
Chapter 1394 Are you on top?

Perhaps in the eyes of several British youths led by tod on the purple side, they are more wary and fearful of the power that the entire lineup of the blue side may exert in the mid-game team battle.

What they were thinking about was the stone man, Annie, Mumu, and Gablon on the opposite side. The combination of the various skills and ultimate moves of these four heroes would cause them to be blown up in a wave by accident.

Therefore, because of this, they have been carrying out various suppressions on both the upper and lower lanes in the early stage.

For example, on the top lane, TOD's top laner Riven has not chosen to remove the blue side's top lane defense tower. In fact, part of it is due to this consideration, hoping to suppress the level of the opponent's top laner Stone Man as much as possible. and the rhythm of economic development, preventing the opponent from exerting sufficient power in the mid-term.

But the British youths on the purple side never expected——

On the opponent's blue side, Lin Feng and An Xin actually did not take their top or bottom lanes into consideration at all.

For someone and a girl...


They only need two people, Anne and Mumu in the middle and jungle, and that's enough.

So after just a wave of roaming ganks in the bottom lane to win a double kill and push down the opponent's bottom lane outer tower, the mid laner Little Annie controlled by Lin Feng returned to his mid lane, while An Xin's jungler Mumu Ye Ye once again dived into the jungle to continue his own rhythm of farming.

Up and down.

Continue to stock.

Of course, after the outer tower of the bottom lane was demolished, the Blue Army naturally chose a wave of lane changes, switching the duo of the bottom lane to the top lane, allowing their own stone men to develop in the bottom lane.

Correspondingly, after the opponent made such a line change choice, the purple side finally changed the line.

It's also a two-person road to go up.

Riven went to the bottom lane and continued to line up with the Stone Man, continuing to suppress solo.

There are still about two or three minutes until the second fire dragon is refreshed. During this time, the situation and rhythm on the scene seem to have slowed down slightly.

As the jungler of the purple side, mk controlled his own blind monk Li Qing. He originally wanted to go to his jungle area to farm some wild monsters to gain some level experience, but when he was resurrected, he was driven out of the spring and came to the jungle again. Time zone...

What I saw was still an empty and desolate scene.

f6 is gone again.

Stone Man...it seems like he hasn't been brushed yet?

The red buff is gone too.

Even when I ran to the river in the upper half of the wild area, I found that even the river crabs in the river had been brushed by the opposite Mumu in advance and turned into a fixed acceleration and vision point in front of the Dalong Fjord.

There is no wild to brush.

Nothing to do.

For mk, this feeling is so frustrating that he wants to go crazy. As a high-level jungler, he almost never encounters this kind of situation even when he plays high-end games in the European server. , Even the top junglers in the King Group in our European server have never given him this kind of experience, okay——

How did the oriental girl opposite achieve this style of play?

How did you do it! ?

With nothing to do due to the lack of wild fields to farm, the jungle blind monk under the control of mk has no other way to deal with it. It seems that there is only one option left -


Keep ganking and catching people!

In the previous ganks, the Blind Sin's targets were all on the top and bottom lanes.

But seeing that the opponent's mid laner Annie on the blue side was getting more and more developed at this time, mk finally made the decision to come to the middle to help his mid laner teammate Fox catch again.

"Did Annie show up?"

Li Qing, who controlled his own blind monk, quickly rushed to the middle lane. At the same time, mk confirmed the situation with his middle lane companions in the team voice channel.


"The last time he killed me, he struck first with a flash."

The reply from the mid laner companion came quickly on the team voice channel, but there was a pause.

The British young man in the mid lane is still a little hesitant:

"Can I catch it?"

"My development is a bit poor. If I'm not careful, I will be killed by Annie from the opposite side..."

Such hesitation is not unreasonable.

Especially for this British young man who is the fox in the middle lane, even though several of his previous companions, including himself, have seen someone's personal operating strength in those three solo games, they still... ...In this mid-lane matchup, the past dozen or so minutes had completely made him realize how powerful and even terrifying his opponent was. To put it bluntly, he himself is also a mid laner with a high diamond level.

But he has almost never encountered such a strong opponent.


In fact, in the past high-end rankings of the European server, he occasionally met some European professional players and played against each other. The most exaggerated one was when he met the spoon from the master who was preparing to become the king——


It is Spoon who has been rated as one of the "Seven Kings of the World" in terms of strength, the mid lane captain of the European MLG team, and the second best player in the European server rankings behind "Four Emperors" Phoenix.

That one, the spoon uses a small fish man.

Almost from the beginning, he, an ordinary passer-by expert who could not reach the master level with diamonds, was overwhelmed.

A solo kill in three minutes.

Another five minutes for a solo kill.

After level six, there was another wave of tower-crossing kills.

Even his jungle teammates didn't have time to gank to help, and he was directly defeated and exploded in the middle in a very short period of time.

Even looking back now, the British young man in the middle lane has a strong psychological shadow. That memory cannot be erased at all, but now this game...

He just didn't dare to talk to the other teammates around him.

But someone’s mid laner Annie on the opposite side.


It actually gave him almost the same sense of oppression and suffocation as when he faced Spoon.


Even he himself had some trances, delusions and doubts, because it seemed that comparing the two games at that time and now, the woman of darkness he faced this time... seemed to be worse than the spooning fish-man he encountered before. In terms of laning operations, he needs to be more relaxed and at ease.

He quickly shook his head and tried to throw out of his mind a thought that was so ridiculous that it was almost terrifying. The British young man in charge of the mid lane happened to hear the next sentence of his teammate mk on the team's voice channel:

"It's okay, I can kill him."

The tone is full of confidence and assurance:

"I'll make the first move, I'll just use the big move R and you'll control it, and you'll be able to do it in seconds!"


If we talk purely about theoretical damage concentration, then even if the level of the blind monk at this time is still a bit low, and the fox lane is almost collapsed, if the two purple midfield heroes can deal all the damage in one set, Use enough to get a crispy Annie in seconds, but it’s still just enough.

But many times, reality does not follow the script.

The game lasted just over 12 minutes.

The purple side jungler blind monk roams the middle to gank.

Go around the rock wall under the grass at the river mouth on the left side of the middle road and find it out.

The w skill touches the eye to support the movement and advance.

The "Tian Yin Wave" of the q skill directly hit the target Annie, and the second stage q rushed forward like lightning to keep up!


The moment the blind monk landed.

Annie used her backhand to open the E skill in seconds, and the shield was fully stacked. Then she fired the W skill "Burning" flames to the face, which suddenly stunned the blind monk and held him in place.

At the same moment, a cold and slender bandage came out of the wall in the blue F6 jungle area——

Accurately hits the target blind monk controlled by dizziness.

Amumu's figure rushed forward.

One second later.

The crispy blind monk Li Sin's health bar instantly emptied to zero and he fell down.

With the system's female voice announcing the kill, and the enthusiastic cheers from the audience, someone in front of the computer screen on the blue side of the stage took a look at the corpse of the blind monk, and turned to look at The girl next to me was puzzled:

"Is this blind man addicted?"

"You dare to come here?"

The update is here, the next chapter will be around 11 o'clock, go away and continue typing, ah, it has been updated steadily for three times recently, I am touched.

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