
Chapter 1368 Can’t Beat

No matter what kind of game it is, the feeling of losing is always unpleasant.

What's more, based on the news that Lin Feng just learned from other Internet cafe customers, the current game here is still a duel due to some conflicts between the two sides, so you can imagine how the defeated party will feel.

He had lost two games in a row, and almost all of them were crushed and defeated by his opponents. In addition, the last wave of the opponent's Sword Girl's domineering five-kill sweep swept the entire field. At this time, the expressions of several boys in the blue side's arena seats were... They couldn't help but feel pale, and they struggled to cheer up, but in the end they could only lower their heads in despair.

Behind the boys, the other two girls who were companions also looked like they were about to cry.

The previous incident... can be said to have originated from the two of them.

Even if the fault lies with the British youths across from them, they can still see their fellow boys trying hard to defend them, only to be crushed by their opponents almost cruelly and mercilessly in front of so many people. The humiliation naturally made the two girls feel even more uncomfortable.

Moreover, it is a kind of unwillingness to be wronged.


The ones who clearly went too far were the British youths opposite.

But in the end, the balance of "justice" did not tip to Zhan Li's side. Instead, the British youths on the opposite side became proud and arrogant on the battlefield of Summoner's Rift.

The Internet cafe guests watching the battle could not help but show a look of sympathy and intolerance on their faces.


Seeing this kind of thing makes me feel distressed for several fellow students.

At the same time, you should know that most of the people in their Internet cafe are mainly Chinese students.

When facing those British youths, they would subconsciously feel the same hatred and hatred. They would put themselves into the situation of the boys on their side and also hope that they could win and argue.

It's a pity that the gap in strength is really too big.

A tall boy sitting in the ring seat changed his face from green to red several times. He gritted his teeth and stood up suddenly to look at the British youths opposite:

"One more round!"

Facing an opponent who had just bloodbathed them twice, to be able to challenge them like this was actually an impressive feat of courage.

This is not just a battle of tempers.

He was even trying hard to maintain the dignity of the two companion girls behind him.

Because those British young men just now did not just strike up a conversation, but almost unscrupulously tried to touch the two girls in front of the boys who were traveling with them, and they also said all kinds of dirty things on their lips. These are words that are hard to hear.

Otherwise, these boys wouldn't be so angry and fight with others on the spot.

And if you can't even stop such an extreme behavior, and you can't teach the other party a lesson...

Then what truth is there in this world!

Influenced by the first companion who took the initiative to stand up and bravely challenge again, several other Chinese boys also stood up suddenly:

"Yes! Come again!"

"One more game! Who is afraid of you anymore!"


This kind of unity and the courage to quickly regroup after defeat are enough to make people feel moved and praised.

At this time, several young British people in the arena on the other side of the ring slowly stood up. When a tall and thin young man with golden blue eyes heard such words, the corner of his mouth curled up in a slightly mocking and playful arc:


"So, do you still have the guts to come?"

"In the past two games, the lessons I gave you were not obvious enough, and you haven't realized the strength gap between us?"

This British young man was considered handsome, but his expression and tone of voice seemed frivolous and frivolous, which made people subconsciously feel disgusted.

However, even such a condescending gesture and extremely contemptuous words left everyone speechless.

Because these British young men have just proved this with two crushing and beating kills.

And this tall, thin British young man with gold and blue eyes happened to be the controller of the last sword, Princess God Pentakill, so these words coming out of his mouth are even more difficult to question and refute.

That's what it's like to become a king or lose a bandit.

Therefore, several Chinese boys could not help but feel sluggish, and then became a little discouraged again.

The two girls who were companions at the back also came up and tried to persuade him in a low voice: "Otherwise, forget it..." and "I really can't beat him."

But it would be better not to say this.

As soon as he said it, it had the opposite effect. For a few boys, it was nothing more, but to be so embarrassed in front of the two girls who were companions was unacceptable from any angle. Immediately in front of them The tall boy who stood up first was provoked and made up his mind again:

"No, we can't just let it go, these guys haven't apologized yet!"

As he spoke, he raised his head again and looked at the British young man opposite:

"Come again, for the last round!"

However, the golden young man here had no intention of buying it and sneered contemptuously:

"Do you still want to be a hero?"

"I'm sorry, you want to be abused, but we don't have the time to play house with you anymore."

However, as if he was thinking of something, the young man Jin Yingying raised his eyebrows slightly:

"never mind."

"I'll give you one last chance."

"Easy to worry, choose someone to play So1o for a round."

The tone seemed casual and careless, as if it was just a kind of alms from above, and he was not even willing to waste more time on bullying. If it was So1o, it could be solved easily in two or three minutes.

Several Chinese boys were stunned after hearing this, and then they exchanged words with each other in a solemn and low voice, and followed the previous boy's determination to speak:


"so1o, just so1o, I'll do it!"

He is the mid laner Xiao Yuren who was on the blue side just now, and he is also the one with the highest level of strength among the Chinese boys.

The golden young British man nodded indifferently:


"Mid (mid lane), right?" As he spoke, he casually turned to look at a companion beside him and said, "Jimmy, come on."

As soon as such instructions and arrangements were made, the tall boy here who decided to go on the field couldn't help but be startled and questioned:

"Isn't he your assistant just now?"

And the young Jin Yingying laughed, with an indescribable playful mockery on his face:

"Yes, you have a good memory."

"But we think it's enough to let him deal with you."

As soon as these words came out.

Not only did the tall Chinese boy couldn't help but change his expression, but there was a low uproar among the people watching the game in the Internet cafe.


This is really looking down on people.

One side is a full-time mid laner, but the other side actually just sends an assist to guest mid lane against so1o.

He almost doesn't take people seriously at all.

Next to them, Lin Feng and An Xin were also communicating in a low voice:

"It's quite arrogant, but I think I'll still win."

"Yes, if you dare to be so confident and let your support come out and play so1o with the mid laner here, you must be confident enough. And the support just now is actually at least 3 diamond 2 and above. It may not be impossible for the mid laner to play."

Lin Feng nodded in agreement:

"No one is good at more than one position these days."

He himself is the most typical example.

Main mid laner.

But the top laner, jungler, and auxiliary adc can still be played casually.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around nine o'clock. Go away and continue typing. ...

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