
Chapter 1384 Threat? nonexistent

The lineup on the blue side, from the top laner to the ADC support in the bottom lane, there are no big problems in the selection of heroes in the three positions. It can be said to be quite satisfactory.

Top lane stone man.

adc explorer.

Add an auxiliary Braum.

It can even be said that such a hero is selected to deal with the top laner ADC support of the opponent's purple side army. The opponents choose heroes who are extremely fierce and aggressive online, so the three Chinese on the blue side Foreign students know that they are not as good as their opponents in terms of personal operational strength, so whether they are stone men or bottom lane combinations, they have sufficient ability to withstand pressure in the early stages.

If I can't beat you, then I'll be able to hold on for a while longer because of my insignificant development and resistance to pressure.

This idea is correct.

And even for the mid laner, someone's choice of Anne, the Daughter of Darkness, did not cause too much commotion. Many Internet cafe guests watching the game felt that Anne's selection was acceptable, at most. I have some expectations, hoping that someone in the middle lane, Annie, can also play that strong power.

As for the British youths on the purple side, the leader, TOD, saw someone on the opposite side picking Annie as the mid laner and reminded the other companions around him:

"Be careful."

"Don't let Annie develop too smoothly, and it will be difficult to fight."

"The combination of their stone men and Annie's mid-game team battle bo is very powerful."


It's easy to see this routine of the opposing lineup. Even if his Riven can easily suppress the opponent's Stoneman on the top lane, even if they don't have much development in the early stage, they can still be "unstoppable" in the mid-term with a big move. Contributing to the team battle, combined with Annie's ultimate move, is enough to pose a considerable threat to their purple army.

However, these are nothing.

What really caused a commotion and exclamation in the audience was the selection of the jungle hero on the blue side——

The mummy of mourning.


"Mumu jungle!?"

Many Internet cafe guests who had just stood in the back row on the purple side's side didn't see all the blue side's hero choices until the game progress bar interface appeared, and their eyes almost popped out:

"What the hell...what's going on with this!?"

Mumu hits the jungle.

This is indeed a choice that almost everyone in the audience did not expect.

It can even be said that in the current version of the game, jungler Mumu is rarely seen in normal player rankings, because this hero is not popular or even unpopular, and is far from being as good as jungler T1 or T1. It is in the t2 echelon and has too many flaws and weaknesses. It is too easy to be targeted in the early stage. Before level 6, it is almost weak enough that anyone can bully it.

More importantly, the jungler hero of this opponent's purple side is still the blind monk Li Sin.

Almost the most powerful jungler.

So now, in this game, the strongest jungler meets the weakest jungler. For Mumu, the early survival and development environment is almost extremely bad.

"If you are caught once or twice... Mumu's early rhythm will immediately collapse, right?"

Some Internet cafe patrons in the crowd murmured subconsciously.

Immediately there were other echoes nearby:

"Yeah, even if you don't get caught, a blind person can't catch anyone. If you come over and attack you in the jungle, there will be no pressure at all. When the jungle area is destroyed, Mumu will still be unable to play..."

Everyone is worried.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that Mumu’s jungle selection is completely problematic.

"Should Mumu be paired with Malphite, and then with Annie..."

On the purple side of the arena, Tod glanced at the hero lineup of the opposite blue side with a serious expression, and then sneered:

"That's a really good idea."


He felt that he had figured out the opponent's trick.

If we only saw Stone Man and Annie before, we only had a vague feeling that the opposing lineup seemed to have some routines in team battles, but now after seeing clearly Amumu in the jungle position on the opposite side,

The intention of the blue team's lineup has been completely exposed.

The stone man's ultimate move. Mumu’s ultimate move.

Plus an Annie ultimate move.

It is the most standard team battle ultimate move B flow.

A series of AOE group control and group damage, aiming to directly deal explosive damage with perfect coordination to instantly lock the battle situation.

It is indeed a textbook-level routine, but it also has huge flaws.

That is, as most Internet cafe guests and viewers in the audience realize at this moment, the strength of this lineup lies in the mid-term and even later stages, but in the early stage... it is almost fragile.

"Lee Qing will directly invade the jungle later."

tod sneered coldly and began to assign tasks to the jungle partners beside him:

"Let that Amumu... never think about it in this life."

Here, he no longer cares at all about whether the jungler on the opposite side is the beautiful oriental girl. The so-called pity for the beauty... is not as important as regaining his humiliated face.

The British young man in charge of the jungle position on the side also raised a cruel smile on his lips:

"rest assured."

"Leave it all to me."

It can be said that this blue team's lineup is not a big problem in theory, and it even has its own strength and routine power.

But the core and critical problem lies with Mumu in the jungle position.

It is not too difficult for Stone Man to withstand online pressure in the early stage.

Annie versus Fox, with someone's strength, it shouldn't be a problem in the minds of most viewers in the Internet cafe at this moment.

The only key -

As the controller of Mumu, whether he can survive the most difficult period in the early stage, especially when facing a hero as powerful and violent as the opponent's purple-side jungler Lee Sin.

Once Mumu's situation goes wrong, or even the early rhythm collapses, it will almost instantly affect the entire early rhythm of the blue army, and it may not be able to sustain its strength until the mid-term.

However, this—unbeknownst to everyone—is exactly the point that someone on the blue side of the stage is least worried about.

"There's a fox on the other side..."

Someone looked at the opponent's purple mid laner nine-tailed demon fox avatar icon and touched his nose:

"Then it would be better to kill a few times in the early stage. "

The girl on the side nodded slightly in agreement:

"Then I won't focus solely on development. I'll help you catch it twice."

Someone asked a question:

"Will it affect your own development?"

The girl smiled: "Okay, if you get the head for me, it won't be a loss."

Someone thought for a while and nodded: "That makes sense. I'll give the head to you later."

The two almost immediately started discussing the head allocation issue for the fox on the opposite side of the middle road... As for whether Mumu's jungler would be in a difficult situation in the early stage, it seemed that neither someone nor the girl cared at all.


It's really not a problem.

Mumu was selected, on the one hand, because the lineup can achieve a bo-coordination effect, and on the other hand, because this hero does not require much hand speed at all, it only requires the operator to have a sense of rhythm and a big-picture thinking. ——It perfectly meets the needs of a weak girl who has just had surgery.

In terms of jungle awareness and overall view...

This is really not something that someone is exaggerating about the girl who is standing in for his childhood sweetheart.

But according to his evaluation, purely in terms of jungle rhythm awareness, there are not many people in the entire national server, even in the lpl division, who can reach the level of the girl next to him.

The blind man opposite?

If this weapon can pose any real threat to the girl beside him, Mumu, then don't treat it like a passerby——

Once you are qualified, you can sign up to play professionally.

I'm sending you an update. I'm going on a business trip tomorrow morning, so it's hard to determine the update time. I'll let everyone know in advance.

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