless that they didn't know how to comment on this wave of team battles.

But finally someone murmured:

"Isn't it too perverted?"


Too perverted.

It turns out that the lineup of the blue army does not need so many heroic skills and combos in theory. It does not even need the stone man, Braum, or ez... It only needs Mumu and Annie, and only needs this. For the midfielder, it is enough to wipe out the opponent in a chat and laugh.

What a chaotic formation.

What top laner's remaining health adc was seconds away?

It might not be important to a certain person and the girl from the beginning, and that's why someone comforted Lu Ming, who was a stone man, and told him again and again, "Just hit him as you like."

Because the stone man can really be beaten casually...

Including Braum and ez, this wave of team battles didn't even have the slightest sense of presence from beginning to end, not even a soy sauce.

Just relying on their two teammates in the middle and jungle, two ultimate moves with god-like power.

In an understatement, the opponent was crushed to death in one wave.

Suddenly, many Internet cafe customers felt that this feeling seemed familiar and deja vu, as if, as if...

"It's like the Riven solo before!"

Someone shouted subconsciously.

For a moment, all the guests and the audience were as if they were waking up from a dream, nodding their heads in agreement, yes, yes, yes, just like the previous game of solo duel with the hero Riven.

At first, Riven's offensive momentum seemed like that of a British guy named TOD. As he seized the opportunity, he looked like he was about to win the solo victory.

As a result, in the next second, someone's hand speed exploded.

A backhand wave did not give Tod any time to react. When the opponent's momentum reached its peak... he grabbed the opponent's throat like lightning and knocked him to the ground and smashed him into dust!

The specific operation details or timing skills are too professional and the ordinary guests and players in the Internet cafe will naturally not understand them.

But there is one thing that they feel absolutely the same.

That is--

Damn, it’s so damn good to watch!


"Annie is awesome!! Master is awesome!"

"This girl is so good in the jungle, damn!! God starts a team!!"

"Hahaha, five of them came up, two were beaten to death, and four were killed. Do you know how to play?"

Suddenly the crowd burst into cheers and applause.

Of course, I did not forget to mix in the cynicism of the few British youths on the purple side. At this time, the Internet cafe guests and the audience were finally relieved and overjoyed, beaming with joy. In contrast, it can be clearly seen that the several British young men on the purple side of the stage have dull and confused expressions, and they have not yet recovered from the heavy and painful blow of this wave of team battles.

Only tod's furious curses still echoed in the team's voice channel:

"**! Damn it!**!"

"I killed one of their c-positions, and you're going to beat them like this from the front?"

"What do I need from you!?"

"answer me!!"

There was silence in the team's voice channel for a moment, and finally Jimmy, the assistant, couldn't help but retort:

"What's the use of killing them ez?"

"They Mumu plus Annie, two people are enough——"

One sentence directly choked Tod to the point where his face turned green and red rapidly, but he couldn't say even a single word. He almost choked his chest and wanted to vomit blood.


The other side has proven it with facts.

In fact, it doesn't matter if the remaining three people on the blue side are dead, as long as the midfielder combination is enough to completely destroy the entire purple side.

Matthew, who is an ADC policewoman, reluctantly came out to smooth things over:

"Hey guys, calm down, calm down-"

"What's the use of talking about this now?"

"We have to think about how to play next. The current rhythm is no longer in our hands."

These words were originally meant to ease the tense stalemate in the team at the moment, but what happened after I asked them was that there was silence in the team's voice channel.

"How to fight?" Matthew couldn't help but groaned: "How else to fight, you ask Todd."

The tone was full of self-destruction.

When the topic was brought to his side, Tod's face was also livid. After a long while, he finally gritted his teeth and spoke slowly:


When a lineup that focuses entirely on early offensiveness is forced to make a "drag" response choice, basically the chance of winning this game is already quite slim.

Not to mention the delay, the purple side army's lineup still has no comeback point, and the blue side army's lineup is actually not a great late-stage lineup at all——

From now on in the mid-term, they can already start to exert their strength.

The result of the last wave of team battles was that Lin Feng's mid laner Annie and Lu Ming's top laner Stone Man each took two kills. For Lin Feng, his Annie was already extremely fat. Now, more money would be less. There is actually no difference in terms of economy. Anyway, the damage is enough to deal damage in seconds.

But for Lu Ming's stone men, this wave of double kills was definitely timely.

Almost all of a sudden, his early developmental disadvantages and flaws were completely made up for.

The level of experience has increased a lot.

In terms of economic and equipment development, a big piece can be added immediately.

If his Stone Man could not find his own position in team battles before, now he at least has the capital to make a reasonable contribution from a regular top laner.

Lu Ming finally found some confidence, but still did not forget to humbly ask someone next to him for advice:

"Then what's the best way for me to fight next?"


Someone touched his chin, thought about it carefully, and gave his answer:


"Whatever, whoever you want is bigger - just make it bigger."

Lu Ming was stunned again:


An update is here. The next chapter won’t be until early in the morning. I suggest you get up and read it tomorrow morning. . .

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