
Chapter 1350 Good Night

It is also really necessary to understand someone's mood at the moment.

After all, just recently, even before he rushed to St. Edinson's Hospital tonight and saw his childhood sweetheart girl in the ward, he was still in a state of extreme tension. , almost collapsed in despair.

But now...

It means that all the burdens of pressure are all unloaded in an instant.

The whole person is really completely light and light like lying on cotton.

How should I describe this feeling? Maybe it’s like a professional player has finished a tough game and finally won the victory after all the ups and downs. The audience cheered and applauded like thunder. Congratulations and applause, teammates and coaches excitedly hugged and celebrated, but you leaned softly on the back of the e-sports chair by yourself, lazily contented and didn't want to move.


This is also not a precise description.

Because someone in the hotel room seemed to have had chicken blood at the moment.

Obviously his body should be extremely tired after a night of running around, but he just can't feel it at all, and he is even mentally excited.

No sleepiness.

Especially when he thought that he could go to the hospital to see his childhood sweetheart girl again in the morning, and the two of them could even go out to visit Manchester City together, Lin Feng couldn't help but sat up from the bed again, his eyes were shining brightly.

Hey, really...how did he become like this?

Isn't it buns?

Why did it look like something? My childhood sweethearts grew up together, and I’ve known them for a long time. When I was still in high school, I was sometimes dragged by Baozi to go shopping. He would always be lazy and find excuses to avoid going. Why, it's only been half a year, and he's so excited and looking forward to it because of such a trivial matter?

Someone is trying to seriously criticize and self-criticize.

But in the next second, these meaningless thoughts were thrown far into the back of his mind.

Check the time on your phone again.

It was early in the morning.

It's already the second day.

Then it will be dawn in a few hours, and I can go to the hospital again, so I don't need to sleep at all, right?

Lin Feng stood up straight away, and decided not to sleep, but it didn't seem to be a problem to just do this and wait to waste time. After all, he had to find some other way to pass the time.

What to do, what to do...

Someone stood up and walked back and forth in the hotel room, then his eyes lit up:


This time he brought his laptop.

Anyway, if you can't sleep, start a game and play two ranked games?

And with his current state of mind, which can be called full and bursting with excitement, he feels that even if he directly goes to the S-League, he can kill all directions and sweep the area, open a game and go to the passerby to play the ranking... and easily crush him. A point.

As soon as he thought of it, he did it. A certain person rushed to carry his schoolbag and took out his laptop, put it on the table, and then excitedly prepared to turn it on.


next moment.

Just as the laptop was powered on, Lin Feng's cell phone suddenly rang.

Lin Feng was stunned, and subconsciously looked at the lit phone screen, and almost jumped up again——

It's a message from Baozi!

Hastily opened WeChat, clicked into the chat window, and saw a voice message from the girl. Full of curiosity and anticipation, someone carefully tapped the voice message with his finger.

Then the voice starts playing.

The girl's melodious voice came clearly from the handset of the mobile phone:

"Big idiot, don't think about playing games and staying up late."

"If I find out, you will die."

Lin Feng's hands trembled when he heard it, and he was almost so shocked that he didn't throw the phone out. Then he looked at the finished voice message on the screen of his phone in shock, as if he had seen a ghost——

Hello, what's the situation?

Did this woman install a monitor in his room? How could she even know about this kind of thing? He just wanted to turn on the computer!

For a moment, he looked around in amazement and looked at the ceiling in the room. After confirming that there should be no problem for a long time, Lin Feng carefully picked up the phone again, turned on the microphone, and responded with a message:

"Hey, I don't know what you're talking about, I'm already asleep! Speaking of which, why aren't you asleep!"

Soon the girl at the other end of the chat window replied with a voice:

"I just finished washing up and was about to go to bed. I just suddenly thought that some idiots might be so excited that they would not be able to sleep all night because they had to meet again tomorrow morning, and they had to pass the time by playing queue, so I specially reminded you. .”

A certain person was sweating slightly on his forehead, but he still replied with a stiff voice:

"Stop joking, okay, you really think it's the roundworm in my stomach, I'm going to sleep in bed after washing up!"

In the chat window, An Xin sent another voice, with a smiling tone:

"Oh? That's the best."

"But...if I see you with dark circles under your eyes tomorrow morning..."

He didn't finish his sentence, deliberately prolonging the tone.

Then another photo was sent in the chat window, and the moment someone saw the content of the photo clearly, someone's hair shuddered and his scalp went numb:

That is……

Pretty familiar.

The girl's slender and fair hand held a bright paring knife that looked more familiar.

Immediately after the photo, An Xin sent another text message:

"You know what I mean?"

Behind the text is a friendly smiling expression, with an unspoken sense of danger and threat.

A certain person had a cold war, and almost instantly reached out and snapped the laptop that had just been turned on for a second to shut down and close the lid, then rushed back to the bed and lay down, curled up under the quilt, typed the last message on the phone screen——

"Good night!"


early morning.

The morning light flooded into the floor of the hotel room through the curtains like a waterfall, and also fell on the soft and comfortable white bed.

The bed was empty, leaving only the lifted quilt.

There was a rustling sound of running water in the bathroom, and the bathroom door was quickly opened from the inside, and Lin Feng, who had just finished washing quickly, rushed out from inside.

wear clothes.

Blow dry your messy, wet hair.

Looking in the mirror, I stared wide-eyed and tried to distinguish whether there were any traces of dark circles on my face. After repeated confirmations, someone finally felt relieved. Fortunately, I fell asleep when I touched the bed last night. I won't be caught by Baozi today, otherwise even if I am not afraid of her, but that woman has a murder weapon in her hand, so I have to be cowardly...

Broken in my heart.

However, Lin Feng, who was looking in the mirror, couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face, and his mood became more and more excited uncontrollably.

a new day.

The weather in Manchester City is no longer cloudy and rainy in the past few days, and it is rare and sunny.

And later... he will see Baozi again!

Before going out, he did some sorting. When he picked up his phone, Lin Feng saw a few messages, two of which were from Mo Sheng and Su Xue. They were talking about the same thing. They seemed to have an appointment early in the morning. I want to go out together and take the time to go shopping before the work of the finals has started.

The other one was sent by No. 5. The message said that I would go out with No. 1 today to meet someone to do something, and told him to remember to take good care of Baozi.

Well, everyone is very busy today?

Lin Feng rubbed his chin, then picked up his mobile phone and quickly replied to several messages, and then breathed a sigh of relief——


Set off!

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