
Chapter 1353 Come

The fate of offending a young girl is often doomed to be bad.

Lin Feng, who knew this very well, immediately moved away from An Xin the second he gave the last comment, to avoid the desperate battle royale that might happen at any time.

Speaking of it, it happened to be lucky that the young girl is still a patient who just finished the operation, after all, she doesn't have the energy to chase and kill someone in various ways.

But that's where the problem is.

Because the girl doesn't need to chase someone with her teeth and claws at all, she just stands there weakly and looks at someone with a pitiful and weeping look...

A certain person could only bite the bullet and obediently resign himself to his fate and walk back step by step.

Then he obediently sent himself back to the girl.


He sent his ears to the girl's hands.

"Oh, yeah, it hurts, it hurts... it hurts... it hurts—"

Lin Feng bared his teeth for a while, his head was almost tilted, his ears were still pinched by An Xin's two slender white fingers and were about to turn red, so he could only keep begging for mercy.

An Xin raised her eyebrows: "Is it wrong?"

Someone gasped in pain: "Wrong, wrong."

"Where is it wrong?"

"You are beautiful, you are the most beautiful!"

"It's more or less the same~" With a soft snort, the girl let go of her two deadly fingers contentedly, and then stretched out her hand and patted someone's head with a sweet smile: "Be obedient, there's no need to suffer, right? ?”

Someone covered his ears with lingering fear: "Yes yes yes..."

After walking for a while, the two of them sat down and rested on the lawn slope by the river bank. Across the Mersey River, they could see the scenery on the opposite bank, which was the direction of the city, and there were rows of British-style buildings with the same red bricks and gray tiles. Overlapping, I vaguely saw occasional people in twos and threes walking or jogging morning exercises on the opposite river bank.

The atmosphere is peaceful and peaceful.

"It doesn't look like a big city at all." Lin Feng commented.

An Xin, who was sitting next to someone, answered with a smile: "Yes,

The pace of life and work in Manchester City is very slow. It is definitely different from Shanghai. If I really want to say it, it is a bit like Hangzhou or Chengdu. "

As she spoke, she paused, and then changed the topic: "But London is different, and the temperament of Shanghai is much closer."

Lin Feng nodded in agreement.


And he has personal experience of this point. When he came to Europe to play the world finals in the S1 season, he stayed in London, and he felt completely different from Manchester where he is now.

"Speaking of which...it's quite surprising that the first round of this year's group stage is played in Manchester City instead of London." Lin Feng added.

An Xin smiled: "It's also the initiative of the Manchester city government. After all, e-sports has become more and more popular now, and it has more and more the temperament of traditional sports such as football and basketball. Undertaking such an event will have a great impact on the local city." There will be great benefits and benefits in all aspects of economic tourism.”

Lin Feng had a look of approval on his face.

Apart from other things, at least in terms of tourism, the holding of the S-Series World Finals will definitely attract a large number of players and tourists to rush to the corresponding city where the event is held to watch the game, as he did before he left for Manchester City. When I was at Shanghai Pudong Airport, I met many players who also bought air tickets and wanted to come here.

In addition, major professional team clubs will also receive cooperation invitations from many local cities and even the National Tourism Administration, and will also shoot some short promotional videos related to local travel in addition to participating in the preparations for the competition. We promote and promote local tourism characteristics.

There is no doubt that it can bring a wave of growth to the tourism industry of local national cities.

"It's the group stage in two days."

Lin Feng suddenly remembered: "By the way, since you're recovering well now, it's okay to go to the scene then, and when the people from the three teams come over later, I guess I have to help practice with you again. "

There is no doubt that the most important thing that came to Manchester City this time has been resolved, so Lin Feng still has other serious things to do. After all, if he can help the three teams in his own LPL division in this World Finals If a little effort can have an effect, he is still very willing.

And An Xin also nodded with a smile:

"Of course."

"It's rare that it happens to be in the group stage of Manchester City, so I must watch it."

"And didn't we agree last night, this time Eleven and Ah Tian will come over, and I haven't seen them for a long time."

Having said that, the girl paused:

"As well as Tangtang and A Zeng... It's been a long time since we saw each other."

Then she looked at Lin Feng:

"By the way, did you go back and call Tangtang last night?"

A certain person was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses, and scratched his hair in embarrassment: "Ah... I forgot."


When he was in the ward last night, he was told to apologize to Tangtang, but he completely forgot about it when he returned to the hotel because he was too excited.

An Xin looked at Lin Feng helplessly, and shook his head:

"Forget it, I also did something bad... Tangtang also called me before, but I didn't answer when the phone was turned off, and I forgot to reply to the message afterwards."

As she spoke, she urged:

"Then hurry up and call one now, or you won't know how worried Tangtang is and how much she blames herself."

When Lin Feng knew his mistake, he corrected it, and nodded immediately:


"Here we go!"

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed Tang Bingyao's phone number, but soon a mechanical voice from customer service came from the receiver, "The number you dialed has been turned off", which made him stunned for a while, and looked up at Tang Bingyao. Anxin:

"Shut down."

An Xin also couldn't help being startled:

"Shut down?"


at the same time.

Domestically, Shanghai Pudong International Airport, the time has come to early four in the afternoon.

Walking across the corridor bridge and boarding the plane with a ticket, found a seat in the business class in the front row and sat down. Tang Bingyao, who had turned off her mobile phone early, sat on the seat, pursed her lips and looked out the window anxiously. Zeng Rui's voice came from the side :


"No matter how anxious we are, we can't do anything else now."

The girl turned her head and stared blankly at her companion and friend beside her:

"But, what if Baozi..."

Before finishing speaking, Zeng Rui shook his head and interrupted:

"Will not."

"It's nothing in case."

As he said that, Zeng Rui took a deep breath: "Baozi...will definitely not be knocked down by this little thing."

It seems to be encouragement and persuasion to the companions around me, but it also seems to be comfort to myself.

Tang Bingyao paused, then nodded seriously:


"Baozi... no problem!"

The girl clenched her fists tightly, as if this would bring her more confidence and support.

Still at the same time—

United Kingdom, Manchester.

The morning sun shines on a coffee shop in the center of the city.

In a small booth in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows facing the street, two people, No. 1 and No. 5, were sitting in front of an antique wooden table. The former turned to look at his fiancée and made another confirmation: "Have you sorted out the videos last night? Have the most representative videos been put in the mobile hard drive?"

"Okay, okay," No. 5 looked at No. 1 reproachfully: "You just watched me transfer it to the hard disk before going out in the morning. How many times have you asked me?"

Number One smiled awkwardly:

"Hey... It's more reassuring to confirm again."

"Otherwise, when that guy comes later, he thinks I'm joking with him again, and I can't bear to get mad on the spot."

Number five shook his head helplessly: "I really don't know how you offended him before..."

"Small things, small things..." No. 1 waved his hands haha, and then his eyes swept across the direction of the entrance of the coffee shop not far away, and his eyes suddenly brightened: "Hey, here we come!"

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