
Chapter 1315 Good!

It is indeed true.

The most urgent task right now is to wait for the girl on the hospital bed to wake up early.

Because no matter how troublesome the current situation is, it is absolutely impossible for a young girl who is still in a coma to help the current situation.

London time, 8pm.

Su Xue, who had rushed all the way from London Railway Station to Manchester Station, finally hailed a taxi. After reporting the address of St. Edinson's Hospital, she hurriedly urged the driver to hurry up. The driver seemed to be of Mexican origin. Seeing the former with an oriental face, I was interested in chatting with her, and I didn't forget to mention that "he also just picked up a guest from China two days ago."

Su Xue in the car absent-mindedly talked to the enthusiastic Mexican driver, but frequently took out her mobile phone to check the time, and at the same time kept looking out of the car window.

Twenty minutes later, in the rainy night, the taxi finally arrived at the destination.

Su Xue, who got out of the car after checking out, looked up and saw a man leaning against the railing beside the stone pillar in front of the hospital, smoking a cigarette as if no one cared about him. The latter also noticed Su Xue, and casually put the cigarette butt beside him. After pressing the trash can, he stepped forward to meet him:

"Su Xue?"

"Waiting for you for a while, I am number three."

Su Xue suddenly realized that she recognized the man in front of her, and quickly apologized: "Oh yes——sorry, sorry for the long wait."

Indeed, to have one of the legends of the previous generation of e-sports circles in the national server wait exclusively at the hospital entrance, this kind of treatment is easily unbearable for ordinary people.

Number three waved his hand indifferently, and laughed:

"It's okay. Originally, I planned to come out to catch my breath. I figured you'd be here soon. Yihao and Xiaowu asked me to wait here for you. This place is quite big and hard to find. I'm afraid you might get lost by yourself."

After a pause, he raised his jaw to indicate the direction of the main gate of the hospital: "It's raining, let's go in first?"

"Okay, okay!" Su Xue nodded repeatedly, and as she followed No. 3 into the main building of St. Edinson's Hospital, she couldn't help but ask, "Are the rest of you there?"

Number three, who was walking in front, let out a "hmm" and answered concisely:

"It's all there."

"Yihao and Xiaowu just accompanied Baozi and her parents to the consultation room to discuss the condition and follow-up treatment plan with several doctors, and it is estimated that they will be able to come out in a while."

Su Xue nodded, and asked with concern: "Then... where is Baozi, are you awake?"

No. 3 shook his head: "Not yet, but the last operation was successfully completed, and he is out of danger for the time being. If there is no accident, he should wake up soon." But he snorted again: "This hospital It is also unreliable. It is said that this operation can directly cure the disease of other people's buns, but in the end it is still useless at all - I would say that it is better to go to the Affiliated Hospital of Heidelberg University in Germany for treatment. Disease research is not bad at all..."

His tone was full of pickiness and dissatisfaction with St. Edinson's Hospital.

And Su Xue nodded again and again, feeling the same way:

"Yes, yes!"

"I think so too,

Obviously, it was agreed before the operation, and Baozi's parents took such a big risk to sign it, but nothing was done in the end, it's too unreliable! "

The same look of indignation.

Hearing Su Xue's somewhat indignant second opinion, No. 3 raised her eyebrows and gave her an extra look in surprise, and then showed appreciation on her face:

"Do you feel the same way?"

"It seems that heroes see the same thing~"

Su Xue said modestly, "Where..."

However, the two looked at each other again, and there was actually a bit of sympathy for each other.


Passing through the corridor, the topic of conversation between the two also changed slightly, No. 3 turned his head to look at Su Xue:

"That kid is also planning to come, you know?"

Su Xue nodded, with a worried and troubled look on her face: "Well, Qiao Qiao told me when I got off the plane in London, ah, I was trying to hide it from him, but now... I can't hide it anyway."


A certain person is going to kill him on the plane and train. When he comes to Manchester City, can he still keep the news about the hospital from him?

It is impossible to hide it.

No. 3 shook his head: "That kid, his temper that gets stubborn sometimes is quite similar to mine."

There was a bit of emotion in his tone, and he couldn't tell whether he should feel relieved or worried about the next situation.

As he spoke, he turned away again:

"However, if Baozi can wake up, the problem should become easier."

"Compared to us..."

"After all, she is the only one who can cure that kid when he goes crazy."

Imagining certain scenes in her mind after someone saw the truth with her own eyes, Su Xue's mouth couldn't help but dry up: "If Baozi hasn't woken up..."

"Then prepare for the worst."

No. 3 shook his head, said something in a casual tone, walked to the elevator room and pressed the button, and the elevator door opened, and then he turned to look at Mr. Su Xue and bowed gracefully:

"The temporary ward is on the fifth floor."



The elevator came to the fifth floor and opened slowly. As soon as Su Xue and No. 3 came out, they saw the figures of No. 1 and No. 5 at the end of the corridor not far away. The two seemed to be talking softly. The movement in the room followed the prestige, seeing Su Xue's No. 5, his eyes lit up, and he walked up quickly:

"Axue, are you here?"

Su Xue smiled and walked quickly to give her new girlfriend a warm hug:

"Well, just arrived, I met No. 3 downstairs, thanks to him leading the way and leading me up."

No. 5, who hugged and separated from Su Xue, turned to look at No. 3, sniffed lightly, and then showed a bit of reproach:

"Smoking less."

Number three shrugged: "You're welcome."

While the few people were chatting, No. 1 also came up from behind, and greeted Su Xue with a smile: "The journey has been hard."

Su Xue immediately waved her hands in a panic: "No, no, I'm too relaxed compared to you guys... You've been in the hospital here for more than a day, and you haven't had a good rest, it's really hard work."

No. 1 shakes his head:

"It's nothing, after all, there is still a rest."

"I really want to say..."

He paused, and sighed a little: "The hardest thing is Baozi's parents."

Everyone present couldn't help but nodded subconsciously, showing sincere approval, and then couldn't help sighing, yes, when a daughter suffers from such a serious illness that is almost terminally ill, the hardest and most tormented ones will always be the parents, right? .

That's true. From the girl's sudden onset of illness to the present two days, almost forty-eight hours, the girl's parents hardly ever closed their eyes for a moment, and they waited bitterly outside the operating room.

"If it were me, I wouldn't be able to hold on long ago..."

Su Xue couldn't help murmuring.

Number Five next to him said softly: "Parents always show the greatest perseverance and courage when they want to protect their children."

The atmosphere became a little heavy.

Number three looked at number one: "Where are Baozi's parents?"

"They haven't rested for a long time. Just now I asked Zhou Wei to take them to the family reception office of the hospital to open a room for a little sleep. Let's take a look here and let us know if there is anything wrong. They." No. 1 replied, then turned to look at Su Xue: "How about it, if you don't feel tired, let me take you to see the buns first?"

Naturally, there is no other possibility for such a question to be answered.

Su Xue's eyes lit up immediately:


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The update is here, the next chapter will be later, so we need to get some work done first, so don't worry. ...

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