
Chapter 1336 Do you want to eat apples?

The taxi finally stopped in front of St. Edinson's Hospital.

Hastily took out the money from his pocket and threw it to the driver beside him without even looking at the exact amount on the banknote. Lin Feng opened the car door and stumbled down. Behind him was the Mexican driver who opened the car window again and rushed at him. Yelling:

"Hey my friend, you're giving too much—"

But at this time, Lin Feng could not hear the call behind him at all.

He raised his head and stared blankly at the quiet and solemn building of St. Edinson's Hospital in front of him in the night.

Then the line of sight moved down a little bit.

It landed on the side of the stone pillar in front of the main gate of the hospital, on the man who lowered his head and cared about smoking a cigarette.

Number three looked up:


Lin Feng walked up the steps in a numb subconscious mind, then looked at Senior No. 3 in front of him: "Senior, are you all there?"

When the words came out of his mouth, he realized that his throat seemed to be a little hard and dry.

"Yes, they are all there."

It wasn't No. 3 in front of him who made the sound. No. 1 walked out from the shadow behind the stone pillar and came to Lin Feng at some point. With a complex expression on his face, he stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder:

"It's been a long journey."

Lin Feng looked at No. 1 in a daze, then raised his head to look at the gate of the tall hospital main building:

"This is... Seniors, are you hiding something from me?"

No. 1 and No. 3 were silent.

Lin Feng tried hard to take a breath, and when he looked at No. 1 again, his eyes were slightly red:

"This kind of thing."

"Senior, you shouldn't hide it from me."

No. 1 was silent again, and then let out a sigh: "But you still guessed it after all, didn't you?"

The night was quiet.

The sound of the rain gradually stopped until it was no longer audible.

In the sky, the cold moonlight fell from behind the clouds again, coating the St. Edinlon's hospital building with a faint glow, but it looked cold and temperatureless.

Lin Feng's throat moved, and it took him a while to speak again with difficulty:

"Bun, she..."

"how is it now?"

No. 1 was silent, while No. 3 next to him raised his jaw to indicate the direction of the hospital:

"Instead of asking us—"

"Why don't you go and see for yourself."

Hearing this, he took a deep breath again, and Lin Feng glanced at the two seniors who he respected and even admired in front of him, gritted his teeth and said:


After finishing speaking, he ignored the two people in front of him, turned around and hurried towards the hospital with big strides.

And watching the figure of someone disappearing in the corridor in a hurry, No. 3 in front of the stone pillar at the door suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth, took another puff comfortably with the cigarette between his fingers, and tsk-tsk:

"This kid...it's rare to show such a face to us."

Number One shook his head and glanced at his old friend beside him:

"Xiao Wu is right.


"You should smoke less."

The atmosphere seemed to suddenly become strangely relaxed.


Remembering the specific address that Su Xue told him on the phone earlier, Lin Feng kept saying "fourth floor, end of the corridor, intensive care ward" in his mind, and opened the elevator door to go in.

Select the fourth floor and press the button.

The elevator doors close.

all the way up.

The slight sense of weightlessness seemed to add to the strong uneasiness in his heart. At this moment, Lin Feng felt that he even had some difficulty breathing, as if his heart was tightly held by an invisible giant hand and he couldn't breathe.

I don't know how long it took, but finally with a "ding dong", the elevator door slowly opened again.

The fourth floor is here.

When he was about to step out of the elevator again, Lin Feng staggered suddenly and almost didn't fall. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and supported the wall beside him to stand still, but he found that his legs were actually a little weak.

It was as if the strength of the whole person had been sucked out, and he was so light that he couldn't exert his strength at all.

My mind was also muddled.

Subconsciously took another step.

Walk forward step by step.

Go through the hallway.

Gradually, one could see faint lights on the side at the end of the corridor, and when he got closer, Lin Feng saw two figures who seemed to be standing in front of a ward door not far away.

Su Xue and No. 5 stood there like that.

It seemed as if they had been quietly waiting for his arrival.

Lin Feng stepped forward, met the gazes of the two, waved and greeted them reluctantly:

"Sister Xue."

"Little Miss Wu."

Su Xue glanced at him with a complicated expression, hesitated to speak, but finally lowered her head and said nothing, while No. 5 looked at him softly, and said softly:

"Xiaofeng, don't blame us."

"Some things... I really didn't know how to tell you at first."

Lin Feng lowered his head and remained silent for a while, then slowly raised his head to look at No. 5 again: "But, you will know after all, won't you?"

Number five was stunned by the question, and it took a long time before he let out a soft sigh.

Lin Feng turned his head and looked at the door of the ward in front of him. There was a striking "Intensive Care Ward" sign on the wall beside the door. Then he looked at Su Xue and No. 5 in front of him again, and spoke with difficulty:

"Is it inside?"

Su Xue pursed her lips tightly and nodded.

And the more such a reaction attitude, the more Lin Feng's mood couldn't help sinking, and he forced himself to support himself again, with one last hope:

"Is she... okay?"

Number five said softly:

"Go in and see for yourself."

Hearing this, Lin Feng turned his head to look at the ward again. The window by the wall was covered by the hanging curtain, so he couldn't see the situation in the ward clearly, but there was a faint light shining through. He was silent for a while, nodded slowly and walked to the door of the ward .

He reached out and grabbed the doorknob.

Obviously, it only needs a slight twist to open it, but at this moment the doorknob is in Lin Feng's hands, as if it is hard to twist it like a huge boulder.

He backed off a little.

Originally, he came all the way overnight and traveled all the way, but at this moment, standing in front of the ward door, only one door away from the childhood sweetheart girl in the ward, he couldn't help feeling fear and embarrassment. Withdrawal mood.

There was a slight imperceptible tremor in the hands.

Because he is afraid.

He didn't know what kind of scene it was in the ward.

He was afraid that what he saw when he opened the door would be something he dared not see and could not accept.

But finally.

Lin Feng took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and turned the doorknob hard.


Carefully and lightly pushed the door and entered.

Accompanied by the smell of alcohol disinfectant, what caught the eye was a clean and tidy ward.

There was a young girl on the white hospital bed.

The hospital gown on his body looked a little loose, and his long black hair fell down on his shoulders.

Even if only half of the profile is seen, under the soft light, there is still a beauty that makes people's hearts sway and tremble.

The girl was sitting in front of the bed covered with half a quilt.

Holding an apple in hand.

He lowered his head and gnawed carefully and intently.

Although someone opened the door slightly, the girl on the hospital bed still looked up towards the door as if aware of it.

Just in line with someone's eyes.

Time seemed to stand still for a moment.

After a short pause, the girl waved her hand at someone in front of the door with her normal expression:


"Eat an apple?"

As he said that, he shook the apple in the other hand at someone again as if asking.

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The update is here, the next chapter will be later, and I am still working, so let me tell you in advance. ...

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