
Chapter 1345 Interested?

He said "wait a moment", but in fact, No. 1 didn't make No. 5 wait too long.

Because after he took out his mobile phone and dialed a string of mysterious phone numbers, from the moment the call was connected to when he put the phone to his ear and just said "hello" to the person on the other end...

It only lasted no more than 10 seconds in total.

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to hang up the phone with a "snap" the moment he heard the sound.

Only No. 1 was left standing there holding the phone in a daze.

The atmosphere is rarely awkward.

Seeing his fiancé's appearance, No. 5 couldn't help being slightly astonished, and became even more curious and confused: "Who did you call, didn't you answer?"

She didn't think about other possible directions for a while.

On the other hand, the embarrassment on the face of No. 1 became more intense when asked, and he coughed: "It's connected... the other end just hung up when it was connected."

Number Five raised his eyebrows: "Who?"

Number one coughed again: "bullet."

"Ah—" Finally, No. 5 let out a low exclamation: "Are you calling him?"

But then she quickly came to her senses and came back to her senses: "Did you get the contact information from No. 3?"

As for why you want to call the other party, there is no need to ask more questions, because No. 5 still clearly remembers the topic she and her fiancé had talked about before - about... Tang Bingyao's style of play and their old man from the previous generation in North America. Opponents are quite similar topics.

So the purpose of the call made by number one at this time is self-evident.

No. 1 nodded: "The third brother gave me the number a while ago, but this is the first time I'm calling. I want to see if that guy has arrived in the UK this time."

No. 5 showed a sober look, and then asked again: "Then why did you hang up just now?"

"This..." No. 1 touched his nose uncomfortably: "Well, maybe the signal is not good."

Number five urged: "Then call one more."

She is also very concerned about this matter,

Because she also loves this girl Tang Bingyao very much, and hopes that she can go better and further on the road of ADC.

And even though with her level of strength, it is definitely more than enough to guide girls, even if any top professional ADC player in the world's professional e-sports circle finds out, they will fight hard to get a chance for her to personally guide them.

However, it's a pity that her style of play is not the same as Tangtang's.

If you want to give pointers, of course you can give pointers.

But she is not the most suitable candidate after all.

But if it was the one from the previous generation in North America, it would be completely different.

Because even at the level of No. 5's strength, even the previous generation where the gods competed couldn't find a few top powerhouses who could compete with her, but the one in North America was the only one who even had her in many years. At the same level, you should sincerely admire and even feel ashamed.

The opponent's strength is not inferior to hers at all, even faintly stronger.

And just in terms of playing style, the style of attacking aggression and personal carry ability to the unprecedented extreme level, and it just fits perfectly with Tang Bingyao's style.

It is the most ideal to impeccable master candidate.

If this matter can be done and the other party agrees to help, No. 5 can directly confirm and firmly believe that Tangtang's future professional gaming path will definitely surprise and shock the entire professional gaming circle in the world. The realm of the emperor may not be an obstacle for that girl.


The premise is that the one in North America...that is, Bullet is willing to help.


At the urging of his fiancée, No. 1 dialed the string of phone numbers just now again.

beep - beep - beep -

Connect again soon.

However, after No. 1 only had time to say "hello", the other end hung up the phone again with a "snap".

Meeting No. 5's increasingly suspicious gaze, No. 1 coughed dryly:

"Hmm... That guy probably doesn't answer strange calls very well."

Then he dialed out the phone for the third time, and this time, the moment the phone was connected, he hurriedly spoke: "Wait! Don't hang up—it's me..."

However, this time, the other party's voice finally came from the other end of the phone.

An extremely cold voice that seemed to have no emotion at all.

"I know it is you."

"So stop harassing me."


Another "snap" and hung up the phone.

The hotel room fell into silence, and the atmosphere became more solidified and awkward.

No. 5 looked at her fiancé strangely: "Did you... have any holidays before?"

No. 1 showed a bit of embarrassment, and said to him from left to right: "Ah, I don't remember, that guy doesn't know why he took gunpowder. It's rare for an old friend to contact him to talk about the past. He is so unfamiliar hahaha——"

Shaking his head helplessly, Number Five stretched out his hand to Number One:

"Give me the phone."

Then he took the phone from his fiancé, glanced at No. 5 again, took the phone to the side, and dialed the string of numbers just now, followed the call, as if smiling at the other end of the phone After saying a few words, she finally walked back and handed the phone back to No. 1, with a relaxed tone:

"Take it."

"it's OK now."

No. 1 carefully picked up the phone again and turned on the speakerphone: "Hello?"

The voice of Bullet on the other end of the phone came again coldly, but fortunately this time, he finally did not hang up the phone directly:

"For 005's sake, I'll give you a minute."

No. 5 slightly raised his eyebrows at No. 1, and silently made a gesture of "You're welcome" with a smile on his face.

On the other hand, No. 1 gave a thumbs up to his fiancée, then put his mind away and said to the bullet on the phone with a smile:

"Hey old man, we haven't seen each other for a long time, haven't we?"

Bullet on the other end of the phone ignored the polite beginning and reminded coldly:

"Fifty seconds."

Being choked again, No. 5 next to him couldn't help covering his mouth and sniggering, but No. 1 didn't have time to be embarrassed and hurriedly continued:

"All right, all right, don't talk about anything else."

"Have you come to England this time, Manchester City?"

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, and Bullet spoke after a while:


No. 1's eyes lit up slightly: "That's great! How about having time tomorrow? Let's meet and talk about something?"

Bullet sneered:

"What else can we talk about?"

Listening to the unabashed mocking tone on the other end of the phone, No. 1 didn't take it seriously: "Of course there is—speaking of which, if I'm not mistaken, you recently trained an apprentice in North America, right?"

Bullet snorted coldly and did not answer.

On the other hand, Number One went on to say:

"Looking at the game video of that little guy, you can guess the number of ways you brought out."

"It is true that you have inherited more than half of your style of play, and your talent is still good."

The bullet on the other end of the phone interrupted coldly:

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Feeling the impatience on the other end of the phone, Number One laughed:

"Take it easy, my friend."

"If I say—"

"I found a seedling that is more suitable for accepting your inheritance?"

"Are you interested?"

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