
Chapter 1356 Don't Mind Ending

It's like a famous sketch about "selling abductees" a long time ago.

The honest and honest fat man was fooled into a daze, and in desperation he directly called out a price, followed by the big flicker who immediately insisted on a quick "deal".

The situation is very similar to the scene in the booth in the coffee shop at the moment.

A moment ago, it was Bullet who became more annoyed and saddened by watching the video files one by one, and the pair of unmarried couples on the opposite side sang together, which made him gritted his teeth and shouted "You don't care, I'll take care of it" almost without thinking.

In the next second, No. 1 almost smiled without any hesitation and immediately said "you come, you come".

There is hardly a half-second pause in between.

Answer the call quickly.

There is simply no time for people to respond to their senses.

So Bullet couldn't help being stunned for a moment when he heard it, and then when he realized something, his gaze became sharp again and he looked coldly at No. 1 sitting opposite him:

"Good calculation."

"I fell into your trap again."

"Where is there——" No. 1 waved his hands politely and modestly: "Everyone takes what they need, and everyone takes what they need."

Bullet's face turned cold and indifferent:

"So... this girl is Chinese?"

Number One laughed: "Of course, otherwise, what do you think?"

Shaking his head indifferently, as if he had guessed the answer a long time ago, Bullet showed a bit of sarcasm:

"You and Lee Do-jae are both the same, each one has a dirtier heart than the other."

At this time, he already clearly understands the current situation. Even if he takes over the girl in the video he just watched as his successor, it is absolutely impossible for him to have absolute control like he did. Even if she spends all her time cultivating this girl, she still won't be able to keep it in all likelihood.

In other words, it would be cheaper for nothing, the damn guy sitting opposite him at the moment.


It is to make China's LPL competition area cheaper.

He didn't even have the extravagant hope that he could force this girl to stay in their North American division in the end, because it was absolutely impossible for the guy sitting opposite him at the moment to let this kind of thing happen.

That is...

He is going to make a wedding dress for someone for nothing.

"You can't say that."

No. 1 sat up a little bit, with a serious look on his face: "At most, everyone just takes what they need, and in my opinion, you don't have to lose at all, right?"

Bullet sneered: "Oh? It's not a loss for me to give you a four emperors in the LPL division at that time?"

The sarcasm in his tone was undisguised.

And the information revealed in the words is also scary enough.

Sending a Four Emperors for nothing...

It means that for him, as long as Tang Bingyao is guided* in his hands, the upper limit of future strength can almost reach the level that all professional e-sports players dream of.

Number one shrugged:

"But, you have earned an heir."

"What could be more important than this?"

It seems to be a bit of a quibble, because it is clear that the other party is the one who has to contribute and the one who benefits in the end is his own side, but he can still say this plausibly.

But it happened that these words fell here, but they seemed to hit the nail on the head.

The bullet is silent.

After a while, the icy aura on his body finally subsided and returned to normal. Looking at No. 1, he said lightly:

"Before I agree, I have one more condition."

No. 1 corrected his posture and looked calm:

"Of course, you say."

Bullet said: "I need to see her with my own eyes."

Very reasonable request.

In fact, at this point, the legendary existence of the previous generation in North America has basically made up his mind about 80%, but it still needs a final confirmation.

So No. 1 heard a smile on his face:

"no problem."

"She will arrive in England tonight, tomorrow at the latest, and I will take her to see you."


After discussing the business, then there is no need to waste time on the rest. The thoughtful and thoughtful No. 5 left the table one step ahead of time and went to the counter to pay the bill. Before leaving, Bullet turned around and looked at the Number one glance:

"So you still have a plan."

"To this new generation."

Maybe other people don't think too much, but it is enough for Bullet to vaguely guess the outline of the No. 1 plan in this short period of time.

An adc who has brought out at least seven kings and even stabilized into the realm of four emperors through the hands of his bullet.

But it definitely won't just be stuffed in by randomly finding a team after bringing it up, otherwise it would be too wasteful.

There must be more careful planning and arrangements.

Number One laughed and admitted calmly without concealing:


"Thanks to you, I should be able to perfectly fill one of the core C positions of the team."

Bullet raised his eyebrows: "The other C position, if I remember correctly, the kid you brought out called Maple back then was defeated by Li Daozai's successor."

There was still a hint of mockery in his tone.

After all, this is also rare.

After all, in their generation, almost no one was able to truly frustrate the man in front of him.

"That fellow Li Daozai has never defeated you. I didn't expect his descendant to overwhelm your apprentice."

Speaking of this matter, Bullet's tone was rarely malicious and gloating.

Number one shrugs:

"It's not too early to speak."

"Who overwhelmed whom... There are others to see."

Although it was just a casual sentence, it made Bullet narrow his eyes slightly: "That brat...is coming back too?"

No. 1 smiled: "Of course he has to regain the place he lost by himself back then."

Bullet nodded slowly, but shook his head again:

"This time, it may not be so easy."

"That little guy surnamed Han has almost reached a height that is infinitely close to ours back then—of course, he may be a bit behind you, but as long as he is given a little more time, this new generation may be his. world."

As he spoke, he paused and looked at number one:

"From what I heard, next year... seems to be a very important year for you?"

"But a lot of old and immortal things have also come out."

"Soon it will be time for the demons to dance wildly."

"Based on the many troubles you made in the circle back then, I imagine that many old people will come here with malicious intentions to stir up trouble this time. After all, if you can ruin your plan on 'that matter'... . . . for them, it is the happiest revenge on you."

The expression on No. 1's face was still calm and calm, just smiling:

"Let them come."

"The grievances and grievances of e-sports should be resolved on the field. I have no objection to using the strength to talk about the competition."


"Limited to fair duels on the field."

"If someone wants to do something else behind the scenes... I don't mind playing with them after the game."

When he said the last sentence, the man who stood at the top of the world for two whole generations still had a calm smile on his face, but there was a smile in his face that almost made Bullet standing in front of him unable to stop feeling nervous. The shock was cold and murderous.

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