
Chapter 1396 Give you a chance

"It's okay... just relax."

This is the fourth time in the past half minute that Lin Feng has spoken to comfort his top laner Stoneman teammate in this way, trying hard to make him not nervous.

But the results are still minimal.

Lu Ming, who is a single stone man on a blue square, is still extremely nervous and his nerves are tense. You can almost see the blue veins sprouting slightly on his forehead, even though he has asked someone several times and got the answer. After receiving such a comforting answer, he still couldn't help but ask again:

"Then...how are we going to fight later?"

"Should I move first or second?"

"Who is older?"

Because in his opinion, in the early stage of this game, his stone man's performance in the laning phase cannot be described as simply "terrible". He was killed by the opponent Riven alone, was beaten by the blind monk with Riven's tower, and then He was killed single-handedly, thrown into the tower, and treated like an ATM, which made him so ashamed that he wanted to hang himself to apologize.

Fortunately, he is a stone man here.

The early laning is a bit worse, but there are still ways to play a role and contribute in team battles.

But this has become the pressure responsibility that he is most nervous and worried about now, because everyone sees the lineup of their blue side army as a lineup that attracts many people in team battles, and among them, he is a stone. The person's ultimate move is "unstoppable" and it definitely plays an extremely important and key role.

Yes, as long as he uses his ultimate move well, the disadvantages and losses in the previous line can be made up for.

But the problem is-

just in case.

Didn't he use his ultimate move well?

Lu Ming himself simply didn't dare to think about this problem. But if his Stone Man ultimate move was not deployed properly, then the effectiveness of his lineup would be reduced by more than half in an instant. Maybe the team battles that he could have won were because of His problem was lost just one breath away from the most critical point...

"Ah don't worry."

Someone comforted him again: "Your stone man's ultimate move is actually not as important as you think."

Lu Ming: "..."

These words have no comforting effect at all. Instead, they sound more like a blow.

Lu Ming still refused to give up: "Then...how to do it, give me specific instructions-"

Yes, he himself has no confidence at all now. He has absolutely no confidence in the next wave of team battles. He doesn't even dare to make decisions for his stone men easily. He can only subconsciously hope to get something from someone. instructions and arrangements.

"Be specific..."

Lin Feng frowned slightly and thought for a moment:

"Okay, anyway, don't rush to make the first move. Just wait until I let you grow older."

After receiving such a specific answer, Lu Ming was stunned for a moment: "No need... should I strike first?"

Because under normal circumstances, it would be more reasonable for the Blue Army's lineup to start with the Stoneman's ultimate move.

Lin Feng smiled:

"No, no, no, let me or Baozi open it first."

So Lu Ming's problem here was solved, and the two Chinese students, adc and assistant in the bottom lane, couldn't help but interjected and asked cautiously:

"What about us?"

"What do we do?"

Indeed, the situation of the two players in their blue side bottom lane is even more embarrassing at this time. No matter the level or equipment development, Braun is probably unable to take any damage at all, while ez has no output at all...

Lin Feng thought for a moment and gave the answer:

"Don't die too soon."

The game time finally came to just over 13 minutes.

River channel, Xiaolong Gorge.

The second fire dragon finally refreshed.

However, no one from the blue and purple armies on the field chose to attack the fire dragon directly. However, the ten heroes on both sides slowly and consciously moved closer to the direction of Xiaolong Fjord.

The junglers and auxiliary heroes on both sides are constantly arranging wards for vision.

Occupy various positions in the river grass.

Places like rivers...actually present considerable dangers to both Blue and Purple.

What the blue side needs to be wary of is the Japanese girl's ultimate move on the opposite side, or the fox's E-skill "Charm" that is stuck in a blind corner of the field of vision and controls their key heroes, as well as the opponent's top laner Riven. The jungler Lee Sin can also find opportunities in this kind of terrain to launch a surprise attack from the side or the rear. What the purple side needs to be wary of is more intuitive -

The battle-style lineup on the opposite side is most likely to exert its powerful effect in this narrow terrain.

Therefore, they must also be prepared to be attacked first by the opposing Stone Man, Annie or Mumu. Their positions should not be too dense, and at the same time, they should not be too spread out, causing the formation to become disconnected and give the opponent a chance to grab alone.

Be very careful on both sides.

Because everyone knows that this wave of team battles is likely to be the key to breaking the current deadlock and deciding the outcome.

The conditions of the upper and lower army lines are almost the same, so it’s hard to say which one has more advantage.

As for the middle lane, at this time the top laner Riven, controlled by tod on the purple side, walked to the line and started to lead the line. He was far away from the frontal battle circle on the river side, but he was indeed developed with his Riven's level equipment at this moment. , and there is no need to worry about the danger of being caught alone. Even if he leads alone in the middle, he can put pressure on his opponent.

Time passed slowly second by second in the stalemate between the two sides.

The purple side must solve this wave of team battles before they can activate the dragon. Otherwise, as soon as all of them enter the Xiaolong Fjord, any ultimate move of any hero on the opposite side can easily directly hit full group control or AOE damage.

It's even more than that.

"We have to open first."

In the voice channel of the purple team, Tod's voice sounded quickly. At this time, he controlled his top laner Riwen to lead the lane in the middle, but his eyes were fixed on the river side without moving away for a moment:

"Lee Sin or Leona."

"So can a fox."

"Catch them at one point and start a team fight first."

Originally, tod wanted to go around and look for opportunities to take the lead, but after such a stalemate for just over half a minute, he also discovered that this idea was not realistic. The opponent's hard control would do too much damage. If he Riven directly If you enter the field first, you are likely to be killed instantly by the opponent's backhand and concentrated fire.

Therefore, his Riven must wait until the team battle begins before entering the game.

All it takes is a chaotic situation.

It would give him the chance to be swept away by Riven and kill everyone!


Todd's brows began to frown tightly:

How can we start this wave of groups first?

Little did they know that at the same time, Lin Feng was also troubled by this problem on the blue side of the stage.

Of course, starting first is the most ideal choice, but the people on the opposite purple side are obviously quite wary of their lineup combo. The distance is very wide and the formation is very scattered, making it difficult for him to find good opportunities.

"In this case, we have to let the other side drive first."

An Xin's pleasant voice sounded on the team's voice channel.

"It makes sense!" Lin Feng's eyes lit up slightly. It really didn't matter who took the first move. As long as the team battle started, the opponent would not be able to maintain a perfect formation position in the fierce battle. But then someone worried again:

"Then we have to let the other side take the initiative..."

At this moment, he even began to dislike the purple army's dillydallying on the opposite side. Is it so difficult to find an opportunity to take the lead?

Then came another reminder from the girl:

"If the other side can't get a chance, we can just give them a chance."


Someone was stunned for a moment.

Subconsciously, he turned his head and glanced at the girl next to him. A sly smile appeared on the girl's face.


Lin Feng suddenly woke up.

Then, he looked at Lu Ming sitting on the other side with shining eyes:


"You stone man will come in handy!"

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 9:30, so go away and continue typing.


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