
Chapter 1322 Can't Wait

In this circle, everyone is doomed not to have a moment of leisure.

Just as most people in the outside world misunderstand an organization like the e-sports association as a place where there is nothing to do, in fact, when you go inside, you will find that almost everyone in the entire e-sports association is busy with work and looks in a hurry.

As the vice president of the branch of the Shanghai Electronics Association, Chu Fangnan needs to assume the duties of a big housekeeper, handling and reviewing all the tedious work details for the subordinates, and organizing and coordinating the reports for the superiors.

As for the top person in charge of the branch at Fang Hao's level, it seems that Lei Xian only needs to assign all the work to the subordinates one by one, but in fact, the work requires even more energy than everyone else. Big is also more important.

At his level, what needs to be considered is no longer a simple one or two games, even the championship and runner-up of the S-series league specification, but to work hard to find a bigger way out for Chinese e-sports at a higher level .

That's why there is an active communication and connection with the higher-level existence.

Only then will there be arrangements for "that matter".

After countless days and nights of hard work, it seems that I finally see the hope that everything will come true. When everything seems to be going smoothly step by step, there will always be variables.

Perhaps this is the so-called good things take a long time.

It is indeed helpless.

Because of what he and the top few members of the China E-sports Association are trying to push forward, they are destined to encounter countless difficulties and resistance in this domestic environment.

Can't fight back, just accept and keep trying to find a solution.

At this moment, this method has already been said from Fang Hao's mouth.

"Declaration of war on... the whole world?"

Chu Fangnan, who was the only audience in the office at the moment, couldn't help but be a little dizzy from the shocking news:

"This, this is also..."

"It's too difficult." Fang Hao had already helped Chu Fangnan continue the conversation, his eyes were deep: "Of course it's difficult, but the road we're walking... can't be easy in the first place."

"And this is our last straw and the only way now."

The people above are unpredictable.

A sudden change of attitude was enough to make them tense up.

They are outsiders who don't know how to do it, and many things they say are simply arrogant and unreasonable to them, but even so, they can only choose to try their best to cater to them, and rack their brains to find a way to complete the above. It's just a task that comes down from generation to generation.


They need "that thing" too much.

Therefore, every step you take must be cautious, and you must always watch your words and make every effort to prevent the people above you from changing their minds.


The news that came over was that the voices of opposition from above had grown louder, and even the few bigwigs who supported them were a little annoyed and urged them to make achievements as soon as possible.

The fastest, of course, is the upcoming S6 finals.

But this finals want to get enough satisfactory results,

But it has almost been determined to be impossible.

Then you can guess without even thinking about it. After this finals is over, and the results of their national server LPL division are reported to the top and passed to the ears of those real bosses, the voices of opposition will definitely rise like a tide.

So they must plan for the worst from now on and find a way to stop losses immediately.

Just like what Fang Hao said at this moment——

Sounds like a second grade...

But it's actually a more scalp-numbing solution than it sounds.

Declare war on the world.

Starting from the S7 season, the LPL division of the national server will participate in all international competitions, and try to win every trophy as much as possible. Only in this way can we temporarily appease the attitude of the real bosses above .

Only then was it possible to survive until the final world finals of the final S7 season, and it was a final decision to win the championship.

And even after listening to Fang Hao explaining all the arrangements in detail, Chu Fangnan, who was the only listener, still gasped and felt extremely toothache and headache:

"Can it be done..."

Fang Hao's answer was quick: "With the current strength of the national service teams and clubs, it is basically impossible to do it."

Because of a very simple reason, since the three teams representing the strongest combat power in the national server and qualifying for the S6 finals are basically doomed to be difficult to win this year's championship, then after just one or two months, think Asking them to face the same group of opponents is just to meet again in other different arenas. Naturally, it is still impossible to suddenly increase the odds of winning.

"That's why Xiaofeng is our greatest hope and reliance."

Fang Hao slowly came to a final conclusion:

"Back then, he was the only existence in our national server who had reached that height in this new generation."

"Now...he can only and must carry the banner again."

"Everyone in the top management of the Electronic Association, including me, even Chairman Lin at the headquarters, and No. 1, have all bet on him."

Chu Fangnan frowned tightly: "I understand, but although Xiaofeng is quickly recovering his strength, if the current plan is arranged... Isn't the time too tight?"

is really too tight.

In Chu Fangnan's prediction, if he can pass the actual training of the entire regular season of S7, someone's strength and state should be steadily restored and raised to the peak level of the year, and there may even be a breakthrough. In the end, Meet the final S7 finals with the fullest state.

This is the most ideal situation.

But if...

As soon as the S7 season starts, someone is immediately required to participate in various international and world-class competitions. When they come up, they have to directly face the top teams and top players in the world's major competition areas. This is like a nightmare at the beginning of the game. Difficulty, too much pressure.

not to mention--

"It's not just Xiaofeng alone, the other members of his newly formed team also need enough time to get in touch with each other and improve their strength as much as possible."

Chu Fangnan spoke worriedly and pointed out the most critical question.

Perhaps with Lin Feng's current state of strength, even if he has not really recovered to his own golden peak, it is enough to face any opponent.

But League of Legends is a team game.

A team consists of at least five players.

At this moment, besides himself, the other members in someone's team are far from being on the same level as the former, regardless of their experience in professional games or their personal skill level.

Tang Bingyao?

Zeng Rui?

Even Li Shiyi, who was someone's partner back then, is far from reaching the standard now.

Chu Fangnan believed that if they were given enough time, they would definitely be able to grow up at an astonishing speed.

But now according to Fang Hao's plan...

Where is there still a little time for people to grow up?

It's like you don't give any opportunity to make up the knife at the beginning of a game, and you have to face an opponent with a full-level 6 god outfit at level 18 with a starting outfit at level 1!

Where can you win?

Regarding Chu Fangnan's question, Fang Hao nodded frankly without denying it at all:

"Yes, what you said is not wrong."

"Except for Eleven, at least the little girl named Tang Bingyao and the assistant Zeng Rui are not enough to reach the level of participating in world-class competitions in a short period of time."

"It will take at least one year!" Chu Fangnan interrupted and emphasized.

Fang Hao smiled:

"Well, but we can't afford to wait that long."


"Someone else has to be found, or at least someone who can meet the required standards sooner."

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The update is here, the next chapter looks like around nine o'clock, get out and continue coding. ...

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